Admin can take paid customs! Please contact the artist you would be interested in commissioning for a quote!
Prices may vary based on complexity, traits, and amount of art, and time!
- Please do not shop around to multiple admin for the same custom, as we want to make sure our members do not try to take advantage of any difference in pricing, and avoid issues arising if multiple artists plan to take the same custom.
- Alternatively, if you wish to gauge interest of an artist for your custom WITHOUT a quote, you may approach for an interest check. this will NOT come with a price, and can help customers and artists alike gauge interest in a custom before committing when a price is given.
- We ask this out of respect for each artist, and so that no one admin is fighting for the same custom or losing out on a custom that they expected to take, even if in the future. It is more than okay to decline a custom from an admin if you do not wish to wait, cannot afford the price, or for any other extenuating reason.
- MYOs and trait tickets cannot be used to discount customs from admin or wellhidden.
- Streaming may be available upon request.
- Notes -- Some Admin may refer to an alternate ladder when determining traits. The options on the side are not the only ones, and more traits can be added/subtracted. Admin will discuss specifics with you in the quoting process!
Custom TiersNOTE! These are not the only tiers available, and are more for reference based on what you may be looking for. Quotes can be done for any number of traits! |
Cost |
All Common | $300 |
1 Rare, 3 Uncommon |
$450 |
1 Myth, 2 Rare, 2 Uncommon | $600 |
2 Myth, 3 Rare, 3 Uncommon | $800 |
Touched+ Bracket | Please ask for a specific quote if you're interested in touched and unseen traits! |
Contact: Discord WellHidden
Open for quotes and customs, payment plans or immediate customs! Available for any species customs, splices included.
Contact: Bbeest @ Discord
Open for Quotes (quote does not guarantee a slot). May accept depending on traits/time frame. Not a fast artist, expect 2-3 week turnaround
Ok with moodboards/written descriptions, can work with already existing concepts (no copyrighted material, your concept not someone elses). I'm not good with very complex patterns and don't have a streaming set up but will give lots of WIPS via discord DMs. Would prefer a rough concept design/personalized base is OK'd by user before payment.
Contact: Zukuro @ Discord
May accept slots depending on traits and complexity. (Getting a quote does not guarantee a slot!)
I am generally very flexible and accept payment plans and occasionally accept trades to reduce cost, just send me a message to discuss! I will work from scratch, with detailed descriptions/mood boards and you may provide concepts/sketches and palettes if there's something specific you want but I will NOT use existing designs/other users characters as reference or color pick existing characters! I have a wonky schedule these days so please let me know if you want me to stream the custom and we can schedule a time!
Contact: sweeeee @ Discord
Prices Below (Complexity fee may apply)/Full Range Available
Contact: spockirkcoy @ Discord
Quotes are open! Quote does not guarantee slot. Available for any species customs! payment plans or immediate customs accepted.
Please DM me if you would like to fill out my custom form for a quote.
!Please be aware: I don't do multiple iterations up-front.
Rather, I will present the customer with one concept based on the idea given. This concept can be altered heavily until we land on something the customer likes.
I also prefer that I am not presented with any other Skire design as a reference for what you want, unless it is one of my own creations!
Contact: Nicefrog @ Discord
Open for Quotes // Accepting Case by Case. Pinglist available if you have a quote, though slots are not guaranteed.
Preferential to concepting myself, will not do exact color picks or copy an already-made design. Willing to make any changes throughout the concepting process! Streaming (Private and Public) are available through customs.