Your Guide to Skire.Club!
Skire.Club is an artist and writer driven community based around 4 main species created by WellHidden. We are constantly updating and creating new content, and new features will be added with time. We welcome artists and writers of any skill level to participate!
- CCCats - Our flagship species! CCCats are a monsterous and parasitic species formed from "wormlings", which become their tongues. They hold eyes that posess their essence, and are connected to one another via their crowns through the hivemind!
- Crooks - Our second species! Crooks also originate from wormlings, but their eyes fuse to their bodies, creating a cluster of multiple eyes. Their wormlings become tendrils that the crook displays. They are known for their beastly forms and sharp teeth.
- Gravents - Gravents are an avian species with small true wings and a set of magical vent wings that propel them through the air. They are smaller and bird-like, and known for being sociable! Gravents often facilitate the movement of information around Skire.
- Nautipods - Nautipods are an aquatic mollusk-like species with two forms; a humanoid and a "pod" form. They switch between these forms at will, and are known for their armor-like traits and a helm that can close to conceal their face. They are a mysterious species with strange, otherworldly origins...

📍You made it!
This guide will give you a quick overview of everything on the website! At the very bottom, you can find some First Time Owner/Non-Owner specific information.
- Site Information will summarize all of the activities and informational sections onsite!
- Glossary gives an overview of each species specific term you might encounter!
- And our final section gives insight on where to begin if you don't yet own a Skire Character!
- Click on me for your next assignment!
Site Information
Below is an at-a-glance list of the main features of the site!
- Rules - These are our overarching site rules! All users are bound to these rules, and by signing up/playing you agree to follow these rules.
- News - Keep up to date on all of the recent Skire happenings in the News tab.
- Sales/Adoptables - Adoptables are purchasable character designs created by Admin usually purchasable for USD. Occationally, OTAs (offer to adopts) are also made!
- Make-Your-Own (MYO) Slots - MYOs are tickets you can use to create your own Skire designs! They are purchasable occasionally for USD, but can also be purchased via
Crowns earned by the ARPG
- Species - The four species both have their collection of lore and traits!
- Traits - Each species has a selection of traits that can be applied via items, or may come default with a MYO Slot.
- ARPG -
- Prompts - Prompts are sets of activities that can be used to earn
Crowns! You do not need your own character to participate in most prompts, though some prompts may require one! Some prompts are Flat Payout, meaning they grant a set amount of crowns or rewards and do not gain bonuses from drawing or writing more. Some prompts are labeled Standard Payout, meaning they pay out more depending on how much you draw or write! Find our Payout Guide for more info!
- Special/Monthly Prompts - Prompts that release often only once! These often come alongside lore updates, new items, and more. They usually have special rewards.
- Mainstay Prompts - Prompts that can be completed any time! Some may be completed weekly or monthly. Sometimes they are given event bonuses.
- Seasonal Prompts - Prompts that can be completed weekly throughout their respective season.
- Shops - Purchase many different things at the shops! Some shops will use specific currencies. You can purchase traits and more here.
- Magic - Magic and Mentorship allow your characters to train and hone their magical skills. Using magic in prompts will grant additional rewards during their respective seasons!
- Mentor Initiation - Initiate your character with the magic training of their choice! Seasonal magics will be available for initiation and
- Magic Mentorship - Train with magic mentors here! Pay
Crowns to level up your magic to earn more rewards when used in prompts. Some mentors are seasonal and will show up when the seasons turn.
- Ichor's Dedication - All characters come with 3 Default slots. Earn more magic slots to train more magic by completing this Questline.
- Defects - Defects are when magic overtakes a character. This could mean that part of their body is made out of an element they have trained in. They can be recieved from training with mentors, and are optional to apply. A design with a Defect may not learn or use any other magics!
- Items -
- Item Trading - Trade with other users here! Please make sure you meet the requirements for trading. Usually this requires you to complete at least one Prompt. Please also be sure to review our rules regarding what is and is not okay for trading on-site items. On-site items and currency may never be exchanged for IRL currency.
- Trait Items - Trait Items apply specific traits to designs via Design Approvals.
- Augment Wards - Grant individual bonuses when used on prompts!
- Crafting -
- Prompts - Prompts are sets of activities that can be used to earn
- Activities
- Dailies - Claim weekly rewards! This requires one crown to begin, but you will always get your crown back, +1! You may also drop an item!
- Raffles - Raffles are often additional prompt rewards. Prompts will reward a ticket, which you can open and use on a raffle of your choice. Sometimes raffle will be
- Discord - Join the Discord! We often post announcements here and host Discord-specific raffles. Meet and interact with the community here!
- Information
- Admin - Meet our administrators! Reach our or submit a report if you're in need of assistance or have a problem!
ARPG - Art Roleplaying Game
The ARPG as it is often referred to is a series of prompts you may create art or writing for in order to earn Crowns. This part of the site is completely optional, but is a free way to work towards creating characters!
Adoptable - Adoptable Character
Adoptable refers to a character that is usually sold by admin and purchased by users!
MYO Slot - Make Your Own Slot
An item or masterlist slot that allows you to create your own species! These can be found on the MYO Masterlist, and MYO Items of all types can be found in the Item List.
"Official Character"
Official Character can refer to a few things!
- Official Designs - Designs created by admin and guest artists. These are not created by MYOs!
- Official Characters - Characters made official on the Masterlist. These are characters that have been approved for use in the ARPG! You must always use an Official character for prompts.
NO/FTO - Non-Owner/First Time Owner
First Time Owners are users that have never owned a Skire character. Non-Owners are people that maybe once owned one, but do not any longer. Both are considered the same for any NO/FTO exclusive raffles, prompt bonuses, etc! Bonuses for prompts are provided for Non-Owners as well. Non-Owners may participate in prompts to earn crowns by drawing/writing NPCs or characters available for gifts!
Where to begin as a First Time Owner!
MYO Questline Guide
Completing the MYO Questline will grant a series of account-bound tickets purchasable from the Elder's Abode! The questline culminates in your choice of an account-bound character that you can use to participate in the ARPG! You may only pick one of the following!
- MYO Questline MYO Slot - Exchange your final prompt reward for a MYO Slot! This is account-bound and allows you to make your own design from any of our four species. Opening the MYO Box is final! Please make sure of the species you want to make before opening it.
- MYO Questline Premade - For those who prefer not to draw, or for those interested in a design already made! Use your final prompt reward to purchase one. These are released occasionally, and will always be all-common!
Starter Prompt
The Starter Prompt is a one-time prompt that grants a Starter Pack item! Complete this once to get some crowns and an Uncommon Ticket to help you start your journey into Skire. You'll also earn a badge!
- Complete the Starter Prompt Scavenger Hunt BEFORE completing the prompt for a special Augment Ward! Using this ward will give you one of our rarity choice boxes. Which rarity you get is a surprise!
General Prompts
To earn a MYO slot and create your first character, complete prompts! Using NPCs or characters available for gifts provide users many ways to earn Crowns.
- NPCs
- Gift Available Characters - Users can opt their characters in to receive gift art! Doing gift art will also grant crown bonuses in prompts.
- Available for Drawing Gifts
- Available for Writing Gifts
- Non-Owner Bonuses - STANDARD PAYOUT Prompts have bonuses for non-owners. Events often have MYO Slot pools specifically for Non-Owners as well!
Trade for items, characters and more with other users! You must complete a prompt first before you can trade! Try our Chips prompt, which requires just a simple sketch. Make sure to refer to our trading rules!
- You do not need to complete a trade if you are recieving a Skire character. You will for any items!
Raffles are hosted occasionally and often have bonus pools for Non-Owners.
- Discord - Discord often hosts raffles! These are FFA/Free-For-All to enter or may also have Non-Owner specific prizes. Join and make sure to pick up the Non-Owner role in the #Role-Change-Request channel.
- Onsite - Most Onsite raffles are connected to prompts! Prompts will reward a ticket for completing them, which can be opened towards the raffle of your choice.