Prompt Guide

Created: 19 November 2023, 19:30:35 UTC
Last updated: 2 March 2025, 21:32:02 UTC

[[PROMPT GUIDE]] ⦿ [[MYO/Redesign GUide]] ⦿ [[Request Guides]] ⦿ [[Site Features]]

Prompt Submissions

Prompt Submission Rules
Drawing Payouts
Writing Payouts
When submitting to a prompt that is labelled STANDARD PAYOUT, please open and fill out the dropdown labelled "Calculating a Finish Level"


  • Prompt submissions are used when entering an event or a mainstay prompt.
  • Please check the individual prompt for submission requirements and submission forms!
  • If you need a prompt sent back to you, please see below on how to cancel your prompt and send it back to drafts!
UserGuides_QuestionMarkSmall.png SUBMITTING PROMPTS (Click Me!)

Choose your prompt from the dropdown at the top labelled "Prompt".

Add the URL of the submission (such as a, postimages, or google drive/doc link)

Fill out the form associated with the event you're submitting to! Forms are provided in the text box!

Attach all characters to your submission, including NPCs!
Copy and paste the character's code or type their name/code into the box for each new character.

Calculating a Finish Level - Use this section when submitting a prompt labelled STANDARD PAYOUT. 


Adding a Reward - Use this section to select an item if your prompt requires it! This will come into play with questing prompts. Admin can add rewards that users cannot, such as your choice of raffle pool.

Double check everything is good to go, and submit!

Cancelling your own request

You can send your own prompts back to yourself to edit them. Follow the steps below!

Go to Submissions and click Details to view your submission.

At the bottom, click Cancel Submission to return it to your drafts. 

Next go to Submission Drafts and click details. Click Edit Draft to edit the submission however needed.

From here, you can resubmit by clicking Submit, Cancel your draft and delete it permanently, or Save your draft to edit again later.




Prompts are the main way to earn currency, known as CrownsCrowns!

  •  CrownsCrowns are able to be spent at the General Store on trait items and MYO Slots, as well as with our Magic Mentors to train your character's magic abilities!
  • Another way to spend your crowns is at the Weekly Delivery Portal!
  • Prompts reward many different things! Alongside crowns, some have loot tables that grant random drops, boxes, badges, and more. 
  • STANDARD PAYOUT Prompts will require you to breakdown your payout under the "Calculating a Finish Level" section of the Prompt Approval Page. Review those breakdowns below!
  • Good prompts to start with are Chips and Chunks! Chips is our lowest requirement prompt, requiring a sketchy halfbody with no color, and Chunks is our open ended, draw anything Skire related prompt!
  • We often have special prompts that run for short amounts of time, and have their own special prizes and earned achievements! keep your eyes on the News and the prompt page for all the info!

[View all Prompts Here]

Click me to continue your tour!

Prompt Rules

  • The image or writing should include your Skire character, an NPC, or other Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character. Please check individual prompts for specific rules and requirements, as some may not allow gift art or the use of NPCs!
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements. Non-Skire characters do not grant crowns when used in prompt entries.
  • Prompts may have different requirements. Please check the prompt for their respective requirements.
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry. If you submit a prompt using a base created by you, it may only be submitted the one time.
  • Collaboration pieces will not be eligible for crown earning. 
  • AI Generated images or writing are not permitted for any entries.
  • Photography can be used as backgrounds, only if it is your photo. Photo backgrounds will not grant background bonuses. 
  • Drawn entries can be digital or traditional. Written entries must be digital and submitted via a website that displays as text, and cannot be submitted via screenshot.
  • Titles and words that are not part of the main narrative do not count towards word count total.

General Rules

  • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
  • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
  • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries. 
  • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check the masterlist for characters available for gift art!
  • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
  • You must have a Skire Club account in order to participate in events!
  • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
  • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).
  • Submissions must be provided in a viewable form, meaning admin must be able to access them properly.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
  • Submissions cannot include characters that belong to banned users.

Skire Submission Content Guidelines

  • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. This includes depictions of nipples in any circumstance. Some extent of suggestive work may be created, but anything that implies nudity (including artistic nudity), such as lingerie or censored nudity would not be permitted. Anything that could fall under implications of sexual or erotic scenarios is not allowed under any circumstance.
  • Direct depictions of heavy violence, abuse, torture, or gore are not allowed. Minor gore and blood, or minor references to abuse/torture may be permitted, but graphic depictions of this should not be submitted to Skire prompts.
  • Self harm is not allowed.
  • Drinking and smoking may be depicted, but other drug use should be avoided, none of the aforementioned activities may be included in masterlist images.
  • Any potentially triggering content should be properly spoiled/warned, including implications of triggering content. Depending on the type of content it may not be allowed at all.
  • Creepy, scary, and horror oriented art is allowed.
  • If you are unsure if your work falls under these guidelines, please ask to contact a mod.
  • Any prompt entry or piece of art shared anywhere within the community that has potentially triggering content MUST be noted with a CW (Content Warning) Tag


Primary Character

This section calculates the payout based on the primary/focus character. This means the character who the prompt is about, or is taking the most forefront role in the art piece. These do not stack with one another. Please refer to the extra character bonus below!

Chibis may be done, but please refer to the minimum detail level below!

Art must always be colored. No greyscale or partial color! Below are some shading examples. They must have some form of highlight and shadow that is clear, and this shading should follow the contours of the body to some degree. Gradients and inconsistent shading may not count.
Finish Level Flat Colored - No shading present, only flat colors
Shaded - Multi-tone shading, meaning the coloring has shadows, midtones, and highlights present
Flat Colored Shaded
Halfbody 50% or more of the character is visible. Counts for the Focus Character Only, and does not stack with the Fullbody section.
6 Crowns 10 Crowns
Fullbody 90% or more of the character is visible. Counts for the Focus Character Only, and does not stack with the Halfbody section. 12 Crowns 18 Crowns

This section refers to if you have a background or not. Some prompts require backgrounds, while others may not. All of the backgrounds depicted here are valid backgrounds, but some may count for the payout while others may not. Characters should still be readable within the background, and you may not get the background bonus if the image is too obscured by a character.

Backgrounds utilizing stamps or premade textures may not count for complex background bonuses unless they are painted over and incorporated fully.   
 No Background  Color block backgrounds, pattern backgrounds, backgrounds with no depth, detail, or heavily obscured backgrounds are counted under this category. They are still viable for use in prompts, but will not grant the background bonus.  0 Crowns  
Simple Background Simple backgrounds have basic depth, minimal shading, and mid-level detail.  10 Crowns  
Complex Background Complex backgrounds have a foreground, middle ground, and background, and often perspective details. Typically they have mutli-tone shading to some degree, and higher levels of detail. Characters are often interacting directly with the background. 20 Crowns  



    • No depth
    • Solid blocks of color
    • Minimal Detail


    • Basic depth
    • Minimal Shading
    • Mid-Level detail


    • Foreground, Middleground, Background
    • Multi-Tone shading, High Detail
    • Characters interact directly with background elements

Coverage & Char Detail

IMAGE 01: Minimum Character Detail

This is the minimum character legibility, though for mediums such as pixel as long as the character can be identified the art will be accepted!


If your character obscures too much of the background, you may not receive the bonus!

Additional Character Bonus

This section refers to one additional character not considered the focus character. In some cases, this can refer to NPCs (Such as Mentor Initiation), or other characters depicted. This is included regardless of finish level.

Additional Character Bonuses do not stack.  
No Additional Characters   0 Crowns  
Additional Halfbody Please refer to the guide above for what constitutes a halfbody! 8 Crowns  
Additional Fullbody Please refer to the guide above for what constitutes a fullbody! 16 Crowns  


Gift/NPC Bonus

Gift bonus may only be applied if all of the depicted characters do not belong to you. it may include characters from multiple different people, but cannot include your own. NPCs do not count for the gift bonus.

This counts only as an NPC Bonus if you are a non owner using an NPC for a prompt. 

Gift/NPC Bonuses do not stack.  
Gift Bonus   6 Crowns  



Word Count

Writing payout is based on word count. Titles and embellishments do not count towards the word count total, meaning only the body of the text counts. Round down to the nearest benchmark when submitting.

This refers to the total payout you should receive for writing up to the listed number. Writing payout is additive! Make sure to click on the word count that closest matches your completed count, rounding down.
300 words   5 Crowns 5 Base
400 Words   10 Crowns +5
600 Words   15 Crowns +5
800 Words   20 Crowns +5
1000 Words   25 Crowns +5
1200 Words   30 Crowns +5
1400 Words   36 Crowns +6
1600 Words   42 Crowns +6
1800 Words   48 Crowns +6
2000 Words   54 Crowns +6


Gift Bonus

Gift bonus may only be applied if all of the depicted characters do not belong to you. It may include characters from multiple different people, but cannot include your own.

The character the gift is for must be the focus of the art or writing. 

NPCs do not count for the gift bonus.

Non-Skire Characters do not count for the gift bonus.

This counts only as an NPC Bonus if you are a non-owner using an NPC for a prompt. 

Gift/NPC Bonuses do not stack.  
Gift Bonus   6 Crowns  


Magic Bonuses

Some magics may grant bonuses. Please visit the magics page for details!