[🔥Part 1] Prepare for the Long Night
Decorate and Prepare for the Long Night...
🔥Prepare for the long night🔥
Part 1 - Prepare for the long night
Set up decoration for the Long Night!
Your goal is to decorate! You’ll want to set up your home to be the absolute best place to party the night away! The Long Night can be scary for those who dislike the darkness, and many believe that decorating with shining lights helps to ease those fears. Some though may relish in this darkness, electing to embrace it in their decor and celebrations or avoid such festivities completely.
- Decorations often involve candles in some way as they serve to provide quick and simple communication, but traditional string lights, pumpkins and other items with candles in them are just as common. Plenty of other goofy and scary decorations also line homes and abodes, and during this period of darkness Skireans also create plenty of games to partake in! People will often set up decorations and lights along paths in towns or cities to aid travelers, and these decorations don’t always need to be indoors or on homes.

Prompt Outlines
Prepare for the long night
Prompt 1 -Â
This prompt must be completed FIRST
There are many ways that Skireans prepare for the Long Night. For some, they decorate with lights and candles, inviting fun and celebration, while others lay low. Despite these differences, one will most certainly see lights scattered about displaying color-coded messages.
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) preparing themselves for the Long Night.
- Does your character enjoy the decorating, or do they prefer to remain low-key?Â
- What color lights might they display, if any?
- Does your character have experience with the Long Night, or is it new to them?
Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!
Refer to the Prompt Overview for more detailed information.
- Writing - 600 Words
- Drawing - Halfbody with a Legible Background
You can submit to the google form at most three times for filling out each of the separate prompts.Â
- Prompt 1 - Prepare for the Long Night - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
- You will also recieve one Lumpy Pumpkin and one Wisp Lantern and Wisp for completing the first prompt.
Wisp Lantern
Lanterns drop 1-7 wisps at equal drop rates, 10 if you're lucky! These wisps can be used for entries into the different pools detailed below. To use a lantern, open it in your inventory! Your Inventory will then be granted a number of wisps.Â

Please note that this event will be the first one submittable directly onsite! Please use the following form to assure your submission is able to be processed quickly!
- Prompt Number: (1/2/3/4)
- Ownership Status: (Non Owner/Owner)
- Prize Pool Choice: (Premade/MYOs/Trait Tickets)
- Prompt Prize: (List your choice of prize for your final prompt)
Reward | Amount |
Wisp Lantern | 1 |
Wisps | 1 |
Lumpy Pumpkin | 1 |
[🔥Part 2] Unexpected VisitorYou can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .