All NPCs can be used in any event! They can be used by non-owners, owners, and are allowed for gift art and writing!
Click on their image to view their masterlist entries and traits!
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Steadfast, dedicated, strong-willed
Species: Crook
Myir believed it important Crooks and the others on Skire understand their abilities. All creatures of Creators could evolve and become better, and Crooks were an obvious indicator that even CCCats could evolve and become something new. Yet their gods wanted them to be brought into their own unique prison? Why? Why should they have to suffer and be locked away for their progress? For their sense of individuality going even beyond CCCats? Myir could show the world that Crooks could bring about the change CCCats failed to and properly aid Skire in healing itself and protecting it from the potential dangers of human's absorbing-magic ability. Myir had a plan to revive magic even in the city of Uto, scatter humans from their dependency on the city, and make magical creatures feel safe in the city once again and show the others on Skire Crooks were no less powerful than their origin selves.
Pronouns: They/Them
Personality: Empathetic, adaptable, optimistic.
Species: Crook
Halik believed that Crooks were punished by their kin close to them in roots, but that didn't mean they couldn't learn to give themselves new purpose. Halik was empathetic and understood why their existence could be scary. While many Crooks could wind up feeling helpless or hopeless of their time in the Alter World and learned to only rely on themselves, Halik believed in the ability to receive help from others and give help back. They believed with the aid of others who sought similar ideas that it could guide them on the right path to becoming another species among Skire and even potentially bring back old magic that existed even before wormlings came about. They wanted to show all on Skire that Wormlings were not the violent creatures people they thought they were, and could find those willing to stand up for peace on Skire, by learning and adapting to the new way of life and teaching many about lost and forgotten magic.
DJ Kilter
Pronouns: Any
Personality: Intense, passionate, keen.
Species: Crook
As your file in among the crowd and make it inside a variety of colored glow sticks on necklaces are draped around your neck by friendly staff. The beat pounds in your ears, trill notes and base drops seem to fill all the space in your mind and you finally let loose and dance to the beat with the rest of the crowd. Your marvelous dancing ends up putting you up at the lip of a large stage with a DJ booth on top. A Crook with decorative glowing pants mans the DJ booth and is the source of this amazing music! They look down from atop their decorated booth and wink at you before tossing you another glow stick to add to your collection and dropping more amazing beats! How could this party possibly get any better?
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Whimsical, soft, kind.
Species: CCCat
"My dear friends, it is an honor to be here with you this evening of great celebration. I am Drent, a traveler and collector of trinkets and stories. I've brought with me today a variety of items and friends who will help me in telling tonight's stories. I have for you, tales of my travels, stories of exploring the world, discovering ancient ruins, and grand fights with beasts of all kind. Please sit back and relax, as the magic's of our world show you great tales of our adventures! Drent swishes his hands and magic begins to flow around him. He raises one of his swords and a great magical holographic image of a towering beast appears behind him. "Now, let the adventure begun!"
Pronouns: He/They
Personality: Brooding, loner, opinionated.
Species: CCCat
"I don't understand it..." He sighs, turning over his shoulder to glance at the partygoers in the distance, "why they'd want to celebrate, I mean, isn't there so much more we could be doing?" His words are vague, but you can tell that his mind is preoccupied, perhaps lingering on the recent release of the Crooks, or perhaps somewhere else entirely. "Seems like a waste of time," he mumbles. He turns to you and huffs, reaching a hand out in greeting.
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Hearty, bright, cozy.
Species: Crook
You make it up the stairs, a tad sore from the climb. Ahead of you you can clearly see a large crook, sitting peacefully in a chair lined with warm furs, surrounded by dancing magical lights. He smiles as people, CCCats, and Crooks alike all bear him the gifts they have brought. He shakes each individual hand, and you watch excitedly as your turn to give your gift approaches. As you get closer, his appearance grows clearer. His tendrils wrap around his neck, mimicking a full and friendly beard He wears a large cloak, lined with fur and made from fabric resembling the bright colors of the aurora that lights up the night sky. He is covered in sparkling fluff that glitters like the snow, and his eyes squint as he smiles, full of cheer. As your turns to meet him comes around, you hand him your gift and he takes it with a bright grin.
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Non-stop, excitable, delightful
Species: CCCat
Jingle is a ball of energy, constantly on the move. He thrives around others, and is a huge people person, most often found in his free time preforming magic or dancing in the streets. Most see him out at night, the bright colors of his coat standing out well in the darkness. Though he loves to play tricks, he does it in good fun, delighted to be able to put a smile on any face.
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: Positive, naive, giving
Species: Crook
Chime is a happy-go-lucky Crook, always happy to make herself the center of attention. She is wise beyond her years despite her fun loving attitude, having been around for hundreds of years. She possesses light magic, and loves to use this to distort reality and create wild shapes and illusions. She weaves bells into her long fur to ensure that you can always here her coming, and uses the toll of her bell tail to announce new nightly events.
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Dignified, passionate, aloof
Species: CCCat
An astronomer with his head a bit in the clouds. He holds himself high, but makes sure to spread his knowledge without hesitation to all those who ask. He presents himself as dignified and aloof, but cares deeply for what he does.
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Reserved, storyteller, secretive
Species: CCCat
Borrow is the librarian of the Compendium, an old and near-abandoned library that hasn't opened its doors in years. He's reserved, but holds a great passion for his books and those who come to read them. He loves to read to a crowd, and this is when he is at his most outgoing. Despite a warm and welcoming exterior, this CCCat has his fair share of secrets...
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Worn, wise, knowing
Species: CCCat
The Elder is a very old CCCat from the early days after Seers began to disappear.
He was rumored to be the brilliant Nature Magic caster that created the bramble wall, and he was said to be a towering being with lush leaves for a mane with flowers able to root and grow on his silken fur. However, after creating the bramble wall the magic was drained and the Elder hadn't been able to sprout a single leaf since. it's unclear if the tales are true or not and he's certainly not telling. He seems to like being the subject of such legendary tales. Regardless, he looks pretty worn and the explanation that he drained all his magic to protect his home and began to decay as a result might make sense… or perhaps he's just a fan of the wise old man aesthetic.
Still, he's an odd fellow who loves a good joke and even poking fun at his own expense. He's also full of knowledge and experience and more than happy to tell stories but be careful about agreeing to such tales from him as some of them are decades long!
Pronouns: They/Them
Personality: Short, displeased, frustrated
Species: Crook
Through the stagnant puddles of bilge water trudges a figure, hidden behind heavy clothing. Only their toothy scowl shines through, chewing absently the lip of their coffee cup. As they turn their key, the door to their office creaks open into the dusty, single room, papers, unused furniture, trinkets scattered about, some of which they push out of the way to make it to their desk. By now their drink is already cold, the drink now nearly as sour as their mood. Business is slow, clients dwindling as time marches on and the detective falls into obscurity.
Edwin is a gruff crook who runs their own detective agency in Fever. They speak quickly and shortly, their mind always running over clues, preoccupied by their jobs, which come few and far between. They much prefer to stay hidden in the shadows, knowing it will make their job far easier, and allow them to avoid unwanted prying.
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: Hard-headed, abrasive, angry
Species: Nautipod
Jaw is a Nautipod who is very set in her ways. She knows what she wants, and she will make that happen by any means necessary. Her primary goal is to find a way back to Ofae, or at least uncover the mystery of Ofae’s status. Her personality is quite abrasive, a core reason as to why she left Meteor Lake quickly once the Nautipods emerged. She was not leaving much behind, and much prefers the darkness of Uto rather than the depths of the lake.
“This piece of my home is in unknown hands, and we very much intend to get it back, or figure out what they’ve done to it,” She growls.
Pronouns: She/her
Personality: Charismatic, compassionate, creative
Species: Gravent
Sequin basked in the view of her still unfinished creation, and a smile creeped further up her face. She always outdid herself. She couldn’t wait to see the creations that her guests would bring, each one a unique fingerprint of its owner. How others used the medium of clothing constantly inspired her, and knew that this year, her party would be spectacular.
Sequin is an intensely charismatic Gravent who is a renowned fashion designer who has been making a name for herself in Stonewing. She aims to spread the medium of fashion from more than just a high end luxury, hoping to bolster the message that anyone can make clothes, and everyone deserves to feel and look their best.
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: bashful, tired, softspoken
Species: Whick
Suteo is a whick stretched quite thin by the escaping of the wisps. She is a lantern maker tasked with capturing wisps and making sure they are contained safe. She is frantic, but seems to always have an air of exhaustion surrounding her. She is kind, softspoken, and generous.
Pronouns: He/They
Personality: Softspoken, Caring, and Sweet
Species: Nautipod
Hart is very much one to advocate for self love. They believe that its incredibly important for you to prioritize yourself when you need it, and give yourself the grace and care you give to others. Hart likes to remind people that they matter.
Pronouns: She/They
Personality: Passionate, Dedicated, Loving
Species: Nautipod
Strings is passionate about sharing the love in any and all forms. To her, even the smallest actions can show someone you care, and your support can be the greatest gift someone may receive. They love dedicating their time to creating small acts of kindness.
The Captain
Pronouns: He/Him
Personality: Witty, Ectsatic, Boisterous
Species: Gravent
An old dog who will teach YOU new tricks, The Captain's age has yet to catch him- and he doesn't plan to slow down anytime soon. He has plenty of stories to share with willing listeners, though he tends to go down a few rabbit holes.