Site News

[Side-Quest]🔥Wisp Collection

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Frog

🔥Wisp Collection🔥


You hear something shatter... Oh no! Wisps are escaping... Can you gather them all?

Happy Friday the 13th.. Can you find all the prizes of the scavenger hunt? Follow the wisp above for your first hint!

Help Suteo the Whick collect wisps! Gain some fun prizes for your efforts!

This portion of the event is separate from the Wisps and Whispers art prompt! You can still gain raffle tickets from the art prompts for use in these raffles!

Collecting Wisps - 

Collect Wisps to enter these raffles!
⦿ Where to Obtain Wisps and Wisp Lanterns:

  • Complete the Wisps and Whispers art prompts (1 Lantern can be earned per prompt)
  • Complete the Costume Contest (1 Lantern can be earned per week for a unique submission to this prompt)
  • Lantern Event Shop (1 Lantern can be claimed for the duration of the event, and 1 Wisp can be claimed weekly.)
  •  More will be revealed through the course of the event... Stay tuned!  Or poke around a little bit and you may find something good...

How to use wisps and lanterns

Wisp Lanterns

Lanterns drop 1-7 wisps at equal drop rates, 10 if you're lucky! These wisps can be used for entries into the different pools detailed below. To use a lantern, open it in your inventory! Your Inventory will then be granted a number of wisps. 


To use the wisps, open them in your inventory and select which raffle you would like to enter. You may open them one at a time to enter multiple different raffles! It will automatically grant you a ticket. To view your entry, check the item itself for all of the raffles!

Using Wisps
Using Wisps
    • Go to your inventory --
    • Click on the wisp!
    • Be sure to check the box, and watch the quantity! You can select them one at a time to enter different raffles.
    • Select your desired raffle prize
    • Press Open!
    • You will be automatically entered!


These prizes will be denoted by the [Wisp Collection] Tag at the beginning of their names!
Click each prize to view masterlist entries or design examples!

Be Your Own Moon

Designer - Frog ⦿ Lineart - WellHidden



Designer/Artist - Frog4502_7mkjjy8YqU.png


x2 Touched MYOs (1T 1M 2R 2UC)

⦿ x2 Myth MYOs (1M 2R 2UC)

⦿ x10 Standard Event MYOs



x2 Touched Tickets ⦿ x3 Myth Tickets


Check out our Wisps and Whispers event! There are more ways to earn raffle tickets, and as well we have Myth trait items earnable for prompt completion, as well as a Splice design for raffle! 


Prompt 1 - Prepare for the long night

Set up decoration for the Long Night!


Prompt 2 - Unexpected visitors

Obtain your lantern! Craft, purchase, or discover what lantern you plan to use to help Suteo the Whick!

Prompt 3 - search and gather

Help gather some stray wisps using a Whick’s lantern!


Prompt 4 - Relax and celebrate

Job well done! Celebrate the Long Night after having spent so much time hunting down those wisps!


[MYO Sale] Halloween 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by WellHidden

Halloween 2023 MYO Slot Sale

[Form is filled!]


Hello everyone and happy Almost Halloween!! It’s been such a fun month thus far doing the recent events on the new site and adjusting to it all; I hope you guys have been having as much fun as we have! It’s been lovely to see so many precious entries and exciting stories from you all. There’s been so many entries already and we still have another month to go!

But now I bring you to our classic sale time of the year: the Halloween slot sales. >:3c

This year is interesting since we have items to allow standard slots with no clear species until chosen by the person who owns the item! We hope this makes it easier on everyone deciding what they’d like as they have time to try out multiple thoughts across different species and get fun ideas as they go along. I know I’m not free from suddenly changing up a species when I concept something myself KJBDSG I will often start with one and realize I have fun thoughts on how it’d be in a different species.

I’m always very thankful for the excitement towards these slots as it’s a blast to get to see what everyone creates!! It also vastly helps me out with taxes which I’m forever grateful for ;v;
I’m looking forward to the future with getting more options for slots and in general for things as we continue with the new site and all the fun things happening on it.

A link to the form and info about the raffles will all be provided below!!

OH BUT YES Expect some delay on my response times and expect my absence in the later evening!
I’m expecting to be busy the evenings of the 27th and the 28th (Friday and Saturday) so you may see some delay in my responses! 
I’ll absolutely be sure to continue to handle communication in the earlier parts of the days though!

I’ll update the very top of this post when slots seem closed!


Claiming Rules v
  • Claiming Rules:
      • You need a Skire.Club account to claim and own a MYO slot.
        Contact will be through Skire.Club on confirmation of your slot and payment method!

      • The form will be First-Come-First-Served.

      • Only one slot per person within the first 24 hours. You can have one other person help you claim a slot, but if that person wishes to claim a slot for themselves they need to resubmit the form again.

      • Slots will be Standard 1R 2UC for $100, Myth slots will be $300 for 1M 2R 2UC
        Myth MYO slots will require you to pick your species upon purchase!

      • There are 27 Standard MYO Slots for Non-Owners, 27 Standard MYO slots for Free for All with 3 Myth MYO Slots for Non-Owners and 3 Myth MYO Slots for Free for All.

      • You cannot get a myth and a standard slot within the first 24 hours; it is considered multiple! You can after 24 hours have passed.

      • After 24 hours since post, if the slots have not been filled then secondary slots will be open for people who wish to buy multiple.

        • Standard slots will be an item that allows you to pick your species at any point.

        • Myth slots must be chosen before given the slot and do not yet have a choice item!

        • As a reminder, once you choose your species you cannot reverse this decision. Only select once you are sure!

      • You will be given an item that you turn into a MYO slot once you decide your species via "opening" the item with chosen species. Please note that these items are not tradable; if you wish to buy a slot as a gift you will need to let me know in the form!
      • The species bases will be provided to you to use if you desire - they're optional though so no worries if you don't want to!

    Ownership specific:
    • If you already own at least one of any currently active Skire species (CCCat, Crook, Gravent, or Nautipod) you are considered an Already-Owner and will be entered in the FFA (Free-For-All) slot section. If you do not own any active Skire species currently you will be entered in the Non-Owner section specifically.

    • Only N/O users have their own unique section for slots, once the N/O slots have been filled, if any lingering N/Os claimed earlier than any FFA slots via timestamp, N/Os get pooled into the FFA slots.

    • Once the non-owner specific slot queue has been filled, the timestamps will be used to judge who gets the next slot in the Free-For-All sections if not already filled by the FFA-entry queue. This means a non-owner will automatically be placed into the free-for-all claim section if their timestamp allows them to have claimed before the free-for-all section has been filled.

    • You cannot get a myth and a standard slot within the first 24 hours; it is considered multiple! You can after 24 hours have passed.

    • If for any reason you input something incorrect on the form please let me know in a note when/if I contact you. Please ideally do not add a new submission as I won’t know which one is the correct one and it will be time-stamped differently on the response sheet.

    • You must be able to pay within 24 hours of me confirming you have claimed the slot successfully. (If you do not, we will move down to the next person in the queue)

    • Do not claim if you cannot pay within the 24 hours - payment plans are not accepted for these slots.

Slot Rules v
  • Slot Rules:
      • You may NOT resell the slot until it has been given an approved design or has been given requested permission for resale.

      • You may NOT trade the slot until it has been given an approved design.

      • Gifting a slot must be stated before payment is sent or upon claiming. If you wish to keep the gift anonymous/secret to the person you’re gifting it to, please tell me in the note when I ask for your paypal email to invoice.

      • After you create your Skire CS and it has been approved, you have a 2 week cooldown till you can trade/sell the character. Remember to only ever resell for what you bought it for!
        *Important to remember: Our rules have always allowed you to resell a character for higher than you bought it for if you confirm proof of purchase any commissioned pieces you personally have bought of your character with an admin.

      • There is NO time limit to complete your MYO.

      • You MAY have others help you design your slot.

      • You may also have someone design your slot for you! Please make sure they follow the rules to the slot and species, however!

      • Please: do not post your design publicly until it has been accepted/approved and has gotten its written approval by an admin! In order to get your slot approved you must note the group!!
        *If you commission someone to design your slot for you then you may show us proof of the purchased commission and have it added to your character's resale price.

      • *Your slot will NOT be approved if it is recognized to be heavily influenced by/duplicating a pre-existing character from either a personal OC or a franchise - additionally hateful themes or imagery against minorities (racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.) will not be tolerated and will not be approved and could risk you being graylisted or banned from the species.

      • If your design is approved and then found to be heavily referencing or duplicating a pre-existing character after it is approved then you may still be asked to change it after the fact. If the design changes hands and is later recognized then the creator will likely be spoken to, but the new owner of the design may not be requested to change the design as they were not the ones responsible for creating it and we don't feel it right to punish/request change from them if they don't/didn't know. This may change case-by-case depending on severity of the issue.




There will be 10 MYO slots raffled for free. These slots will allow you to also pick your species whenever. The raffle will go likely 48 hours and will start up at the same time the slots are sold. They will be 5 Non-Owner/FTO (First-Time-Owners) slots and 5 FFA slots. Free to enter and free to win! If you are a non-owner you may apply to each raffle!

Go here to look into the raffles: 

- Non-Owner Raffle: 
- Free-For-All Raffle: 

Halloween 2023 MYO Sale RUNDOWN

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by WellHidden
HELLO GUYS A lil delayed here but Halloween MYO Slot sale will be occurring on the 27th!
I think the best time for me to do this will be noon (12PM PST // 7PM UTC)
There's some changes happening this time around so let me give you the run-down.


  • Will still need a Skire.Club account to claim a slot.
  • Google form will be the method for claiming!
  • Only one slot per person within the first 24 hours. You can have one other person help you claim a slot, but if that person wishes to claim a slot for themselves they need to resubmit the form again.
  • After 24 hours since post, if the slots have not filled then secondary slots will be open for people who wish to buy multiple.
  • Naturally, someone else can pay for your slot but please inform me of this being the case on the form.
  • Slots will be Standard 1R 2UC for $100, Myth slots will be $300 for 1M 2R 2UC
  • Myth MYO slots will require you to pick your species upon purchase!
  • I will likely be contacting on-site through the Skire.Club site messaging system!
  • Standard slots will be an item that allows you to pick your species at any point. Myth slots must be chosen before given the slot and do not yet have a choice item! As a reminder, once you choose your species you cannot reverse this decision.Only select once you are sure!
  • You will be given an item that you turn into a MYO slot once you decide your species via "opening" the item with chosen species. Please note that these items are not tradable; if you wish to buy a slot as a gift you will need to let me know in the form!
  • There is no species-specific amount of slots this sale; it'll be 60 slots total with 6 of those being myth slots. 27 standard Non-Owner, 27 standard Free-For-All, 3 myth N/O, and 3 myth FFA.
  • Not technically that new, but I'll be posting the google form on the site, but also on the dA group and discord.
  • The free slot raffle will be held on-site!
  • The species bases will be provided to you to use if you desire - they're optional though so no worries if you don't want to!
“N/O” = Non-Owner, meaning you do not currently have any Skire species
“A/O” = Already-Owner, meaning you currently have at least one of any Skire species
“FFA” = Free-For-All, meaning anyone may claim these slots, including N/O users or A/O users
*"Non-Owner" is currently including users who have previously owned a CCCat/Crook/Nautipod/Gravent but does not currently. Current-Owner implies you own any Skire species.
*(We're unable to know who has been an owner and isn't right now vs. who has never owned before ever, so this is the reasoning for this separation rather than “First Time Owner”.)
  • You will need to accept the claiming rules, species rules, and rules of the MYO bases. You do so via the google form, and breaking of any of these rules may result in a ban from the species.
  • If you already own at least one of any currently active Skire species (CCCat, Crook, Gravent, or Nautipod) you are considered an Already-Owner and will be entered in the FFA (Free-For-All) slot section. If you do not own any active Skire species currently you will be entered in the Non-Owner section specifically.
  • Only N/O users have their own unique section for slots, once the N/O slots have been filled, if any lingering N/Os claimed earlier than any FFA slots via timestamp, N/Os get pooled into the FFA slots.
  • Once the non-owner specific slot queue has been filled, the timestamps will be used to judge who gets the next slot in the Free-For-All sections if not already filled by the FFA-entry queue. This means a non-owner will automatically be placed into the free-for-all claim section if their timestamp allows them to have claimed before the free-for-all section has been filled.
  • All slots are claimed via First-Come, First-Served and will be selected by timestamp order.
  • You cannot get a myth and a standard slot within the first 24 hours; it is considered multiple! You can after 24 hours have passed.
  • If for any reason you input something incorrect on the form please let me know in a note when/if I contact you. Please ideally do not add a new submission as I won’t know which one is the correct one and it will be time-stamped differently on the response sheet.
  • You must be able to pay within 24 hours of me confirming you have claimed the slot successfully. (If you do not, we will move down to the next person in the queue)
  • Do not claim if you cannot pay within the 24 hours - payment plans are not accepted for these slots.
It was thought we could try the build-a-bear style slots this year but I decided against it for the largeness of this sale and the many different types of invoices needing to go out. I usually get a little jumbled during these sales and am prone to making a mistake here n there and I don't want to make it more confusing for myself or others considering the size of this. ;-;
I will say that on Saturday the 28th I MAY get busy and may be less likely to respond, however I will be ideally getting through the bulk of responses to at least confirm slots day-of on the 27th. I'll keep most of my updates in discord for any potential delays.
Otherwise the normal rundown:
  • You may NOT sell the slot until it has been given an approved design or has been given requested permission for resale.
  • You may NOT trade the slot until it has been given an approved design.
  • Gifting a slot must be stated before payment is sent or upon claiming. If you wish to keep the gift anonymous/secret to the person you’re gifting it to, please tell me in the note when I ask for your paypal email to invoice.
  • After you create your Skire CS and it has been approved, you have a 2 week cooldown till you can trade/sell the character. Remember to only ever resell for what you bought it for!
  • *Important to remember: Our rules have always allowed you to resell a character for higher than you bought it for if you confirm proof of purchase any commissioned pieces you personally have bought of your character with an admin.
  • There is NO time limit to complete your MYO.
  • You MAY have others help you design your slot.
  • You may also have someone design your slot for you! Please make sure they follow the rules to the slot and species, however!
  • Please: do not post your design publicly until it has been accepted/approved and has gotten its written approval by an admin! In order to get your slot approved you must note the group!!
  • *If you commission someone to design your slot for you then you may show us proof of the purchased commission and have it added to your character's resale price.
  • *Your slot will NOT be approved if it is recognized to be heavily influenced by/duplicating a pre-existing character from either a personal OC or a franchise - additionally hateful themes or imagery against minorities (racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.) will not be tolerated and will not be approved and could risk you being graylisted or banned from the species.
  • If your design is approved and then found to be heavily referencing or duplicating a pre-existing character after it is approved then you may still be asked to change it after the fact. If the design changes hands and is later recognized then the creator will likely be spoken to, but the new owner of the design may not be requested to change the design as they were not the ones responsible for creating it and we don't feel it right to punish/request change from them if they don't/didn't know. This may change case-by-case depending on severity of the issue.
There will be 10 MYO slots raffled for free, these will be standard slots and the raffle will be handled on-site. These slots will allow you to also pick your species whenever. The raffle will go likely 48 hours and will start up at the same time the slots are sold.
It will only require you enter via a button on site if I'm understanding it correctly!
They will be 5 Non-Owner/FTO (First-Time-Owners) slots and 5 FFA slots. Free to enter and free to win!

Skire Turn-In 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Frog

You've wandered so far off the path... The lights continue to wander further and further in... Come to think of it, where are you...? No... Who are you...?

Welcome to the 2023 Skire turn in!

Welcome to the 2023 Skire Design Exchange! This turn-in is for those wishing to exchange an existing Skire design for a blank MYO slot or trait tickets. The designs received from this exchange will be re-raffled off to the community as they are, or redesigned by Admin before re-raffling. Please read the rules below to learn if you are eligible for exchange!

Exchange Rules

  • This Exchange will only be open for ONE WEEK [September 24th, 2023 -> September 30th, 2023 at 11:59:59 UTC]. Those chosen for the exchange will be contacted once the booth closes!
  • Be absolutely SURE when submitting that you’re wanting to exchange the Skirean, as once it has been confirmed that your character has been chosen and the exchange confirmed, it cannot be undone!
  • This is not first come first serve, and designs will be evaluated and chosen to check if requirements are met.
  • If you submit a character into the exchange, you cannot enter the raffle for the design that you personally exchanged.
    There will be a limited set of designs taken, somewhere between 10-20 designs depending on submissions.
    • By submitting, it does not guarantee an exchange will happen. If submissions go over the amount of designs we are taking this year, there is a chance that your exchange may not make it into this count. Those chosen will be contacted when the booth closes if their exchange was accepted.
  • A user can only exchange one Skirean: a Premade design, an unused MYO slot, or a completed MYO design.
  • In order for a design to be considered for exchange, you must have owned the design for a minimum of 3 months.
  • If a design has a Toyhouse, then it’ll be transferred to the Skire Toyhouse should the design be chosen for the exchange.
  • A design can not be exchanged if it has any Touched Traits and above.
  • If a design has an Old-Gen or Lore-Breaking trait, it will not be transferred over to a MYO Slot or Trait Ticket.
  • Traits are 1:1 with the choice of MYO Slot or Trait Ticket from the Skirean exchanged, and cannot be moved around.
  • If exchanging a Premade Design or Designed MYO:
    • You can choose a MYO Slot of your choice (CCCat, Crook, Nautipod, Gravent) with traits 1:1 with the design you exchanged. [I.E. If you exchange a design with 1 Rare and 2 Uncommon traits, you’ll receive a MYO slot with 1 Rare and 2 Uncommon traits.]
    • You can choose Trait Ticket(s) with traits 1:1 with the design you exchanged. [I.E. If you exchange a design with 1 Rare and 2 Uncommon traits, you will receive x1 +1 Rare Trait Ticket and x2 +2 Uncommon Trait Ticket.]
  • If exchanging an Unused MYO Slot:
    • You can choose Trait Ticket(s) with traits 1:1 with the slot you exchanged. [I.E. If you exchange a design with 1 Rare and 2 Uncommon traits, you will receive x1 +1 Rare Trait Ticket and x2 +2 Uncommon Trait Ticket.]

Exchange Rules

You can only submit to this form ONCE. Please be absolutely sure you are ready to exchange a design when you submit, as once everything has been confirmed and the exchange completed it CANNOT be undone!

Ownership Eligibiltty Date Cutoff - June 30th

You must have aquired the design on or before June 30th to be eligible for turn in.

[Click here to submit your exchange!]

This form will close on September 30th, 2023 at 11:59:59 UTC


Skire Guest Artist Applications (Always Open)

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Sweet-n-treat

🎨Skire Guest Artist Form🎨

This form is ALWAYS open! You may submit and edit your responses at any time.
Please note that this is a new form, you will need to resubmit if you submitted before! Please reapply if you have been a past guest artist as well!

We are always looking for guest artists!

Opportunities -
  • Design Sales - All proceeds directly go to the user selling. We do not take a cut of the profits of a user's art.
  • Raffle Designs - Designs to be raffled into the community! These may be discord raffles, onsite raffles, etc!
  • Event Premades - Premade prizes for events! These will often be themed.
  • Charity Donation Batches - Designs sold for donation directly to a charity.
Compensation -
  • MYO Slot with your choice of the following trait bundles with a resale value of $250 USD (must be 18 or or older to resell the slot)
  • A slot worth $250 USD sold in a monthly MYO slot sale with proceeds sent directly for you (must be 18 or older to recieve funds)
  • Trait Tickets with your choice of the following trait bundles
  • Bundles Available for Slots and Trait Tickets
    • 1 Myth, 1 Rare, 2 Uncommon
    • 3 Rare, 2 Uncommon
    • 2 Rare, 4 Uncommon
  • Other types of compensation may be conditional for different guest artist types!
Guest Artist Terms -
  • You must be over the age of 18 to conduct an official sale, as PayPal requires users be 18 or older.
  • You must adhere to all Terms of Service on PayPal. This means you cannot sell through friends and family or ask the buyer to cover PayPal fees.
  • Your design will be hosted on the website in perpetiuity unless voided by an owner. 
  • You must be willing to make changes to a design if it does not adhere to species standards.
  • You may not use any copyrighted themes or take elements from other designs to be used on Skire guest designs.
  • The Skire Team may reserve the right to terminate a guest artist at any time.
  • Community behavior will be taken into account when choosing guest artists.
  • A Discord account is required to be a guest artist! [[Please click here to join our Discord]]

CLICK HERE FOR Guest Artist Form

The form is always open!
Please only link your DESIGNS, no art please!

Guest Artist FAQ

Q: Is there a theme for the design or is it artistic liberty?
A: Currently, we will have a set overarching theme, but within the theme is artistic liberty and it is overall quite broad! The theme will be given to those chosen!


Q: What are the restrictions (e.g. what can and can't be on a design), and can designs be based off of something?
A: Designs can be based off of existing things, but copyrighted characters and alternate forms of designs are off limits! Traits will also be limited, and the chosen designer will be informed of restrictions.


Q: Will I need an active DA account?
A: No! All sales and Raffles will be mainly hosted on the Skire.Club or in the Skire.Club Discord. 


Q: Can I be a guest artist more than once?
A: Yes! We would love to host the same artist multiple times, but will be generally prioritizing newer artists to give more folks a chance! Your applications will not be deleted, so the team is happy to consider artists who wish to return for future raffle designs or batches!


Q: Will OTAs be available?
A: Not at this time!


Q: I am not 18 but I will be soon. Will this effect my chances, and can I edit my form when I do turn 18?
A: You may now edit your forms when your information changes! You are required to be 18 for sales due to PayPal TOS, but not for raffles! If you are below the age of 18, you may not make sale designs.


Q: I am under 18 and share a PayPal with my parents. Can I still do designs to sell?
A: Unfortunately no! The team does not wish to ask for the personal info needed to verify something like that, and overall wants to be sure we stay within PayPal's TOS in order to make sure everything works out properly!


Q: If I'm selling a design as a guest artist, do I have to share or cut any of my profits with anyone?
A: No! The Skire Team, Wellhidden, nor anyone else involved will ever take a cut of your work. 


Q: If I am accepted, will I be able to talk about it/tell my friends?
A: This will be handled case by case, but typically the position will be more private! You will be informed of the rules of your guest artist position when you are accepted! We generally prefer to keep things secret if the event or sale is meant to be a surprise to the community!

Welcome to Skire.Club!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Frog

🎉Welcome all!🎉

Hello and welcome to the new Skire.Club everyone!! We're so excited to be able to finally show the project that has been the product of so many wonderful people offering their help, assistance, and general knowledge to guide and explore ways to make this site fun and enjoyable! 
The transition to a new site is understandably something that may be a little difficult but we're hoping that an abundance of guides made by Frog will help the experience be a bit easier to adjust. 
We're hoping that there will be many more updates to come thanks to the new site that will allow further development in many realms as well, and we'll be keeping you guys updated with those likely in our Discord! Otherwise there is a good list of things to expect to see coming next up with the site within this announcement as well as some additional notes for claiming items, any characters we couldn't find ownership for,  and more!

If you ever need more help figuring out anything about the site be sure to check out Help > Site Features for general guides from the nav bar. We have some fun themes currently available that you can set via your AccountName > Settings and check out Theme! Be sure to only change the decorator as that will be the primary way to adjust themes yes yes <3 We'll be working on more as time goes on to help with user preference and some general accessibility but the bundle we have right now are some created by Pasta for quick variety! (I love the themes v much)
OH YES If you notice any bugs, missing pages (besides the comingsoon pages), or any errors please be sure to send in a bug report via Help > Report Bug or mention it in #Site-Talk in the Discord! Screenshots will help if you have them as well.

Overall I would like to give my upmost level of gratitude to the people who have helped make this a possibility and to the wonderful community who not only allowed us this downtime to work on this with nothing but support and encouragement, but to have offered your enthusiasm, excitement, and kindness to everyone involved. The amount of people who had extended their experience, knowledge, or general presence to lend hands however could be useful. You guys are such a wonderful community and I am forever thankful for every bit of kindness you have offered me and others as we worked on this and continue to aim for more!! Thank you all so genuinely much for sharing such love and kindness to me and everyone around you. ;_; You have all blown us away with your kind words and support and I can only hope that you guys will have a lot of fun moving forward with this wonderful thing we all worked on and will continue working on!

We appreciate the patience and the absolutely incredible support that you all have given us while the site has been in a bit of a scramble.  Please freely make an account! Usernames can be whatever you would like (please no explicit or offensive language!), so long as you are able to log into DeviantArt or Toyhouse to connect an alias.  <3

The biggest thank you to everyone who worked around the clock to get looking and working AMAZING!

Hjeojeo - Helped get the site up and running
Pasta - Coding help, multiple themes, and information grabs from the website
Twin - Site grab, masterlist uploads, trait sweeping, ownership sweeping, design name uploads
Sweet-n-treat - Site grab, trait grabbing, community assistance, redesign approvals, trait images
spockirkcoy - Site grab, masterlist uploads, ownership sweeping
AviatorCid - Masterlist uploads, ownership sweeping, trait sweeping, ARPG dev, QA Testing
Astramyths - Ownership sweeping
Frog - Site grab, masterlist uploads, ownership sweeping, trait uploads, user guides, item uploads, general site setup
Zukuro - ARPG dev, Discord moderation, QA Testing
Vyrron - Discord moderation, QA Testing
Tori-Chibi - Site Grab
WellHidden - Web stuff

Road Map and What's Currently Open

✳️ Masterlist --> ACTIVE

All species masterlists can be found here. Please take a peek at the sorting and searching available! Magic, Traits, Design Names, Original Designs, etc are all up and running!

You may also notice a MYO Masterlist! These are where all future MYOs will be placed! MYO Approvals will automatically sort them to the correct masterlist as well! 

We are currently testing an ARPG MYO choice box item, which we will be raffling off here! Four winners will receive an ALL COMMON ARPG choice box to choose their desired species! 
The raffle will be open until NOVEMBER 01, 2023 at 11:59:59 UTC


Claim your raffle ticket at the Free Gifts Shop!

Take a peek at our new ARPG MYO Art! There are also Paid slots and Event-Won slots!

✳️ Current Prompt --> ACTIVE

Click below to access the prompt as it is! This prompt will still be submitted the old way, but we wanted to have it up onsite to allow easy browsing! Future events will utilize the full prompt system!

Check out our new NPCs page too!

✳️ Character/Ownership Transfers --> ACTIVE

[[Request System Guide]]

✳️ Design Approvals --> ACTIVE

[[Design Approval Guide]]

✳️ User Guides --> ACTIVE

Please click the respective links to access the user guides to navigating the site! The following three can be navigated to and from!
🔆Request System Guide --> A guide to the different requests submittable onsite, and how to submit them! The ones not yet open will have their guides created later when they are relevant.

🔆Site Features Guide --> A guide to the interesting things you can do onsite! Things like notifications, character profiles, user profiles, and more!

🔆Design Approval Guide --> This includes our newer and updated design approval guide with instructions on how to use the new design and MYO approval system!

✳️ Trait Pages --> ACTIVE

Trait sheets are available for all species here! Species can be navigated with the buttons up top! This is the Legacy trait page, meaning it resembles the old setup. We have a setup in progress by Pasta as well for a visual list using Sweet-n-treat's awesome visuals!

✳️ Rules --> ACTIVE

Rules are available and active! Please also take a look at our

🟨ARPG Values --> WIP

ARPG Values are in progress! We have new numbers in discussion that will make prompt submission requirements lowered for prompts that earn crowns, and help make it easier for admin to approve by reducing complexities.

🟨ARPG Shops --> WIP

ARPG Shops are in progress, dependent on the ability to earn crowns! 
In the meantime, please claim a free welcome gift at the gift shop here! 
The free gift claim will be available until NOVEMBER 01, 2023 at 11:59:59 UTC

🟨Mainstay Prompts --> WIP

Mainstay Prompts are in progress. These will be prompts that will run all the time, with restrictions like submissions being weekly. These can earn crowns which can then be purchasable for MYOs!

🟨New staff hires --> WIP

We are currently readjusting AP values, admin compensation, and scheduling MYO sales to go towards admin support. A news announcement onsite will detail when we are searching for new admin, and applications will be posted then with details on how changes have been made on the backend. 

🟨Crafting --> WIP

Planned ARPG Activity

🟨mentorship --> WIP

Magic mentorships are in progress, as is assigning magic to the masterlist. This will be done using the status effect Lorekeeper extension!

🟨Lore/Memories --> WIP

Lore upload and Event Memories are currently a WIP! We have the data for these but wanted to prioritize site opening before relisting these pages! the lore rewrite is also in progress. 

Ownership and claiming inventory

You should be able to claim your ownership of any designs by verifying your Deviantart or Toyhouse. Please go to to connect one or both aliases! Don't forget to replace your username in the part of the link that says USERNAMEHERE or go directly to your profile settings > aliases !

If you can claim ownership BY linking aliases, you do NOT need to submit an ownership claim.

If you notice a design or MYO slot under ownership of the Admin account that should belong to you, please submit a claim! This means we could not find and verify an account for you on DeviantArt or Toyhouse.

Step 01

Detail what you are claiming using the form below, and please open the spoiler boxes if you are claiming Characters and Inventories!

URL and Comments

Copy the form below and paste it into your claim:

◉ Old Skire.Club Username:
◉ Discord or best contact information (In case we need further verification of an identity)
◉ Characters you are claiming: (Please list this even if you attach it so we can make sure you've added the correct character to your claim)
◉ Items you are claiming: (Please list this even if you attach it so we can make sure you've added the correct item to your claim)
◉ Links to proof of ownership: (Please detail what link is for what character if multiple)

Claiming A Design or MYO slot

Please Submit a claim to the admin team. 
In the URL section, include: A link to your ownership proof for each character you attach. This can be a link to your Toyhouse, a link to a screenshot showing you sharing the character, or logging into a website with a name associated to your username. 

In the Characters section: Grab the Character Code (Example: OFFICIAL-NAUTIPOD-012 ) and paste it into the section that requests character code.

Character Code Examples
Character Code Examples

Claiming Characters

Claiming Inventories

Claiming Your Inventory

Please Submit a claim to the admin team. This can be done in the same claim as a design ownership claim.
Please attach the items you believe you had! We have the information to corroborate this and add the type of item you had, and how many of that item you had! If you can't remember, that's okay, and just let us know your old Skire.Club username. 

Adding Items to a claim