
Created: 24 October 2023, 21:43:18 UTC
Last updated: 2 August 2024, 00:13:32 UTC



Nautipods are a sentient species living on the stray continent of Skire. They are one of the currently known species that do not start out life as Wormlings. Nautipods are formed when objects (usually pearls or crystals) fall close to Ofae’s chunk deep within Meteor Lake. Sinking into the abyss, the object is crushed and reformed by the pressure and contact with Ofae's magic; effectively transformed into a heart for the Nautipod. Over time more materials collect and form around the heart to create the Nautipod's shell and body. 

Nautipods have existed even before Skire (Entity). During this time, they inhabited the moon known as Ofae. Nautipods such as Grimace will remark that Gostiel stole the idea of Humans from the Nautipod's now aptly called 'Humanoid' forms. 

Ofae's creation of Nautipods came about in order to inspire Eeridi to have a "goal".  Ofae was always fond of Eeridi, and with Eeridi's creation of its namesake planet, Ofae wanted to hope that one day its moon would be reached by the inhabitants of Eeridi. Ofae planned that, if the species of Eeridi reached the moon, Nautipods would be there to welcome them and offer new resources and magic. That was, until Gostiel made Humans. 

Seeing this development, Ofae sacrificed itself and its creation to be of aid to those on Eeridi by creating Skire (Entity), and embedding a piece of itself into the land along with its creation. There, deep underground and underwater, Nautipods would remain; waiting for the day that they would be called upon to protect and guide Ofae's chunk into delivering new magic to the world. 

Nautipods have their Creator, Ofae, but it is unknown if they have Guardian figures like the CCCat and Crook Guardians Everything and Nothing.



A Nautipod can breathe both underwater and on land; possessing a circulatory system that extracts oxygen evenly based on the environment it currently resides in. The pod form is able to survive completely without oxygen at times, but their Humanoid form requires it. They are able to exist at varying depths, adapting easily to deep water with high-pressure as well as shallow water. 

The blood and innards of a Nautipod are usually brightly colored; reflecting the dominant color of their magic, and differing from individual to individual. When exposed to oxygen their blood will reverse its color, for example turning from yellow to purple, or teal to orange. 

Nautipod 'Pod' form size chart

Nautipods can have a small range of sizes (white) and can have one main size they take naturally. Beyond their main size they can size up or down one from that main size. Chibi and Monster sizes (orange) are unique to only myth-traited Nautipods, and Extra Tiny or Extra Large sizes (Gray) are unique to Abyssal-traited Nautipods.

Humanoid Height Chart Coming soon
Anatomy Continued-

Nautipods have two forms - a main Humanoid form, and a smaller Pod form. 

Nautipods are the same general heights as Humans while in humanoid form, but while in pod form they tend to be smaller, the largest size often averaging that of an adult human’s torso.

While in their pod form they look similar to small, nautilus-like creatures with decorative shells and tentacles that extend out of the shell. At the opening of the shell their soft body is protected by a hard helm. When threatened, they are able to suck their soft body and tentacles into their shell far enough that the helm can close completely. 

Their humanoid form is bipedal and similar in body plan to a Human's, like the name would suggest. Their heads are protected by the helm parts which, similarly to the pod form, can close completely over their face if desired. Their bodies are a mixture of soft body and armor-like shell plating. This plating can resemble a lot of things, even appearing robotic in some cases, or appear more traditionally like a suit of armor.

Nauti Humanoid Patch Placement

Their wrists, ankles, and necks have patches of reinforced skin. This reinforced skin can appear sometimes at other joints on the body.

The tentacles of a Nautipod are always present on either of their forms, though they may not always appear on the 'face' like they would in the Pod form. Humanoid Nautipods have been seen commonly with tentacles coming from their heads, down their spine, or at the base of their spine as if to mimic tails.

Nautipods do not possess the flexibility the other Skire species do. However, their tentacles are able to flex and contort freely and bizarrely due to their lack of bones or internal structures. Their hard bodies and shells are firm and unable to be contorted freely. 

A Nautipod's eyes can differ in color as long as it is a solid color. Similarly, their tongues and internals can be any solid color. 

Nautipods can get tattoos and piercings, but they struggle to permanently pierce their shells as the hole will close over with time. To keep a permanent piercing, they need help from other Nautipods to carve and put caps around the holes to keep them from healing over or cracking.

Much like CCCats and Crooks, Nautipods are naturally genderless and can adapt their bodies with magic to appear as their desired gender. 


The tentacles of a Nautipod are as important as limbs to another species. Each Nautipod has a minimum of 2 tentacles. These soft limbs are used to explore their world with touch, or tools for holding and eating. In pod form, the tentacles are also used to steer as they swim or hold on to rocks or other underwater objects so they do not get washed away by strong currents. Tentacles are smooth and slick to the touch, even on dry land. 

Because of their lack of bones, a Nautipod in pod form cannot properly walk upright, but they can use their tentacles to push themselves forwards or backwards along sandy or rocky shallows. On land they can use their tentacles to crawl about similar to how an octopus might. 

In Humanoid form, the Nautipod's tentacles are not as integral to their locomotion. They have legs and arms to allow them to walk and hold on to things. Depending on where the tentacles are on a humanoid form, the Nautipod might use them for balance, as additional arms for holding things, or even to imitate Human hairstyles. 



Like other Skire species, Nautipods are able to shift into a few different forms. Their Humanoid and pod form are the main two, but they can also shift into a true Human form, a Mer-form, or an Octo-Mer form. The Octo-Mer form is used commonly, however Nautipods that possess the 'Fishy Shell' trait are able to shift into a mer-form using their shell in the place of tentacles.

Nautipod Mer-forms

Nautipods do not have the same range as CCCats and Crooks when it comes to shifting; appearing more humanoid across all shifts. The process of shifting also differs from the Wormkin. When a Nautipod changes forms, they will collapse their soft body and form a tight seal with their hard shell pieces. Inside, they morph into the desired form before re-emerging. 




◆ Upper half matches Nautipod Humanoid form.

◆ Lower half matches tentacle design and number.


◆ Upper half Human (follows human form requirements).




◆ Fishy Shell trait (rare)

◆Upper half matches Nautipod Humanoid form.
◆Lower half matches Fishy shell design.


◆ Upper half Human (follows human form requirements).




◆Soft joint patches (neck, wrists, ankles).

◆ Eyes match Nautipod form.

◆ Beaky teeth.


◆ Humanoid form can have any skin tone or match the Nautipods markings. Markings can appear instead colored like the skin tone. 

◆ Armored segmentation.
◆Claws or fingernails.

(Open images in a new tab to see full detail)


Nautipods have a natural affiliation towards Earth and Water elements, but they are not innate magic casters. Like all beings, they have a magic weave that runs through them as a lifeblood, but to truly cast and jumpstart their affiliations with specific magics, Nautipods must utilize Ichor Ink

It takes a dedicated student to master Ichor Ink and grow accustomed to channeling the magic that spins from it, though there are few who have been found to simply form with strange affinities to magics outside of their usual domains.

Because of their natural attunement, Nautipods have an easier time understanding and mastering Earth and Water magics, but still must work hard to be able to cast or utilize their properties like any other magic type. 


Survival & Lifestyle

A nautipod takes it's first moments in the world in the depths of water. Like fish, swimming comes naturally to them, and they are able to move at impressive speeds as well as pull off quick maneuvers with ease. 

Unlike wormkin, Nautipods do need to eat in order to survive. Their diets consist of fish and other aquatic life or vegetation. The frequency of meals to maintain health is around once every 2-3 days. When food is ingested, their digestive system brings the nutrient directly into their core/heart and breaks it down into magical energy. Eating proteins other than fish is not something they usually do, nor is it usual for them to eat large quantities of food on a regular basis. Their metabolism is incredibly slow, and discomfort from hunger is a rarity. Due to this, carnivorous tendencies and/or the need for cannibalism is highly unlikely. If cannibalism were to occur, the likelihood of punishment for it would be little to none. Aquatic Nautipods tend to see hunting as a free-for-all. On land, the act of eating their own kind is slightly more frowned upon, but the species will not go out of their way to hunt and kill offenders. No sickness or long-term ailment is obtained from Nautipod cannibalism.

Similarly to CCCats and Crooks, Nautipods can handle toxins and poisons rather well. However it is much easier for them to become inebriated or high.


While their shells and soft bodies are incredibly durable when it comes to deep water pressure or exposure to acids and poisons, they are easily harmed by fire, sharp objects, and blunt force. Their regenerative abilities are limited by their distance from their origin place. If harmed, a Nautipod can reform and heal if they get close enough to Ofae or Ofae's chunk. Inability to get near Ofae will inhibit their ability to heal, and with enough distance or large enough injury, a Nautipod will die. 

Injuries to a Nautipod's soft body -like tentacles and inner limbs- are the quickest to heal. Large damage to their shells is much slower to mend.

When a Nautipod dies, they will slowly decay. The soft body is the first part of them to fully decompose, and the shell is occasionally left behind; slowly wearing away due to erosion and currents if left underwater. If the shell is left on land, it will eventually dry out and become dull in color. 

Lifestyle & Socializing

Nautipods can only truly speak in humanoid or human form, as they lack the mouthparts and vocal chords needed to verbally communicate in Pod form. However, they do have a form of writing that is unique to them. The writing is mostly based on colors and objects commonly found underwater, and is best described as a pictographic language. There is no official alphabet, and understanding this language is largely based on the individual pod's own knowledge of the colors and items they are presented. 

Titles and names among Nautipods are usually based on a physically apparent trait that could be considered unique to them. They do have informal names for Nautipods they don't know well. Usually these informal names are based on a physical characteristic present on their shells. Most of the time, an informal name is all a Nautipod will know since long-term relationships or acquaintanceships are not common down in the depths. When on the surface, greeting another Nautipod with a title like "shiny-shell" or "rough-helm" is the norm. 

Individuals who garner reputations will seek to spread a title they have obtained, especially if it is well-liked. They will attempt to have it be used by everyone they meet, and become somewhat protective of it as a unique title only they can have. Among individuals they have befriended, the Nautipod will share it's real name, as there is no need for titles among close friends. 

Those who learn of a Nautipod's name, even if they are not close to them, will usually try to be honorific about it, adding their unique title to the end of it. For example, a stranger might call "Grimace, the Sharp-toothed" in order to be respectful. 

As the newest species to set foot on Skire, and laying mostly dormant for a long time, Nautipods are very unfamiliar with any of the other Skire species. Many of them remained in the abyss of Meteor Lake, and only learned about other Skireans through Ofae's magic. Those who ventured out of the lake have spent a lot of their time learning, and teaching in return. They are highly curious and eager students.

Adoption into a CCCat's familial hive is possible, but a Nautipod can never truly connect to it fully, let alone connect to the Hivemind as a whole since they cannot communicate telepathically. Joining a Crook's Protection is much easier for them, as there is no language barrier. 


More to be added at a later date

The information on this page was originally compiled by @PalletEclipse

Additions, edits, and re-write by spockirkcoy

visuals by WellHidden and Frog