Site News

[EVENT]🎁July Gift Event

Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by spockirkcoy



  • Create gift art for someone else!
  • This prompt is [STANDARD PAYOUT]
  • Please review the prompt itself for information on the prizes!
  • You may include your own characters in the piece, but the focus character must be someone else's. This means that someone else's character must be the most prominent character in the scene, and any owned characters may be equal to or less prominent than the gifted character. Including your own character will not grant the gift bonus.

  • Artfight occurs during the month of July, coinciding with this event! Please refer to the following rules regarding submission to both the Skire ARPG and Artfight
  • Per Artfight's rules, all art submitted to Artfight must be originally intended for artfight.
  • If your art created for artfight coincides with the requirements any of the following prompts, you may submit them to earn crowns as well.
  • This does not apply to any other prompts to respect Artfight's rules!
Event conclusion

  • The previous Over, Under, and Through event has concluded!
  • You must open your RAFFLE TICKETS by July 8th @ 23:59:59 PM. At this time the box will be disabled and unable to be opened, and the raffle ticket will be removed from your inventory for use in future events. There are no exceptions for this rule. if you are a non-owner, please double check your Non Owner Raffle Entries
  • You may still gain your completion badge by completing the Finding Home Event Prompt next month (July) if you were unable to this month or May. Remember to redeem it via CRAFTING

UserGuides_ExclaimationPointSmall.png IMPORTANT UPDATES SEE BELOW



  • Our first wave of Merged Mentors has been rolled out! Please welcome Ryalt and Lux, our Magma and Electricity Mentors respectively.  They will be available for training until August 31st!
  • Ice, Metal, and Ether mentors will be leaving for the season! You'll see them soon in their respective seasons, cycling in and out! Iorel will be sticking around a little while longer though!

  • The General Store has updated!
  • The Skire Scoop has been updated: Where would your ideal vacation be?
  • Work on the MYO Questline is trucking along! We have had the work of a couple amazing guest artists to help create some really cool art! We are very excited to get this out to you!
  • Crafting is also being developed behind the scenes! We have a lot of things in store...
  • Our wonderful Pasta will be adding a few more Lorekeeper extensions in preperation for future impliments! 

[EVENT]🔮 Over, Under, and Through

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by spockirkcoy

🔮Over, Under, and through🔮

Welcome to the May - June 2024 Over, Under, and Through Portals Event!

Prompt Outline

Portals are commonplace around Skire, used for countless reasons by countless beings around the continent. One may use them for travel, to leave their home and traverse quickly across the landscape to another city, to visit friends, pick up supplies, or simply explore. Portals of countless shapes and sizes are also key for continental commerce, driving goods of countless types through specialized portals that bring them where they need to be.

Portals can often fall into disrepair. Their space magic is upheld by infused caster speak, and like all machinery, they wear down over time. Wires come loose, conduits fall apart, and molding metal rusts, meaning Skire is littered with portals that have long-forgotten uses. Many seek to repair these portals simply out of curiosity to see where they go. Some are even employed for their upkeep. 

A portal may be built by a single person, or used by a community, company, hive, or other group. Many build their homes around these landmarks for ease of movement across Skire. 

Travel! There are many interesting places to explore around Skire... Where will you go?

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed once within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) travelling through a portal.

  • Does your character regularly travel through portals? 
  • Do they stumble upon one on accident, or find something mysterious or broken?
  • Where do they end up? Draw them in a new biome or location.
  • Do they avoid portals for any reason? Explore their thoughts on travel around skire.

Portals are an integral part of daily life across the continent. How does it effect your life? 

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed once within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) interacting with a portal.

  • Does your character use portals to send items or gifts to others? Ship their creations across Skire? 
  • Do they use them for a commute or personal travel?
  • Are there specific portals that are important to them? Design a portal they might travel through or interact with often.
  • Have they ever interacted with one on accident, or had a magical portal mishap?
  • Have they created their own?
NEW PROMPT + Event Bonuses

Home can mean many different things to many different people. What is home to you?

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed twice within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) at their home, or somewhere they consider home.

  • Where is their home located?
  • Are they a wanderer with no solid place they return to? 
  • Did they build their own home? What is it like?


Each Prompt grants STANDARD PAYOUT.
Please make sure to follow Prompt Requirements outlined below!

PLEASE NOTE! Due to Frog's absence at the end of this event, prize rolls will be pushed back by at least a week! Thank you in advance for your patience!


Click to see its masterlist!
Designed By @nicefrog


Click to see its masterlist!
Redesigned by @nicefrog


Click to see its masterlist!
Redesigned by @nicefrog


🔮MYO Slots

  • 4 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 3 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 5 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 20 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 NO MYO slots.
Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 20 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.


🔮Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 30 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


These items are granted per prompt. The badge may be claimed if you complete the 4 prompts.


Each prompt grants STANDARD CROWN PAYOUT 

Tattered Package


You've been waiting on some crowns... but this might just be more...

Badge for Completion


Using all four RETURN ADDRESSES from the EVENT PROMPTS, you may claim the completion badge!
This is a badge granted for completion of all 4 prompts.



Minimum Requirements for the monthly prompts -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody AND a Simple Background of an official Skire Character or Skire NPC following the prompt
  • Written -- 600 Words or more describing the prompt
  • Finding Home -- Finding home has different minimum requirements. Please check them out!
Drawn Prompt Requirements Cheat Sheet

Please refer to each individual prompt for their submission information!



Submission Requirements

Art Requirements
  • The image should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements. Non-Skire characters will not count for payout.
  • Fully colored (Shading is not required, but is allowed and will grant additional crowns).
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry.
  • Collaboration pieces will not earn either person an entry but can still be done for fun.
  • AI Generated images are not permitted for any event entries.
  • Photography used as backgrounds are not allowed, even if it is your photo.
  • Photography is allowed if you are submitting a craft entry, such as sculpted or paper CCCats interacting with the world around them.
  • Entries can be digital or traditional.
Writing Requirements
  • The writing should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • Titles and words that are not part of the main narrative do not count towards word count total.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included prominently in the story. 
  • You must create the story/literature yourself. You may not commission someone else to write it for you. Plagiarism will be checked.
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.

General Rules


    • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
    • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
    • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries.
    • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check above for characters available for gift art!
    • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
    • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
    • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).



Q: Can we ask for an extension on the prompt?
A: No, but if submissions require revisions you may be informed of a grace period to resubmit.

Q: If I win, can I give my prize away?
A: For fairness, if you win the prize, you may not gift the prize away. You may return your prize to the admin to re-roll the raffle. Items can be traded, but you should not enter solely to grant the item to someone else.

Q: Can I enter to try and help someone else win?
A: No, it is not fair for multiple people to enter on behalf of one person. You will not be able to surrender your prize to a specific person.

Q: When will the event end specifically?
A: This prompt's end date is displayed on the prompt itself! Please refer to this section and the website's clock for this time!

Q: When will prizes be raffled off?
A: Anywhere from the next day to a few days after the event ends. Rolls are automatic onsite but we will still be announcing them in the Discord!

Q: My entry was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements. Can I fix it and resubmit to try and enter?
A: Yes, as long as this is done so before the event ends. We will not count anything submitted after the event has ended, but a short grace period may be given.

Q: Are admin allowed to enter the event and win prizes?
A: Yes, admins are allowed to enter events! However if an admin is rolled for winning a prize, they don’t occupy a member’s chance to win! Another roll will be done so that a member can still win a prize.

Q: I became a non-owner/owner over the course of the event! Can I change my entries? 
A: Yes, please contact a mod! If you become an owner over the event, we ask that you inform us that you are no longer a non-owner out of fairness! If you become a non-owner, please inform us as well as we may grant non-owner tickets. If we notice this system is being used to fodder non-owner MYO slots, we will no longer grant ticket changes from owner to non-owner for the event period, but you may be eligible again if you are still a non-owner during the next event.


Prompt Updates
  • UPDATE: The Skire Scoop Prompt has updated to a new question! [What do you like to create?]

Premise: Make a wonderful meal during this 3 Part Prompt!
May 01 @ 02:00:00 - June 30 @ 11:59:59
 x2 Prompts || Standard Payout + Prompt Prizes

Bonus Rewards: Throughout the duration below, users who complete the weekly gift art prompt will also gain a bonus WEEKLIES roll! It will begin Sunday May 06th at rollover, and the subsequent event's bonuses will be removed then as well
Reward Bonus Duration:
May 06 @ 00:00:00 - June 30 @ 11:59:59
🔮 Flat Payout + Prompt Bonuses


NEW: A New Mainstay Prompt has been released!
FIDING HOME is a monthly prompt that can be used to submit art relating to your character's home!
RELEASE BONUS - This prompt will need to be completed TWICE (once per month of the event) in order to gain the event completion badge for the 🔮Portals Event


NEW: Information on three of Skire's Locations has been updated! More will come with time. Take a peek for some inspiration on your travel prompts!
NEW: The Nautipod Lore Page has been completed by spockirkcoy!


We have introduced a weekly claim function over at our site Dailies page. Once per week you can claim by clicking on the button! Prizes are a mystery...

NEW: Smoke, Ice, Ether, and Metal Mentors are out!
RELEASE BONUS - These mentors will ALL be available to initiate and train with until June 30th! They will then cycle into their respective seasons, and initiation and training will be available throughout that season.

Boosted Basic magic bonuses have been expanded upon on the Magics page!




A few new updated releases are available! Please check them out!

Raffle Ticket updates

Prompt raffle tickets will now be granted to the user upon prompt approval

  • The user is responsible for picking the prize pool they wish to enter for with each ticket, and has up until the duration of the event's end to use these items. You may not swap pools once the item has been used.
  • Users must still specify if they are a non owner in order to be placed into the non-owner pool
  • Tickets leftover from the event will be removed from user inventories upon event conclusion to be reused in future prompts. 
Received: Via monthly event prompts
Tattered Package + BAdge

Each prompt for this event will grant x1 Tattered Package. Usually, you'll recieve what you were expecting... You may recieve something odd instead!



  • Trait Reviews - CCCats have been completed! We will continue on through traits as time goes on! Crooks are up next.
  • Mentors - Mentors will start rolling out on a more seasonal basis! We also do want to eventually roll out mentors of other species! The first set will be CCCats majorly as its what we have had in the works for years even before the release of other species, which is why they arent uet of a variety! We have had guests in the past help with these items, and you may see that again going forward! Feel free to apply to the guest artist form that we have edited to also include site image assets!
  • Questline Prompts - We are finalizing a one time quest for users to earn a MYO slot and some trait tickets. Prompts are currently in progress, shops are being set up, and we are ironing out the logistics! Special currencies are necessary for it, so you may begin to see those appear!
  • Crafting - Crafting items are being worked on, as are crafting related locations and prompts!
  • Fishing/Gathering - Fishing and gathering are the main ways to gather crafting items. We are working on the sources, shops, prompts, and more for these crafting items to be gained!
  • Locations - Locations will be further added and expanded upon over time!
  • Legacy Trait Sheets - These are now out of date as the Trait Page and Visual Sorter are prioritized.

[MINI EVENT] Skire's Anniversary!

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Frog


Welcome to Skire's 11th anniversary! HELLO!! HELLO? Hello to everyone and the 11th anniversary, goodness me. How has another year already crept by so fast?? ;_; What the heck! It's been a wild time but no less an exciting one! I'm thankful to be able to continue slowly n steady with this lil funky bundle of critters and the wild headworld created for them all thanks to you guys ;0;!! Genuinely its amazing to me people still enjoy them this many years later and I have loved so many things everyone has created over these many years as well. I've seen such beautiful arts, crafts, read anything from dramatic to silly writing, heard so much about friendships formed and bonds created, and just overall learned so much about the many different things everyone makes, creates, and shares! It's an incredible experience I am beyond thankful to get to share and be shared with along with witnessing you all share among one another. I'm so proud of you guys! Equally, I'm so proud of the team and their hard work! Everyone from team to member has made so many things possible and I'm excited for what will continue!
To commemorate this particular anniversary, we're doing a small draw-to-enter raffle! More details are below on that >:3c! We hope you'll enjoy...

We are excited to announce our first mini prompt! In celebration of the 11th anniversary, we are raffling 5 TOUCHED TRAIT ITEMS! Some of these have been floating around... Now to finally be revealed! Click on each to reveal what they do! 
We are still actively working on the logistics of touched items, so we thank you for your patience while we do!



TO ENTER THE RAFFLE: Participate in the 🎆Anniversary Prompt

This prompt will be available for 11 days, to celebrate 11 years! Requirements are simpler to allow for quicker entries. 

🎆Prompt Requirements --

1 colored bust/headshot or more (needs to include the neck!)
150 words or more

🎆Prompt Prizes --

11 Crowns
🎟️1 Anniversary Raffle Ticket



We are hosting another raffle in the Discord raffling what's below! Join the discord to participate, no entry required aside from clicking the button in the discord! Includes our first design from new admin Muy ! Yay!!

[Update] Trait Updates

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Frog

UserGuides_ExclaimationPointSmall.pngTrait Clarificaitons and Updates

Hi all! We are in the long process of going through traits to update and clarify their descriptions! We've finished with CCCats as you'll see below, but we will update this post as we finish other species as well! Please refer below to what new larger updates you can find in the traits. Thank you to the team for all the hard work and discussion to get this updated! There are so many updates that we cannot place them all here, but we will place the most important ones here! Do check out each CCCat Trait for details! 

Ideally our new formatting will allow for quicker updates if new rules and clarifications are added to the traits!

General Notes
  • Any traits that had a downgrade in rarity or were consolidated will grant a free trait that you may use for any trait within the respective rarity or lower when updating the design. These cannot be moved from one design to another and are not able to be traded in for trait tickets, and will remain bound to the design
  • Any designs that were updated to include any upgraded traits will only receive that respective trait only if the original design also has it. The design can keep the trait as it currently appears as long as it is not redesigned or reverted. Upgraded traits do not grant unused traits.
  • Trait items will now allow for you to change the trait within the bounds of what the item grants during redesigns [Example: If using the Bittersweet Truffles to apply Heart Eyes to a Nautipod, you may switch that trait to X eyes when redesigning, as that trait is granted by the item, and can still apply to the character]


  • Goat Eye will be updated to Square Pupil and will be expanded to allow squares, rectangles, and diamonds, on top of the standard allowed for goat eye.
  • Needle Teeth will be merged into Overgrown Teeth.
  • Overgrowth Teeth may use Saber/Tusk/Tipsy Turvy/Snaggletooth without the need for additional traits.
  • Crown Placement Traits
    • Crowns on Face/Cheeks can include Crowns on Forehead, and Crowns in common placements without additionally needing the trait.
    • Crowns on Lower Body may also include crowns on the Face/Cheeks, Crowns on Forehead, and Crowns in common placements without additionally needing the traits
    • Crowns on Head and Elsewhere on Body will be dissolved and granted +1 Touched to applicable designs.
  • Pattern Shifting Eye has had its definition expanded
    • If the base color of the eye changes, the patterns must include ALL of the used colors
    • If the base color remains the same, the pupil patterns may have differing colors.
  • Unseen Eye and Tongue traits will all allow for the design to have Dead Eye or Dead Tongue colors without the need for the trait additionally
  • Multiple Eyes/Tongues (4-10) has been expanded to allow ONE instance of a trait to apply to all of the Eyes/Tongues [Example: If you have x1 instance of Metallic Eye, you may apply Metallic Eye to ALL eyes]
  • Floating Body Piece (Touched) has been expanded to allow 11-20 pieces. and the Unseen variant has been expanded to allow 21-30 pieces
  • Unused Unseen Traits may only use Unseen traits that are listed on the trait list OR exist currently on a design. New unseen traits cannot be created using an Unused Unseen.
  • Object Growth on Tongue has been merged into Object Tongue, which now encompasses both expressions of the trait.
  • Hallowed has been downgraded to Touched
  • Separated Wormling has been upgraded to Unseen
  • Headless - Mouth appearing on neck is now OPTIONAL
  • Shaped Eye - Shaped Eye is a new trait at Unseen rarity that will allow the CCCat's eye to be a non-round shape.
  • Extras Traits
    • Extra Limbs adds two pairs of limbs (4 additional limbs) to the body  per instance of the trait. This count does not include the default limbs (arms and back legs) and adds to the total of limbs. Can be either arms or legs
    • Extra Mouths now adds x2 mouths per instance of the trait on top of the default mouth.
    • Unusable Limbs now adds x2 pairs of Unusable Limbs per instance of the trait
    • Wings now adds x2 pairs of wings per instance of the trait
  • Multi-Form Eye/Tongue now allows for one instance of a trait to effect the eye in both forms [Example: If you have x1 instance of Metallic Eye, you may apply Metallic Eye to the eye in both forms]
  • Inanimate Host no longer allows for the body to be replaced by Stone, Crystal, Solid Metal [Meaning solid metal, does not apply to robotic hosts or armor hosts], unless it is replacing the ENTIRE body. These can be applied via Earth Defect or Metal Defect.
  • Second Set of Colors can be stacked, meaning that every additional instance of the trait grants x1 additional palette.
  • Color Changing Markings Update - The three color rule has been removed, but we have defined the trait further as detailed below
    • Can only be applied to a defined marking, meaning it should not apply to pure gradients
    • Marking that change color can have gradients
    • No restriction on the number of colors, but colors can still only have one additional alternate color.
    • Cannot apply to all markings on the body
    • Color Changing Coat still applies to the base coat only
    • Cannot be stacked
  • Object Growth applying specifically to plants has been further defined.
  • Split Tail has been updated to allow for the following
    • Rare - 2-10 Splits | Previously was Rare - 2-5 Splits
    • Myth - 11-20 Splits | Previously was Myth - 6-10 Splits
    • Touched - 21-40 Splits | Previously was Touched - 11-15 Splits
    • Splits apply across ALL tails.
  • Glowing/Opalescent/Sparkling/Metallic Markings Update - The three color rule has been removed, and rules have expanded as detailed below
    • Any color on the body are affected by these marking types as long as the WHOLE coat is not effected.
  • Glowing/Opalescent/Sparkling/Metallic Coat Update -
    • ALL colors on the body are affected by these marking types AND the CCCat may for example have the Glowing Teeth, Glowing Tongue Markings, Glowing Eye, and all extras such as Crowns, Claws, and Horns/Spikes

Some traits have been given additional visuals!

[Mini-Update] April 2024

Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Frog
Glub glub...

the waters of Skire warm as spring emerges... silly little guys seem to be popping up in the sands...

Click each image to enter yourself into one of our self-enter raffles. These raffles will close April 03rd @ 11:59:59 Site Time! What creatures might you find waiting?
Happy April 1st!

Uto bustles with life as the denizens of Skire move about, finally free of winter's chill. Travel and commerce across Skire is expedited by its complex magical portals, bringing people and things from every corner into to the city. Somewhere in Choice, a bit of construction begins...

"Oh, Hi..." The crook standing at the mouth of the broken portal rubs the back of their neck, a bit bothered by the interruption. They are dressed in mechanics fatigues, covered in what surely looks like years of oil and grime stains, and a hat with an old logo obscures their face some.

"Listen, if you're going to hang around, I need some help," He grumbles, shuffling in their baggy clothes a bit as they stare up at the machinery. Something about the glow of their eye beneath the brim of the cap seems familiar, but you can't quite be sure. "Seems like this portal's missing a few things... Wonder how long its been here... 

"What? a DJ? I don't know who you're talking about..." They wave off the question, opening up a bright red toolbox covered in stickers, "If you're done with the questions, why don't you stop by Grant's and get yourself a pouch to carry stuff in..."

[Scavenger Hunt available throughout April. Ends April 30, 2024 @ 23:59:59]

REMINDER! Please do not spoil the hunt. You may request help and hints from other users, but sharing direct answers, links, or hints that are too obvious are not allowed in chat.

UserGuides_ExclaimationPointSmall.png IMPORTANT UPDATES SEE BELOW



  • Beginning at the time of this announcement, all accounts created after April 01st, 2024 00:00:00 must complete one prompt to be eligible to trade items and crowns. ALL prompts that do not require character ownership are eligible.
  • This does not apply to character transfers that do not involve items.

  • The starter pack has been phased out of the free gifts shop at the time of this announcement due unfortunately to consistent instances of exploitation. This was a problem with the original welcome box as well, and we aim to mitigate this.
  • The starter pack will be reintroduced via a yearly Standard Payout prompt with low requirements that will grant the Starter Pack as part of its rewards.
  • Users who claimed the starter pack may still do this quest upon release.
NEW ITEMS + Updates

  • 20 new trait items have been added to the website... will you discover them all...?
  • All of these items will be available via normal means later!
  • Certain items are subject to change as well!
  • New items have been updated to have different border colors and a small symbol to denote rarity. Older items will eventually be updated to use this system.

  • Some trait items have been updated to include more traits that they can apply! Some traits have also been adjusted so that all items only apply traits of a single rarity. Keep your eyes peeled for these items!
    • Stinger Sourpop - Addition of Insect Wings (Gravents)
    • Sappy Sweetsticks - Addition of Complex Tongue Tip (Crooks/Gravents)
    • Thorny Flower - Addition of Spiked Tentacles and Leafy Tentacles (Nautipods) 
    • Feather Duster - Addition of Particle Crowns (CCCats), Particle Tendrils (Crooks), and Particle Vent Wings(Gravents)
    • Silky Brush - Addition of Royal Feathers, Quill Feathers, Royal Vent Wings, and Royal Tail Strands (Gravents)
  • We are in the process of clarifying trait definitions! This is planned to include a comprehensive list of rules that each trait has. Hopefully this will provide more clarity when designing! We are working by species currently, and when one species is finished, the other will be started. This may take some time as we have nearly 700 traits! [Preview Here!]
  • We are reviewing crown payouts and are working on creating further guides for prompts. At this time no changes can be confirmed!
  • Trait images are completed! They are currently pending edit and upload to the site, as it is a time intensive process. Thank you for Sweet-n-treat for the amazing art!
  • Progress has begun on a questline where users will be able to earn a MYO slot and traits! This will be available regardless of ownership status and be a one-time-only quest available for completion at any time, with no time limit to do so. 
  • Crafting is being worked on! Recipes have been concepted, and past items will slowly be uploaded to the site! They will not have as much use until we can create the necessary gathering processes, prompts, and recipes! This will also include daily and weekly claims. 
  • Please welcome Muy as our newest mod! He will be assisting the team in the discord mainly but you may see him around elsewhere! We are excited to have him!
  • The Skire Scoop has been updated to a new question -- "What is your comfort food?"
  • General Store stock has been updated!
  • A new Magic Bonus button has been added to the Prompt Payout Criteria!

[EVENT]🍛Savory Sweet Spectacular🍰

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Sweet-n-treat

🍛Savory SWEET Spectacular🍰

Welcome to the March - April 2024 Savory Sweets Event!

Prompt Outline
Food is such a wonderful thing. Whether it's the joy of gathering your own ingredients, the dedication to making a meal, or the warmth you get when finally enjoying the result of all that time you put in. Some cook to treat themselves, some cook to share their food with others, and some prefer to let others do the cooking for them. Either way, this event is meant to share the stages of what goes in to making something delicious!
Put on your aprons and let's get started!

Gather ingredients! Go shopping, forage for your own, harvest, or share your quest for the perfect ingredient!

This prompt must be completed FIRST

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) gathering ingredients to cook with.

  • Do they grow or make their own ingredients, or do they purchase them?
  • Do they prefer to stick to their ingredient list,  or will they try just about anything?
  • Do they enjoy unorthodox ingredients? CCCats do not need to eat standard foods, but many find that they enjoy the process or the taste! Due to the fact that their body breaks down whatever object they eat, they may also enjoy odd ingredients, and things that some might not even consider food. Consider the texture, the taste, and the source! Why do they pick those ingredients? 

Its time to start cooking! Keep it quaint with just a fire, or get professional with it! There are countless ways to cook!

This prompt must be completed SECOND

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) cooking/baking.

  • Do they have a home with a kitchen, or do they work with unique resources to cook? 
  • Do they run a tight ship in the kitchen, or do they get loose and messy when they cook?
  • Are they experienced, or are they a new chef?
  • Do they prefer to work alone, or do they enjoy sharing the task?

Enjoy the feast! you've worked hard for it, so you deserve to finally rest with a nice meal.

This prompt must be completed THIRD

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) enjoying the meal they made.

  • What is their finished meal?
  • Does their meal look picture perfect, or does it turn out questionable? How does it taste in contrast?
  • Do they enjoy this meal with friends, or do they prefer to eat alone?


Each Prompt grants STANDARD PAYOUT.
Please make sure to follow Prompt Requirements outlined below!


Click to see its masterlist!
Designed By Sweet-n-treat


Click to see its masterlist!
Designed By Sweet-n-treat


🥗MYO Slots

  • 4 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 3 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 5 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 20 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 NO MYO slots.
Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 10 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.


🍙Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 30 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


Crowns are rewarded for ALL prompts, but the other items are completion based, and granted upon completion of the final prompt.


Each prompt grants STANDARD CROWN PAYOUT 

Delectable Leftovers


The meal is finally complete! There was so much food, that surely nobody could finish it all. Take a little home with you!
Allows your choice of either:

Finished Feast


You might find an extra treat in your leftovers!
This prize is rolled automatically upon approval!

Feast With Friends


You can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor!
This is a badge granted for completion.



Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody AND a Simple Background of an official Skire Character or Skire NPC following the prompt
  • Written -- 600 Words or more describing the prompt
Drawn Prompt Requirements Cheat Sheet

Please refer to each individual prompt for their submission information!



Submission Requirements

Art Requirements
  • The image should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements. Non-Skire characters will not count for payout.
  • Fully colored (Shading is not required, but is allowed and will grant additional crowns).
  • A background that fits "simple background" requirements is required.
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry.
  • Collaboration pieces will not earn either person an entry but can still be done for fun.
  • AI Generated images are not permitted for any event entries.
  • Photography used as backgrounds are not allowed, even if it is your photo.
  • Photography is allowed if you are submitting a craft entry, such as sculpted or paper CCCats interacting with the world around them.
  • Entries can be digital or traditional.
Writing Requirements
  • The writing should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • Minimum of 600 words per entry.
  • Titles and words that are not part of the main narrative do not count towards word count total.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included prominently in the story. 
  • You must create the story/literature yourself. You may not commission someone else to write it for you. Plagiarism will be checked.
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.

General Rules


    • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
    • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
    • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries.
    • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check below for characters available for gift art!
    • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
    • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
    • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).



Q: Can we ask for an extension on the prompt?
A: No, but if submissions require revisions you may be informed of a grace period to resubmit.

Q: If I win, can I give my prize away?
A: For fairness, if you win the prize, you may not gift the prize away. You may return your prize to the admin to re-roll the raffle. Items can be traded, but you should not enter solely to grant the item to someone else.

Q: Can I enter to try and help someone else win?
A: No, it is not fair for multiple people to enter on behalf of one person. You will not be able to surrender your prize to a specific person.

Q: When will the event end specifically?
A: This prompt's end date is displayed on the prompt itself! Please refer to this section and the website's clock for this time!

Q: When will prizes be raffled off?
A: Anywhere from the next day to a few days after the event ends. Rolls are automatic onsite but we will still be announcing them in the Discord!

Q: My entry was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements. Can I fix it and resubmit to try and enter?
A: Yes, as long as this is done so before the event ends. We will not count anything submitted after the event has ended, but a short grace period may be given.

Q: Are admin allowed to enter the event and win prizes?
A: Yes, admins are allowed to enter events! However if an admin is rolled for winning a prize, they don’t occupy a member’s chance to win! Another roll will be done so that a member can still win a prize.

Q: I became a non-owner/owner over the course of the event! Can I change my entries? 
A: Yes, please contact a mod! If you become an owner over the event, we ask that you inform us that you are no longer a non-owner out of fairness! If you become a non-owner, please inform us as well as we may grant non-owner tickets. If we notice this system is being used to fodder non-owner MYO slots, we will no longer grant ticket changes from owner to non-owner for the event period, but you may be eligible again if you are still a non-owner during the next event.


Prompt Updates

Premise: Make a wonderful meal during this 3 Part Prompt!
March 01 @ 02:00:00 - April 30 @ 11:59:59
🍨 x3 Prompts || Standard Payout + Prompt Prizes


Bonus Rewards: Throughout the duration below, users who complete the weekly gift art prompt will also gain the bonuses for the Leftovers reward! Sifting Sands will go up until the rollover between rewards.
Reward Bonus Duration:
March 04 @ 00:00:00 - April 28 @ 11:59:59
🍔 Flat Payout + Prompt Bonuses


NEW: A New Mainstay Prompt has been released!
Chunks is a weekly prompt that can be used to submit any piece of art that meets the requirements for full Crown payout!

  • UPDATE: The Skire Scoop Prompt has updated to a new question! [How do you spend your day off?]

🍩item Releases

A few new items have been released! Read below on how to obtain them!

Delectible Leftovers

That meal was great! You feel lucky you get to take a little treat with you after the fact.
Allows your choice of either:

Granted at the completion of the Savory Sweets Prompts
Candy Chompers

Applies ONE of the following traits to one CCCat or Gravent.

Can be chosen from the choice box received from the completion of the Savory Sweets Prompts
This is a chance drop from completing each of the Spirit of Gifting Prompts

General Store
SPicy Skillet Links

Applies the following trait to a CCCat. Crook, or Gravent.

Can be chosen from the choice box received from the completion of the Savory Sweets Prompts
This is a chance drop from completing each of the Spirit of Gifting Prompts

General Store
Paw bean Bun

Applies the following CCCat trait to one CCCat.

This is a chance drop from completing part 3 of the Savory Sweets Prompt

General Store


  • SPRING Magics are now in season. Click here to view what magics are in season and will grant bonuses! Reminder that Defect grants bonus all year around on Standard Payout Prompts. Make sure you're adequately claiming!
  • Pity rates for magic defects have been edited by Pasta to make defect a guaruntee after rolling 20 times, regardless of failure/success. Any rolls that began before this update may still go over 20 without granting defect. If you roll 20 times without defect, please submit a claim!
  • The ARPG Opening MYO Raffle will be extended to March 03, 2024 @ 11:59:59 site time so that it corresponds to weekly rollover! 
  • We will be phasing out the use of discord links as prompt submission options starting at monthly rollover. Unfortunately links now expire! Please use Toyhouse or another social media, Stash, Imgur, Postimages, Google Drive, or another hosting service from here on out! We will send back any prompts using discord links from here on out!


  • Payout/Cost Review - Now that the first month and a half of the arpg have passed, we are reviewing potential changes to payout. No detail at this time on IF or HOW payout will change are going to be effected!

ARPG STATS -- 1433+ approved Prompts submitted since ARPG Opening

  • Coveted Coin Pouch - The coin pouch has had its table adjusted slightly, but we will be continuing to include it on the gift prompt for the forseeable future. Its drop rate will be updated March 03rd, 2024 @11:59:59 Site Time
  • Trait Reviews - We are working on solidifying definitions for traits, so that they can be more clear for users! this requires multiple admin review so may take some time. Sweet-n-treat has nearly completed all of the trait sheets! Those will be uploaded with time as well.
  • Questline Prompts - We are working on a one time quest for users to earn a MYO slot and some traits. While this is in concept, you may not see it for some time! There is no set date for it to be released.  
  • Mentors - Boosted Basic Mentors are in progress. Their training grounds are set up, currently working on art assets. (Ether, Smoke, Ice, Metal). More refinements to 
  • Crafting - Crafting will be an upcoming way to earn and create items using crafting materials! Recipies are currently being concepted and fleshed out!
  • Fishing/Gathering - Fishing and gathering are the main ways to gather crafting items. We are working on the logistics and stats of how gathering will work!

[EVENT] 💗Skirentines

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Pasta


Welcome to the February 2024 Skirentines Event!
Its time to spread a little love around Skire! Let folks know you care about them, and check out the Monthly Prompt Below, hosted by Zukuro!

Premise: Collect Heart Shells on the shores of Meteor Lake alongside Hart and Strings! Gift them to those you love! Click the prompt to learn more about rewards.
February 01 @ 00:00:00 - February 29 @ 11:59:59
❣️ Standard Payout + Prompt Prizes


Bonus Rewards: Throughout the duration below, users who complete the weekly gift art prompt will also gain the bonuses for the Sifting Sands reward!
Reward Bonus Duration:
February 05 @ 00:00:00 - February 29 @ 11:59:59
❣️ Flat Payout + Prompt Bonuses


💗Trait item Releases

A few new items have been released! Read below on how to obtain them!

Box of Hearts

A nice box... full of hearts... full of sand... it gets everywhere, not unlike the copious feelings you'll get receiving one!
Allows your choice of either:

Granted at the completion of the Skirentines Prompt
Bittersweet Truffles

Applies ONE of the following Nautipod traits to one Nautipod.

Can be chosen from the choice box received from the completion of the Skirentines Prompt

General Store
Candied Heart

Applies the following Nautipod trait to one Nautipod.

Can be chosen from the choice box received from the completion of the Skirentines Prompt

General Store
Sappy Sweetsticks

Applies the following Nautipod trait to one Nautipod.

This is a chance drop from completing the Skirentines Prompt OR the Gift Prompt.

General Store


UPDATE: The Skire Scoop Prompt has updated to a new question!
NOTE: The ARPG badge will remain available for the completion of this prompt until February 29th 11:59:59.


UPDATE: New items have cycled into the General Store!


UPDATE: CONTENT WARNINGS that are more specific to subject matter have been added to make those restriction more clear.

More references have been added for clarity towards Chibis, and Shading Levels


[ARPG] Pt.1 is Live!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Pasta


Welcome everyone! Its been a lot of hard work from the team since this new website's conception to get this up and going, but we are ready for our first wave of ARPG testing! Please check out the guide below for what is currently available to complete!

Hello and thank you guys endlessly for the kind words, excitement, and of course patience with us as we got to work with the ARPG!

We are so excited to be able to unveil the start of what we hope to be multiple parts of the release for the ARPG and features for the site!
There’s a lot of details below about what is coming in this first part later in this announcement and what we hope to be working on next, along with some other small things. It’s really exciting, and I'm so thankful to the team and members who helped contribute everything they have to make this a reality!

As a reminder, this is going to be the first part of the ARPG so it is quite limited compared to what we hope will be the full picture later as we progress. Consider it like the first true beta test round for the ARPG I think! However, as previously mentioned, there aren’t any plans to remove progress or wipe any progress during this unless there is a potential bug or site feature that breaks and does something completely unintended, but that is unlikely. Knocking on wood of course omg…

BUT for now, I just want to give everyone who helped out as well as all the people who have been excited for everything my utmost appreciation and gratitude. There’s a lot that has changed since the initial concept of the ARPG, but I’m really excited for what is becoming real and the plans we have and options available to us as we go forward. It’s a new experience for me overall, and I’ve been having a fun time learning and I aim to keep doing so as we continue onward with more! Slowly but surely, the site and ARPG as a whole has been expanding with lots of new things and possibilities, and I cannot wait to see where things go!
            - WellHidden

PLEASE NOTE: These values are subject to change, as are prompts! Feedback is welcome and appreciated. 

Earning Crowns

Crowns are currently earnable via prompts! We plan to roll out more prompts with consistency, and have more planned for release soon!

Available Prompts

Type: Weekly Prompt
Description: Submit sketches and short drabbles for a bit of extra coin!
Payout: Flat
This prompt will become a daily prompt eventually!
Type: Weekly Prompt
Description: Create gift art or writing for another user's Skire character!
Payout: Flat
This prompt has a bonus RAFFLE and WEEKLY GIFT Available until february 29th.
Type: Weekly Prompt
Description: Draw or write your character in an alternate form!
Payout: Standard
Type: Monthly Prompt
Description: Respond to Scoop's monthly column question!
Payout: Standard
This prompt has a bonus ARPG BADGE and Available until february 29th.

More TBD!

We aim to roll more mainstay prompts with time, and are in active development of more! Payout values are also subject to change. If you participated in the alpha you may have noticed that they have changed a lot! The team believed that this system was more complex than necessary, and wanted to start smaller, so that numbers felt like they had more weight to them when earned, and adding up payout values could be made easier to undertsand.

Payout guide

All prompts listed as "Standard Payout" Will have a calculator attatched that will help you calculate payour rewards. These payouts have a chance of changing over time! With this first release, we aim to test how they go!

Crown Art - spockirkcoy

Spending Crowns

Purchase trait tickets and MYO slots here with your Crowns!
MYO Slots will be limited to one every 3 months per user. Items will cycle out!

Magic Training

Type: Training
Description: Spend Crowns to learn magics!
Available Magics: Fire, Water, Earth, Air
More to come! Next plans are for Boosted Basics (Smoke, Ice, Ether, Metal) 
Type: Character Limited
Description: To start training with a mentor, complete this prompt!
Payout: Standard
Type: Character Limited
Description: Train to add more magic slots to your character above the base 3!
Payout: Standard + Indelible Ink Item

About Magic


You must complete the Mentor Initiation Prompt to train in a new magic.

Each Mentor costs a set amount of crowns to train with. This will roll on the design's training table, and the odds of each level's rolls are listed on the mentor's page. Rolling a success gets harder with each level, and the chance of rolling a defect will rise. for every 3 fails, you will roll an automatic success.

Magics have specific bonuses when you depict your character using them in prompts during their respective seasons. 


December 01st - Februray 29th
March 01st - May 31st
June 01 - August 31
September 01 - November 30
  Water Air Fire Earth
  Ice Ether Smoke Metal
  Steam Storm Magma Sludge
  Death Nature Electricity Blood
  Shadow Life Light Necromancy
  Time Mind Space Reality

Magic Bonuses


Bonus Type
These apply currently to all magics. Differences in levels and magic types will be expanded over time.
Affiliated --
1 1 crown
2 2 crowns
3 3 crowns
4 --
5 --
Defect (NOT SEASONAL) 3 crowns

Magic Bonus Rules

  • Magic Bonuses are SEASONAL, meaning they will only recieve these bonuses within their respective season. 
  • Magic Bonuses do not apply when creating gift art, and only count when using your own character.
  • Magic Bonuses require the magic to be shown in active use.
  • NPCs/Mentors with magic do not grant this bonus.
  • Defect Bonus is able to be used ALL YEAR

Available Mentors

Mentors are available to train at any time after completing the Mentor Initiation Prompt. It costs crowns to train alongisde a mentor each time. More magics will roll out with time!

Mentor Art - Frog // Zukuro // Sweet-n-treat // Lovestruck


Defects are when magic overtakes part of a character's body.  They have a chance of being rolled each time you roll with a mentor. If you recieve one of these items, they will be bound to the character you are rolling for. They may be turned in for 2 levels of their respective magic if you do not wish to have a defect on your character. 

Defect Items - Frog // Zukuro // Frog // vorthr
Magic and Magic defects can be removed via these items --

Please read the item descriptions! Magic cannot be re-added after being removed unless you re-affiliate and re-train

Magic Item Art - Sweet-n-treat

OTHER UPDATES and what comes next


You may trade/transfer any item that you own that is not marked as account bound. All trades require admin approval
Item Trades:
  • Transfers of Skire Club currency ("Crowns") or items to other individuals should only be done if obtaining art or something related. (Examples being: a Skire character or items able to be obtained on Skire.Club). 
  • You may trade your Crowns and Skire items for art (including art dolls, badges, plushes, and other physical work),  Skire Characters, or other Skire items. MYO Slot items cannot be traded under any circumstance. You may determine your price in crowns for items or art, and it does not have to adhere to onsite standard pricing. Art does not have to be Skire themed, but all other trades must be Skire related. Items and currency cannot be traded for non-Skire characters.
  • Individuals may not sell or purchase Crowns or Skire Club items for real-life money or currency by any means. This rule excludes characters or MYO Slot items that have resale values listed. Skire characters are not considered an item such as trait tickets, trait items, crafting items, etc. If this rule is found to be broken at any point a ban may be made on-site and in Skire community spaces.
  • Crowns and Skire Club items cannot be exchanged for real-life goods such as gift cards, games, attire, etc. by any means. Crowns however may be exchanged by users for custom handmade crafts such as character plushes, character physical artwork, etc.
  • Crowns and Skire Club items can be exchanged to others as gifts, however exploitation of multiple accounts to obtain Crowns or items is prohibited, and can result in the revoking of items obtained unfairly and a ban to the offending accounts. You may not utilize multiple accounts under any circumstance, especially to generate items via free gifts, or any other means of exploiting the ARPG System.
  • Improper listing of a "gift" in order to circumvent any of the above rules is strictly prohibited and may result in a ban on-site and in the Skire community.
  • You are required to use the onsite Item Trades function when creating trades. Please provide sufficient proof of terms via image links, detailed lists, etc. Trades will be rejected if proof of their terms are insufficient.
  • Parties involved in trades must both approve the trade twice. Please make sure your trade partner attaches the correct items. Users are responsible for managing their trade's completion, and the Skire admin team cannot reverse trades.
  • You may offer commissions for crowns/items at your own preferred pricing. You may also gift items or crowns, but must specify this when trading. 
  • If we are made aware of multi-accounting, any items transferred will be removed from the account, and all accounts involved are at risk of a ban. Multi-Accounting is against the rules and the spirit of the ARPG. BY CREATING TRADES YOU AGREE TO THESE RULES.



spockirkcoy has been working hard on Lore pages! We have a few lore pages up, please take a look around! 


New Item showcase

Indelible Ink

Obtained: Ichor's Dedication Prompt
Use: Add an extra magic slot to your character, for a maximum of 6 total slots.
Art: WellHidden
Starter Pack

Obtained:Free Gifts Shop
Use: Open for 30 Crowns and an Uncommon Trait Ticket
Art: Frog
Coveted Coin Pouch

Obtained:Spirit Of Gifting Prompt
Use: Earned once weekly from the above prompt. Open for a little extra gift!
Art: Frog

What comes next?

  • More Mentors -- We want to further expand the mentors! Next wave of mentorship will see the Boosted Basic mentors (Metal, Ether,
    Ice, and Smoke.
  • Magic Bonuses -- Expanded perks for magic! Magic levels and Magic Defect will grant expanded special perks when used in prompts.
    Currently values are in progress for these! We are testing out a basic version of the system while this is in progress to keep it balanced
    as we expand on the Mentors!
  • More Prompts -- More prompts will be rolled out that are mainstay, and able to be completed any time to earn crowns (via monthly and
    weekly prompts). Monthly prompts will also continue to roll out! We also want to create questing prompts that earn unique traits or
    items, similar to Ichor's Dedication!
  • More Trait Items -- As always we want to continue bringing unique trait items out for users!
  • Crafting -- Some of you may remember original crafting items from the first wave of ARPG Testing! we want to bring these to you with
    further ways to get trait items and tickets, as well as other fun new mechanics!
  • Fishing/Scavenging/Gathering -- Gathering prompts and mechanics will be made available as a way for users to get items for crafting! It will come with multiple mechanics, including the ability to "hire" help with your crowns!

[Update] General Rules, ToS, & Privacy Policy update!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by WellHidden

Hello everyone!
For those unaware the goal was set to release the first snippet of the ARPG around January 14th!
I think we're still set for this though of course any potential delay will be notified likely on the Skire discord server.

In preperation for the upcoming ARPG there have been some updates to our site and community Rules, ToS,  and Privacy Policy to ensure individual safety and proper usage of the site.
With the update we ask you please be sure to read through as usage of the site and participation in the Skire community requires agreement to these!

As a reminder, this upcoming release will only be part 1 of expected multiple parts for full release to come gradually.
The first part will be testing small parts of larger site functions, currency values, the first four basic mentors, and some mainstay prompts.
We hope to obtain feedback regarding these things and see what we can do with them overall to expand! We have a number of things planned regarding these that may not come in part 1 but are slated to come in the future.

This is essentially going to be the start of "beta" for things and changes are to be continuously made as we watch and experience how things go! 
It is not expected that a "rollback" or wiping of anything earned during this time will be necessary even if large changes are made, however if something is done accidentally through testing or usage of new site features that results in unintended behavior or a bug then corrections may be made in case!

You may see further updates notified on-site and on the CCCat discord server as the day gets closer for ARPG release and after release in case!
Thank you guys!!

[Event] ❄️ Winter Gift Event !

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Sweet-n-treat

❄️Winter Gift Event❄️

December 2023 - January 2024

Gift Prompt !

As the year is coming to a close, it's never a bad time to share the joy of gifts amongst each other! So that's what this prompt will be all about! This prompt will only be submittable once for this event, so everyone can have some fun and enjoy the end of the year and the start to the next!

For all information regarding the prompt, click the present below!