What is Magic?
All designs within Skire are capable of learning magic. Each design starts out with 3 slots to be able to learn 3 different magics.
To begin training in magic, you must complete the Mentor Initiation Prompt for each new magic that you wish to learn.

📍Magic and MENTORS
Spend your Crowns training with the Mentors! Magic training isn't easy, there's always a chance of failure! But don't worry, the more you train, the better you get!
Crowns are earned via drawing or writing for prompts!
- Mentors cycle seasonally! Our four main magics will always be around.
- Some magics require you to have trained in prerequisite magics. For example, to train with Vetra, the Ice Magic Mentor, you must have fully trained Water Magic with Kol.
- Using magic seasonally can grant you additional crowns in certain Prompts! Read below for seasonal information and crown bonuses.
- Magic Defects occur when a being's body is overcome by their magic. This can occur for many reasons. Defects grant crown bonuses no matter the season!
[View all Magics and Mentors Here]
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Mentors are available to train at any time after completing the Mentor Initiation Prompt. It costs crowns to train alongisde a mentor each time. More magics will roll out with time!
Mentorship costs a set amount of Crowns to train. Earn crowns via completing prompts.
When magic is trained, there is a chance of SUCCESS, FAILURE, or DEFECT. Please visit each mentor to view these odds. More difficult magics will be harder to level up in.
- SUCCESS - Your character levels up in their trained magic.
- FAILURE - Your character does not level up. After 3 failures, you persevere and succeed!
- DEFECT - A Defect Item is rolled. If you roll a magic defect item, you may update your design via Design Approval. A defect can only be used for prompt bonuses if it has been updated to the design.
These magics will be open for initiation and training between the listed time frames. Please see the bottom of the page for specific dates.
These magics will be open for initiation and training between the listed time frames. Please see the bottom of the page for specific dates.
These magics will be open for initiation and training between the listed time frames. Please see the bottom of the page for specific dates.
Description: To start training with a mentor, complete this prompt!

Description: Train to add more magic slots to your character above the base 3!

The following are all the magic types on Skire. Not all of these are available for training, but as time progresses they will roll out, some seasonally, and some mainstay! Their lore and information will be filled out as they are released for mentorship.
Basic Magics
Basic magics are the four most standard magics on Skire! They can currently be trained via mentorship
Boosted Basic Magics
These magics are considered the next level of the magics above. They require full training in their respective elements.
Merged Magic
These magics are combinations of the original base magics. They require at least two basic magics as a prerequisite to train.
Advanced Magic
These are special magics that are quite difficult to learn, but very powerful.
Advanced Merged Magic
These are mysterious magics that require at least two specific advanced magics to train in.
Prerequisite magic
some magics have prerequisites to be able to learn them!
Basic Boosted Magics
- Fire -> Smoke
- Water -> Ice
- Air -> Ether
- Earth -> Metal
Merged Magics
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Fire + Air = Electricity
- Fire + Earth = Magma
- Water + Air = Storm
- Water + Earth = Sludge
- Earth + Air = Nature
Advanced Merged Magics
- Space + Time = Reality
- Life + Death = Necromancy
- Light + Shadow = Mind
Basic Levels - Please click on the icons above to visit each magic's page.
- Affiliated -- Cannot yet use magic, but is able to train via the mentor that the design is affiliated with.
- I -- These levels represent with flavor the different abilities a character can use within their magic.
- II -- Click each icon above for detailed versions of these abilities.
- III -- As levels rise, so does proficiency over each magic.
- IIII -- Only certain magics reach levels above three.
- V -- Magic levels will eventually grant specific rewards when used in prompts.
- Defect -- Parts of the body are made purely of the magic that they train in. They can no longer use other magics.
- Nullified -- Magic has been nullified by a defect. Applies most often to designs with merged defect magic.
Magic defects
Defects are when magic overtakes part of a character's body. They have a chance of being rolled each time you roll with a mentor. If you recieve one of these items, they will be bound to the character you are rolling for. They may be turned in for 2 levels of their respective magic if you do not wish to have a defect on your character.
Characters with a defect applied cannot learn or train in other magics.
Magic defects cannot be turned off, as they are merged with the body!
Available Defects
Magic and Magic defects can be removed via these items --
Please read the item descriptions! Magic cannot be re-added after being removed unless you re-affiliate and re-train.
Seasonal Bonuses
Magic is considered a seasonal bonus. The following list is what seasons correspond to active magics.
Magic Bonus Rules
- Magic Bonuses are SEASONAL, meaning they will only recieve these bonuses within their respective season.
- Magic Bonuses do not apply when creating gift art, and only count when using your own character.
- Magic Bonuses require the magic to be shown in active use. When writing, please Bold or Underline where you mention the magic in your piece.
- Magic Bonuses can only be used on prompts that grant full payouts.
- NPCs/Mentors with magic do not grant this bonus.
- Defect Bonus is able to be used ALL YEAR
- Magic Bonuses CANNOT be stacked
Season |
WinterDecember 01st - February 29th |
SpringMarch 01st - May 31st |
SummerJune 01 - August 31 |
FallSeptember 01 - November 30 |
Water | Air | Fire | Earth | |
Ice | Ether | Smoke | Metal | |
Steam | Storm | Magma | Sludge | |
Death | Nature | Electricity | Blood | |
Shadow | Life | Light | Necromancy | |
Time | Mind | Space | Reality |
Magic BonusesCANNOT BE STACKED Level |
Basic MagicsFire, Earth, Air, WaterSEASONAL BONUS |
BOOSTED BASICSmoke, Metal, Ether, Ice |
MERGED MAGICSteam, Storm, Magma, Sludge, Nature, Electricity |
ADVANCED MAGICSpace, Time, Light, Shadow, Life, Death SEASONAL BONUS |
OTHERCertain magics may go up higher levels. Many of these bonuses will update over time. |
Affiliated | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
1 | 1 crown | 2 crowns | 3 crowns | 4 crowns | 5 crowns |
2 | 2 crowns | 3 crowns | 4 crowns | 5 crowns | 5 crowns |
3 | 3 crowns | 4 crowns | 5 crowns | 6 crowns | 5 crowns |
4 | -- | -- | -- | 7 crowns | 5 crowns |
5 | -- | -- | -- | 8 crowns | 5 crowns |
Defect (NOT SEASONAL) | 3 crowns | 4 crowns | 5 crowns | 8 crowns | 5 Crowns |