[EVENT]🔮 Over, Under, and Through

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by spockirkcoy

🔮Over, Under, and through🔮

Welcome to the May - June 2024 Over, Under, and Through Portals Event!

Prompt Outline

Portals are commonplace around Skire, used for countless reasons by countless beings around the continent. One may use them for travel, to leave their home and traverse quickly across the landscape to another city, to visit friends, pick up supplies, or simply explore. Portals of countless shapes and sizes are also key for continental commerce, driving goods of countless types through specialized portals that bring them where they need to be.

Portals can often fall into disrepair. Their space magic is upheld by infused caster speak, and like all machinery, they wear down over time. Wires come loose, conduits fall apart, and molding metal rusts, meaning Skire is littered with portals that have long-forgotten uses. Many seek to repair these portals simply out of curiosity to see where they go. Some are even employed for their upkeep. 

A portal may be built by a single person, or used by a community, company, hive, or other group. Many build their homes around these landmarks for ease of movement across Skire. 

Travel! There are many interesting places to explore around Skire... Where will you go?

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed once within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) travelling through a portal.

  • Does your character regularly travel through portals? 
  • Do they stumble upon one on accident, or find something mysterious or broken?
  • Where do they end up? Draw them in a new biome or location.
  • Do they avoid portals for any reason? Explore their thoughts on travel around skire.

Portals are an integral part of daily life across the continent. How does it effect your life? 

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed once within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) interacting with a portal.

  • Does your character use portals to send items or gifts to others? Ship their creations across Skire? 
  • Do they use them for a commute or personal travel?
  • Are there specific portals that are important to them? Design a portal they might travel through or interact with often.
  • Have they ever interacted with one on accident, or had a magical portal mishap?
  • Have they created their own?
NEW PROMPT + Event Bonuses

Home can mean many different things to many different people. What is home to you?

Prompts do not need to be completed in order.
🔮Must be completed twice within the event period in order to claim the completion badge.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) at their home, or somewhere they consider home.

  • Where is their home located?
  • Are they a wanderer with no solid place they return to? 
  • Did they build their own home? What is it like?


Each Prompt grants STANDARD PAYOUT.
Please make sure to follow Prompt Requirements outlined below!

PLEASE NOTE! Due to Frog's absence at the end of this event, prize rolls will be pushed back by at least a week! Thank you in advance for your patience!


Click to see its masterlist!
Designed By @nicefrog


Click to see its masterlist!
Redesigned by @nicefrog


Click to see its masterlist!
Redesigned by @nicefrog


🔮MYO Slots

  • 4 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 3 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 5 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 20 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 NO MYO slots.
Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 20 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.


🔮Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 30 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


These items are granted per prompt. The badge may be claimed if you complete the 4 prompts.


Each prompt grants STANDARD CROWN PAYOUT 

Tattered Package


You've been waiting on some crowns... but this might just be more...

Badge for Completion


Using all four RETURN ADDRESSES from the EVENT PROMPTS, you may claim the completion badge!
This is a badge granted for completion of all 4 prompts.



Minimum Requirements for the monthly prompts -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody AND a Simple Background of an official Skire Character or Skire NPC following the prompt
  • Written -- 600 Words or more describing the prompt
  • Finding Home -- Finding home has different minimum requirements. Please check them out!
Drawn Prompt Requirements Cheat Sheet

Please refer to each individual prompt for their submission information!



Submission Requirements

Art Requirements
  • The image should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements. Non-Skire characters will not count for payout.
  • Fully colored (Shading is not required, but is allowed and will grant additional crowns).
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry.
  • Collaboration pieces will not earn either person an entry but can still be done for fun.
  • AI Generated images are not permitted for any event entries.
  • Photography used as backgrounds are not allowed, even if it is your photo.
  • Photography is allowed if you are submitting a craft entry, such as sculpted or paper CCCats interacting with the world around them.
  • Entries can be digital or traditional.
Writing Requirements
  • The writing should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • Titles and words that are not part of the main narrative do not count towards word count total.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included prominently in the story. 
  • You must create the story/literature yourself. You may not commission someone else to write it for you. Plagiarism will be checked.
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.

General Rules


    • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
    • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
    • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries.
    • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check above for characters available for gift art!
    • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
    • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
    • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).



Q: Can we ask for an extension on the prompt?
A: No, but if submissions require revisions you may be informed of a grace period to resubmit.

Q: If I win, can I give my prize away?
A: For fairness, if you win the prize, you may not gift the prize away. You may return your prize to the admin to re-roll the raffle. Items can be traded, but you should not enter solely to grant the item to someone else.

Q: Can I enter to try and help someone else win?
A: No, it is not fair for multiple people to enter on behalf of one person. You will not be able to surrender your prize to a specific person.

Q: When will the event end specifically?
A: This prompt's end date is displayed on the prompt itself! Please refer to this section and the website's clock for this time!

Q: When will prizes be raffled off?
A: Anywhere from the next day to a few days after the event ends. Rolls are automatic onsite but we will still be announcing them in the Discord!

Q: My entry was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements. Can I fix it and resubmit to try and enter?
A: Yes, as long as this is done so before the event ends. We will not count anything submitted after the event has ended, but a short grace period may be given.

Q: Are admin allowed to enter the event and win prizes?
A: Yes, admins are allowed to enter events! However if an admin is rolled for winning a prize, they don’t occupy a member’s chance to win! Another roll will be done so that a member can still win a prize.

Q: I became a non-owner/owner over the course of the event! Can I change my entries? 
A: Yes, please contact a mod! If you become an owner over the event, we ask that you inform us that you are no longer a non-owner out of fairness! If you become a non-owner, please inform us as well as we may grant non-owner tickets. If we notice this system is being used to fodder non-owner MYO slots, we will no longer grant ticket changes from owner to non-owner for the event period, but you may be eligible again if you are still a non-owner during the next event.


Prompt Updates
  • UPDATE: The Skire Scoop Prompt has updated to a new question! [What do you like to create?]

Premise: Make a wonderful meal during this 3 Part Prompt!
May 01 @ 02:00:00 - June 30 @ 11:59:59
 x2 Prompts || Standard Payout + Prompt Prizes

Bonus Rewards: Throughout the duration below, users who complete the weekly gift art prompt will also gain a bonus WEEKLIES roll! It will begin Sunday May 06th at rollover, and the subsequent event's bonuses will be removed then as well
Reward Bonus Duration:
May 06 @ 00:00:00 - June 30 @ 11:59:59
🔮 Flat Payout + Prompt Bonuses


NEW: A New Mainstay Prompt has been released!
FIDING HOME is a monthly prompt that can be used to submit art relating to your character's home!
RELEASE BONUS - This prompt will need to be completed TWICE (once per month of the event) in order to gain the event completion badge for the 🔮Portals Event


NEW: Information on three of Skire's Locations has been updated! More will come with time. Take a peek for some inspiration on your travel prompts!
NEW: The Nautipod Lore Page has been completed by spockirkcoy!


We have introduced a weekly claim function over at our site Dailies page. Once per week you can claim by clicking on the button! Prizes are a mystery...

NEW: Smoke, Ice, Ether, and Metal Mentors are out!
RELEASE BONUS - These mentors will ALL be available to initiate and train with until June 30th! They will then cycle into their respective seasons, and initiation and training will be available throughout that season.

Boosted Basic magic bonuses have been expanded upon on the Magics page!




A few new updated releases are available! Please check them out!

Raffle Ticket updates

Prompt raffle tickets will now be granted to the user upon prompt approval

  • The user is responsible for picking the prize pool they wish to enter for with each ticket, and has up until the duration of the event's end to use these items. You may not swap pools once the item has been used.
  • Users must still specify if they are a non owner in order to be placed into the non-owner pool
  • Tickets leftover from the event will be removed from user inventories upon event conclusion to be reused in future prompts. 
Received: Via monthly event prompts
Tattered Package + BAdge

Each prompt for this event will grant x1 Tattered Package. Usually, you'll recieve what you were expecting... You may recieve something odd instead!



  • Trait Reviews - CCCats have been completed! We will continue on through traits as time goes on! Crooks are up next.
  • Mentors - Mentors will start rolling out on a more seasonal basis! We also do want to eventually roll out mentors of other species! The first set will be CCCats majorly as its what we have had in the works for years even before the release of other species, which is why they arent uet of a variety! We have had guests in the past help with these items, and you may see that again going forward! Feel free to apply to the guest artist form that we have edited to also include site image assets!
  • Questline Prompts - We are finalizing a one time quest for users to earn a MYO slot and some trait tickets. Prompts are currently in progress, shops are being set up, and we are ironing out the logistics! Special currencies are necessary for it, so you may begin to see those appear!
  • Crafting - Crafting items are being worked on, as are crafting related locations and prompts!
  • Fishing/Gathering - Fishing and gathering are the main ways to gather crafting items. We are working on the sources, shops, prompts, and more for these crafting items to be gained!
  • Locations - Locations will be further added and expanded upon over time!
  • Legacy Trait Sheets - These are now out of date as the Trait Page and Visual Sorter are prioritized.
1 Comment


iotaeggy Avatar

IM CRYING SO HARD /POS im so happy and excited to see the arpg being expanded more im so excited !!!!!!! im so happy to be here <:] thank you guys for doing so much work, it doesnt go unnoticed. i appreciate you guys all immensely !!!! /gen

2024-05-02 10:05:22

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