Past Prompts

Past prompts that have been archived!

♦ To view prompts that were made before the site relaunch, click here! ♦

⛵Sail The Seas of Skire

⛵Sail The Seas of Skire

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (5 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[EVENT ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Sail the High Seas with our Intrepid Captain...



"Ahoy, Skire!" Booms the old Gravent with outstretched arms, beckoning the motley mix of a crowd to come closer. "Aren'cha lil' green'orns grow'n tired of bein' packed in 'ere lik'a can of sardines? Don'cha wan'a real escapade? Then drop all yer' busywork an' climb aboard, mates! The Captain'll show yous a real adventure!"

The Captain's ship has docked on the shores of Skire, but he isn't here to take in the sights of the land. The old Gravent is looking for a crew, extending an invitation to any Skire seeking the thrill of the high-seas! 

"An' I almost fer'got, if ye' heed my words and pay real close attention, ye' may just leave wit' more than ye' bargained for!"

The Captain has many stories to tell, if you listen and piece them together, you may just find something nice, left from The Captain himself...

⦿ Prompt

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character embarking on a journey with The Captain.

  • Do they enjoy sailing the seas, or does it scare them? Are the seas of Skire calm or treacherous? What happens to pass the time?
  • Do they yearn for power, treasure, or simply a good adventure with friends? 
  • What calls to them to join the Captain on this journey? Do they stowaway and sneak aboard, or join the crew to help with a specific job?
  • The Captain doesn't need to be present in your work! It just has to follow the theme of adventure on the high seas.
  • This prompt may be completed once!

Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Flat Colored Halfbody and a Simple Background 
  • Written -- 600 Words or more

  • You may use NPCs for this prompt.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or you can look for characters open for gift art and writing
  • All content MUST be PG-13.
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin. Discord links are not permitted.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt. 
⦿ Rewards


All prizes will be rolled in order listed below, and from higher to lower rarity.


Maple Gravel
Click to see its masterlist image!



Golden Astrolabe
Click to see its masterlist image!


20's Deco
Click to see its masterlist image!

MYO Slots

  • 3 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 2 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 40 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 3 NO MYO slots.

Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 10 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.

Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 40 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


MINIMUM Requirements

Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Drawing - Flatcolor Halfbody and Simple Background
  • Writing - 600 Words

  • Prompt - Sail the Seas of Skire - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Raffle Ticket 1
Treasured Trove 1
Buried Treasure 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🪐[Fractured] The Forewarning

🪐[Fractured] The Forewarning

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 2 December 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (2 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🪐FRACTURED ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] How will you deal with the fissures?



Part 1

A feeling of deep unease creeps across Skire.

The earthquakes have been plaguing you for a while now.

The first one was just a little shiver; the ground jittering so gently you might not have noticed if it weren’t for the flower vase on your counter shaking like it had taken a soft breeze. Though, there were no windows open, and the cacophony of notifications on your social media feed told you that others had felt it too. Even if it was small, it was all everyone talked about. Quakes were far and few between on Skire.

Two days later there was another one, and people started to get a little worried. Between talk show hosts sharing hopeful theories about the development of a new layer of Uto, all that was on the news was the quakes. You were listening to one of these casts when the room started to shake… violently. Running outside, the ground under your feet seized and swayed as if you were on a boat in rough ocean. You’d never felt anything like this before.

Your neighbor’s distant panicked cries sank to the background of your mind as you stared out over the layers of hills and houses. Even the swaying of the ground becomes secondary, because out of the corner of your eye you saw it.

A strange, dark amalgam was crawling into the yard.


The Nautipods are telling you that Ofae’s magic is out of control. While more reports come in about the earthquakes and the oozing beasts, they say they don’t know anything else. It’s just a feeling they have -being the moon’s children- that Ofae is in distress.

The news says that since the earthquakes started, Ichor Beasts started to appear all over the place. The shrouded creatures came in many shapes; aggressively stalking and even chasing anyone who came near. That thing you saw was one of them. Though they’ve been sighted in the deep wilds before, it was extremely strange to see them wandering in towns, or even densely populated areas.

The worst part of all this is that nobody knows why.

You start to take home extra water and food. You pick up first-aid kits from stores, which is something you’ve never felt like you had to do before. You just have some urgent feeling that you must prepare yourself for, inevitably, whatever happens next. It could be nothing, but you’d rather be ready instead of sorry.


You go about your day as best you can, but you cannot shake the feeling that something is coming. The strange reports of magical fissures around meteor lake do not help either. Chaos slowly swells, the continent unable to ignore the warning signs appearing all around. It almost feels like the world is pending some kind of upheaval. Those more magically inclined have begun their investigations, but many remain unsure of what's to come.

It feels that nobody is immune to the anxiety, Nautipods especially impacted by the weight of what's coming. Their connection to the world's magic is different, drawn often to strange wells of magic unfamiliar to Skire. These fissures crack and shatter the earth, upending homes, displacing many. They pierce deep into the planet, past the crust, beyond... You cannot see far enough down. The magic feels familiar in a way, pulsing like veins from the cracks. Energy erupts with a static that feels almost heavy.

What's on the horizon?

Prompt Writing - spockirkcoy / Prompt Image - Frog


Prompt 1 - 

Fissures are erupting across Skire, creating chaos and havoc. How do they impact you?

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) being impacted by the fissures.

  • How has your home or residence been impacted by the fissures? Has there been destruction or chaos, terrified Skireans running amok? Have you lost anything in the chaos?
  • Do you go and investigate the fissures or the magic? Why does it interest or scare you? How are you keeping it together, if at all?
  • How does the strange magic make you feel? What emotions does it make you feel, or what does it compel you towards?
  • While the ichor beasts have emerged, they haven't spread far for now... This prompt focuses on the fissures, not fighting beasts, despite the boss..!

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

⦿ Submission Form

◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Stargazer's Trunk 1
Challenge Coin 1
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🪐[Fractured] The Emergence

🪐[Fractured] The Emergence

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 2 December 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (2 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🪐FRACTURED ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Horrifying beasts have emerged...



Part 2

Huge tremors shake the earth, and something snaps.

You were right to be cautious.

It’s been months since the first quake set off a nearly daily chain of tremors over the entire continent, but despite the fear early on, people have started to become used to it. Aside from the slight feeling of dread, you no longer jump or panic when you feel the ground move. For a moment you think that maybe this is just the new normal for Skire.

You’re asleep when it happens. A jolt wakes you from your slumber, and at first you’re only annoyed. Instead of the quake petering to an end, the shaking only gets more and more intense. You sit up in bed and patiently wait for it to stop. It doesn’t.

As you get out of bed, the glass in your windows shatters covering the floor in glimmering shards. The sound of it triggers your survival mode; and you run out of the room and into the world. Even out here, you can still hear the shattering noise. It’s not just your windows, the land itself seems to be screeching in agony. A chorus of shrieking, crashing, and something reverberating from deep under your feet. It makes you want to cover your ears, but it echoes through your body in a way that can’t be shut out.

A sudden powerful shockwave sends you to your knees; the earth bucking upwards underneath you, as if you’re being shot upwards into space. In the distance, all around you, the earth is breaking. It cracks into pieces with smoke and dust billowing from the fissures. Terrified, your eyes trace the cracks and chasms to one bulging point in the distance. You hope that whoever is nearest those fractures will not be swallowed up alive.

You’re sitting there, mind racing as you try to figure out what will happen next. Then, you see it. Out of the bulging earth, something starts to breach. It’s a strange thing, trying to describe a being of a size you couldn’t begin to fathom exists, but it’s there… jutting upwards like you’re witnessing a mountain being formed in real-time. A Titan, slick with oily Ichor that seeps from it’s body and waterfalls down to the land below, so far below. It crushes whole settlements with its hands as it heaves itself upwards until the crags of its long, shimmering neck touch the sky.

As you crane your own neck back, it opens its jaw and the siren roar pierces deep into your skull.


You wonder if this is the end of the world. You will realize soon that in a way, it is.

Prompt Writing - spockirkcoy / Prompt Image - Frog


Prompt 2 - 

A titan has breached the surface of Skire, ichor spilling from its cracks. Ichor beasts pour over the landscape. How do you approach?

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) dealing with the ichor beasts.

  • How do the ichor beasts impact you?  Did you witness anyone consumed by the ichor?
  • Are you always ready for a fight, or prefer a less direct route? Are you one to run and hide?
  • Where are you in relation to the titan? Did it break free close to you, or far away?
  • Ichor beasts can come in many forms... You may design these creatures for your prompts, but they are not considered official characters, nor should they be treated as such! 


Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

⦿ Submission Form

◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Stargazer's Trunk 1
Challenge Coin 1
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🪐[Fractured] The Fracturing

🪐[Fractured] The Fracturing

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 2 December 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (2 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🪐FRACTURED ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] The planet has shattered to pieces...



Part 3

Gravity suddenly flips beneath your feet.

The flood of Ichor cascading off of the Titan infected the land before your very eyes. From it seeped hundreds of beasts, those caught in the flood succumbed to the Ichor quickly. It left behind a throng of creatures none fully solid nor liquid that harassed and attacked any inhabitants they encountered.

It wasn’t long before they reached you. Over the next day your fellow Skireans began to band together. There was nowhere to run because they were everywhere, spawning from the ground and the rivers of muck that crept through the land from the fissures. There wasn’t much else you could do but fight. They seemed to resist magic somehow. Not even devastating magical attacks kept them down for long, so you resorted to attacking them with whatever physical weapon you could get your hands on. Eventually they would be kept at bay, but you were still unsure if they would stay down for good. Even when you felt you’d conquered them all, a new wave of them would soon appear. 

The looming Titan makes you all afraid. Days pass and it continues to climb up out of the earth, dominating the horizon. Attempts at attacking it seemed to be futile. It was just too large; too dangerous to get close, for fear of being swept up in the Ichor yourself.

Through it all, you try not to lose your hope. The idea of this being the new world you live in terrifies and exhausts you. You’re not ready to accept that world, though you’ve lived in it for close to a week. Is this truly how life is now? Have the guardians abandoned you? Your peers cry and huddle in stress every night. Unfortunately, you don’t think there is anything you could say to make it better.

One night as a new wave of Ichor Beasts breaks through your defenses, you and your group abandon your camp and retreat to higher ground. The sharp wail of the Ichor Titan threatens to break your will. What are you to do? What can any of you do?

Another shockwave hits. For a brief moment your heart stops, thinking that maybe another one of those towering beasts is about to appear. Just like that time weeks before, it feels as if the world is falling apart. This time though, you see it happen with your own eyes. A deafening sound like cracking glacial ice echoes from the ground and across the sky, like rolling thunder. Just as you witnessed the Titan ascend into this world, you watch the earth split open to swallow it whole again.

You hold onto each other as gravity shifts. The world feels heavier; sucking you towards the soil under your feet but you can’t look away as the Titan plummets down to whatever hell is underneath. The massive chasm continues to grow in the distance. Further, and further, as if Skire had become a floating island drifting away to safety.

You realize you aren’t dreaming, and this might as well be true. A CCCat near you says as much. You can barely believe what you are hearing.

Eeridi has shattered into pieces. 

Prompt Writing - spockirkcoy / Prompt Image - Frog / WellHidden


Prompt 3 - 

Land floats up around you, Skire and Eeridi in pieces.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) being impacted by the fracturing.

  • Where are you when the fracturing occurs? How do you stay safe? 
  • Do you lose anything or anyone important? What happens? 
  • Does chaos erupt around you? How do you band together with others?
  • How does your world change?

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

⦿ Submission Form

◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Stargazer's Trunk 1
Challenge Coin 1
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🪐[Fractured] The Aftermath

🪐[Fractured] The Aftermath

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 2 December 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (2 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🪐FRACTURED ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Things finally feel as though they've settled...



Part 4

All that's left is to pick up the pieces.

When you think back about everything that happened, you’re not sure how much time has passed. Everything feels like a blur, yet crystal clear in your mind at the same time.

Yes, Eeridi had shattered. You recall the emotions you felt when that information dawned on you. The world you once knew no longer existed, at least not in the same way you remembered.

Eventually you mustered the courage along with the others to approach the edge of the world as you know it. It made your stomach turn to look down and see a vast expanse of nothing but air, clouds, and Ichor below. Down there, under the mist and mire, you could still see the looming Titan moving like a leviathan across the surface of some inner alien world. You feel dizzy just looking at it.

When you look up you can see other fragments of Eeridi suspended far in the distance. They remind you of the floating islands near Meteor Lake, or Stonewing, though you know these fragments of the planet are much larger than they appear. Whole continents suspended in air… it’s still hard for you to wrap your head around even now.

In the weeks that followed the Shattering, people tried hard to adapt as quickly as possible. You think that if Skire had been less keen on advancement before all this, the change would have been harder for you all. Somehow everyone has found a way to band together and push towards solutions.

The Ichor Beasts still spawn here sometimes. With time you learn that you can predict where they appear if you follow the trail of the Titan below. Guilds have been popping up all over the place with this exact knowledge in mind. They’re training people on how to fight the Ichor Beasts. These guilds go by many names, but they are all sworn to fight back and keep us safe.

The air feels heavier around the edges of Skire, and authorities warn you all, especially those with abilities to fly, not to try and traverse the openings at all. The gravity is too great; able to suck down any craft that attempts to bridge the gaps at land level. The only way to travel from one island to another is from space. Over time you see an explosion of new types of space-faring shuttles and crafts built to ferry people from one island to the next.

It seems daily that you hear new stories of adventuring parties and researchers attempting to go down to the surface below; the “Core Planet” as they’ve been calling it. It seems to you like it’s a death wish to want to go down there, but they keep insisting that the information they gather is priceless. Half of them don’t come back.

Despite the enormous change to your physical world, you find that things are starting to move on like normal. Yes the air is a bit thinner, and the Ichor Beasts can be a tad annoying to deal with, but life goes on. Skireans are resilient beings. You all work hard to repair what has been broken.

Of course, researchers are still trying to figure out why all of this happened. You yourself wonder what the greater meaning of all this is, if there even is one. Everyone everywhere has their own theories. All you can really do is go on with your life, adapt, and hope that nothing worse happens to your precious planet.

Prompt Writing - spockirkcoy / Prompt Image - Frog


Prompt 4 - 

Things have finally settled, you feel as though you can finally breathe.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) rebuilding after the fracturing.

  • How do you rebuild? Do you build new relationships, new shelters, new knowledge?
  • Do you participate in the trips to the Core Planet? Does anything draw you to the ichor-ridden planet below?
  • How did you walk away? Do you have injuries, losses, or newfound ideas?

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

⦿ Submission Form

◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Stargazer's Trunk 1
Challenge Coin 1
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🎉 New Year, New Me

🎉 New Year, New Me

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 31 January 2025, 23:59:59 UTC (5 days ago)
Current time: UTC


New Year, New Me


When you look around, seeing the hundreds and thousands of other Skireans hustling around and going about their day, you can't help but to wonder what stories each of them has to tell. It's hard to fathom that all of these people, most of which you've never once met, hold a unique story of their own; one waiting to be told... even you- yes, you- have a tale to tell.


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Character and a simple background, experiencing their first moments or day after formation.
  • Written -- 600 Words or more about a Skire Character, experiencing their first moments or day after formation.
⦿ Specifics
  • Draw or write about your Skire character taking in the world around them after their formation was complete!
  • Were their first moments serene and whimsical, or were they filled with chaos? The possibilities are truly endless!
  • Please note, that while users are more than welcome to include Wormlings in their submissions, they do not count towards standard payout, and a fully formed Skire character will still need to be present in the submission!
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing.
  • All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
  • STANDARD PAYOUT -- Payout Guide
  • Loot Box - Prompt completion will reward the Timeless Capsule Loot Box!

Raffle Prizes

All prizes will be rolled in order listed below, and from higher to lower rarity.


The Cold Banket of Night
Click to see its masterlist image!



Sooty Slate
Click to see its masterlist image!


MYO Slots

  • 3 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 2 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)

Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will contain 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets.

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


Reward Amount
Timeless Capsule 1
Raffle Entry 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.
A Wander In The Woods

A Wander In The Woods

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 September 2023, 23:59:59 UTC (1 year ago)
Current time: UTC

Adventure into the woods! You might discover a little more than what you bargained for...



Please note this prompt is using our legacy prompt procedures, meaning it will still need to be submitted to the google form, and prizes will be rolled in the discord! future events will fully utilize the new prompt system!

Prompt Story
Prompt Outlines
Submission Guidelines
NPCs and Volunteers
Submit Here

Part 1 - It’s Time to Enjoy The Outdoors!

The warm weather permits many skireans to bound out into nature; enjoying the sunny days and beautiful sights of the untapped wilderness. You (your skirean) are one such skirean who decided to go out and take a much needed vacation in the woods. It’s the perfect time to do so, and so you pack up the essentials and trudge out to steak a spot for your tent. Maybe you brought some friends, maybe you trekked it alone, either way you are determined to have a good time!

Part 2 - Something Odd In The Woods…

While out and about, or setting up camp, something out of the corner of your eye grabs your attention.

There are strange lights and metallic flashes in the woods. Sometimes they seem like they are beckoning you, like they want to be followed. You decide to take a closer look. 

Stepping forward towards the lights, there is an instant silence that envelops you, as if every creature living in the woods noticed your presence, or maybe they fled. Continuing forward the trees grow denser, and though the light of the sun is dimmed here the floating lights guide your way. 

As the air around you grows colder, you think you finally begin to hear some kind of noise in the deafening quiet of these woods: music. Music… and singing? 

The gentle singing seems sad and happy all at once, and draws you further in. You must find out where it’s coming from.

Part 3 - The wounded beast

You make your way into a clearing that seems to be bordering a strange lake. A lake? There was no lake where you were, at least not this close by. The water looks like glass; moving slowly as if thicker than usual. You also think you see eerie metallic statues peeking above the surface.

You can’t look for long, as a friendly whisper grabs your attention. There, by the shore, you find a beautiful metallic beast leaking oil, its leg in a trap. The oil from its body pools on the surface of the still, milky water. It seems weak; eyeing you warily.

The lights seem to swarm around you, physically tugging you closer, and as you near the unfamiliar being you realize the beast is grinning at you. Though its mouth doesn’t move, in a tinny voice it speaks.
“Help me… please… I am hurt…please help me…”

“It is good to see you… good to see a friendly face…”

What do you do?

Prompt 3: The split choice.

You may only choose one option, and it may only be completed once. Draw your Skire doing one of two things:

Choice 1
Choice 1

Go with the lights and help the beast. You stoop down and free its leg from the vice of the trap. Immediately the creature is on its feet, as if the trap didn’t phase it at all. It reaches for you, clasping its burning cold hands over yours. 

“Thank you… you’re so brave… I could use another friend like you…” 

It tries to tug on you as it steps back towards the water, but you break its hold, backing out of the clearing as it stares you down with that grin. It doesn’t move, but the lights claw at your limbs begging you not to go.

(Item given for completing prompts: Oily Compact (Opalescent Markings)

Choice 2
Choice 2

Break free of the lights and flee. Something is not right here, you are in danger. As you run away you feel what seems like tiny hands tearing at your limbs trying to slow you down, and the sound of something, maybe the beast, laughing. 

(Item given for completing prompts: Thorny Flower (Horns/Spikes for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods, and Split Hands for Crooks)


As you run back the way you think you came, you try to make sense of what you saw. You’re not sure at all where you are… everything looks different… Are you sure this is the way you came? 

Just as you start to doubt yourself, the woods opens up into… the place you first saw the lights. The sun warms your body as you look back behind you, but the woods look normal… not at all like the eternally dark and cold place you thought you’d just left. 

Was it real? The items in your possession definitely makes it seem real. You try to return to your activities, or maybe you’re done camping for a while… Even as you wander back to camp the memories of what you saw start to fade away.

PROMPT Outlines


Prompt 1

This prompt must be completed FIRST

Denizens of Skire have taken advantage of the warm weather and are venturing out to camp!

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) camping, glamping, hiking, or doing an activity that one may do while camping.

  • Does your character enjoy the outdoors, or are they a bit more reluctant to spend time in the wilderness?
  • Do they prepare, bring needed items, or do they seem to be lax about setting up?
  • What do they enjoy in the woods? Do they like gathering plants, looking for cool creatures, or exploring interesting areas?


Prompt 2

This prompt must be completed SECOND

Strange lights have been appearing in the woods, and you feel quite strange…

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) investigating the strange lights in the woods.

  • Does your character excitedly investigate, or are they scared of what might be causing the strange lights?
  • What is their approach to encountering them? Are they sneaky, or maybe more forthright?
  • How do they react to the strange feelings that the lights seem to be causing?


Prompt 3

This prompt must be completed THIRD

THIS PROMPT IS SPLIT CHOICE! You may only choose one prompt to follow, and it may only be completed once. Whichever outcome you choose, please make sure you follow the correct one since it also determines the finalized item you will receive. 

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) following one of the split choice prompts.

  • Choice One: Help the Beast – This prompt gives you the Oily Compact (Grants the Opalescent Markings Trait)
  • Choice Two: Break Free and Flee – This prompt gives you the Thorny Flower (Grants Horns/Spikes for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods, and Split Hands for Crooks)

Submission Requirements

Art Requirements
  • The image should include your Skire character, an NPC, or other Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements.
  • ¾ body showing of the primary character (Meaning thigh and above with part of the tail showing). This may also be supplemented with multiple characters present in a scene, but at least one official Skire character must be shown ½ body (waist and up).
  • Fully colored (Shading is not required, but is allowed).
  • A legible background is required (Can be simplified or stylized, but needs to be detailed enough to be a tangible space occupied by the character.)
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry.
  • Collaboration pieces will not earn either person an entry but can still be done for fun.
  • AI Generated images are not permitted for any event entries.
  • Photography used as backgrounds are not allowed, even if it is your photo.
  • Photography is allowed if you are submitting a craft entry, such as sculpted or paper CCCats interacting with the world around them.
  • Entries can be digital or traditional.
  • NAUTIPODS have a separate art rule: If you are using the pod form, it MUST be drawn full body and shaded! It does not have to be painted, but it must have shaded tones. The full humanoid form follows the regular requirements!
Writing Requirements
  • The writing should include your Skire character, an NPC, or other Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • Minimum of 800 words per entry.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included prominently in the story
  • You must create the story/literature yourself. You may not commission someone else to write it for you. Plagiarism will be checked.
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.

General Rules

  • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
  • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
  • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries.
  • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check below for characters available for gift art!
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.
  • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
  • Make sure you have a Skire.Club account, as one is needed if you end up winning a prize!
  • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
  • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).
  • Please respond to the Google Form in the submission section with your entry to be counted! If you do not, your entry may be missed and not counted for the event.
  • Submissions must be provided in a viewable form, meaning admin must be able to access them properly.

NPCs and volunteers

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Click each prize to see its masterlist image!

MYO Slots

Enter for a MYO Slot with 1 Rare, and 3 Uncommon traits. [This can be redeemed for a CCCat, Crook, Nautipod, or Gravent] There are 2 separate pools - one that is Free-For-All (FFA), and one for Non-Owners (N/O).

  • Non-Owner (N/O) Pool - There will be 2 base MYO slots for this pool.
  • Free-For-All (FFA) Pool - There will be 4 base MYO slots for this pool.
  • If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 10 entries, we will increase the prizes to 3 N/O MYO slots.
  • If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 5 FFA MYO slots.
  • Following the original pool goals, every additional 20 entries will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.
Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 20 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Trait Items

For completing ONE OR MORE of the prompts, you will receive the Feather Duster item that grants the Particle Markings trait.

For completing all three prompts in order, and choosing one of the two choice prompts for Prompt 3, you will receive ONE of the two options depending on that choice.

  • Pathway One: Help the Beast – This prompt gives you the Oily Compact (Grants the Opalescent Markings Trait)
  • Pathway Two: Break Free and Flee – This prompt gives you the Thorny Flower (Grants the Horns/Spikes Trait for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods and Split Hands/Feet for Crooks)
Perhaps you might leave with more than you bargained for...


You can submit to the google form at most three times for filling out each of the separate prompts. 

  • Prompt 1 - Outdoors - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners)
  • Prompt 2 - Something Odd - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners)
  • Prompt 3 - Wounded Beast - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners)
    • Choice 1 - Help The Beast (Earns one Oily Compact that grants Opalescent Markings)
    • Choice 2 - Break Free and Flee (Earns one Thorny Flower that grants Horns/Spikes for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods, and Split Hands for Crooks)
    • This prompt cannot be submitted more than once!
    • Once completed, you will gain a completion badge, and if you’re lucky… perhaps you’ll leave with more than you bargained for…

Please note there are two tabs, one with the submissions list, and the other being the official numbers!

If you don’t see your entry pop up on the official numbers list after a week since your submission, it means that there may be something wrong with your submission that needs to be fixed before it can be counted! In the case of this, you should get a DM from Batty, Sweet, or Frog with what’s wrong and how to fix it, however, if you still can’t see it after a week and haven’t heard anything, please feel free to ask in FAQ or DM Batty, Sweet, or Frog directly!




Q: Can we ask for an extension on the prompt?
A: No, it is two months long and extending it could delay other prompts.

Q: If I win, can I give my prize away?
A: For fairness, if you win the prize, you may not gift the prize away.

Q: Can I enter to try and help someone else win?
A: No, it is not fair for multiple people to enter on behalf of one person.

Q: When will the event end specifically?
A: This prompt will end September 30th, 2023 at 11:59:59PM UTC. Please refer to the website's clock for this time!

Q: When will prizes be raffled off?
A: Anywhere from the next day to a few days after the event ends. Please give us time to make sure we have everything for the raffle, since admin double check entries to make sure everyone’s events are included.

Q: My entry was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements. Can I fix it and resubmit to try and enter?
A: Yes, as long as this is done so before the event ends. We will not count anything submitted after the event has ended.

Q: Are admin allowed to enter the event and win prizes?
A: Yes, admins are allowed to enter events! However if an admin is rolled for winning a prize, they don’t occupy a member’s chance to win! Another roll will be done so that a member can still win a prize.



No rewards.

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

This prompt has ended.
[🔥Part 1] Prepare for the Long Night

[🔥Part 1] Prepare for the Long Night

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 November 2023, 23:59:59 UTC (1 year ago)
Current time: UTC

Decorate and Prepare for the Long Night...


🔥Prepare for the long night🔥


Part 1 - Prepare for the long night

Set up decoration for the Long Night!

Your goal is to decorate! You’ll want to set up your home to be the absolute best place to party the night away! The Long Night can be scary for those who dislike the darkness, and many believe that decorating with shining lights helps to ease those fears. Some though may relish in this darkness, electing to embrace it in their decor and celebrations or avoid such festivities completely.

  • Decorations often involve candles in some way as they serve to provide quick and simple communication, but traditional string lights, pumpkins and other items with candles in them are just as common. Plenty of other goofy and scary decorations also line homes and abodes, and during this period of darkness Skireans also create plenty of games to partake in! People will often set up decorations and lights along paths in towns or cities to aid travelers, and these decorations don’t always need to be indoors or on homes.


Prompt Outlines

Prepare for the long night

Prompt 1 - 

This prompt must be completed FIRST

There are many ways that Skireans prepare for the Long Night. For some, they decorate with lights and candles, inviting fun and celebration, while others lay low. Despite these differences, one will most certainly see lights scattered about displaying color-coded messages.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) preparing themselves for the Long Night.

  • Does your character enjoy the decorating, or do they prefer to remain low-key? 
  • What color lights might they display, if any?
  • Does your character have experience with the Long Night, or is it new to them?

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Overview for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Legible Background

You can submit to the google form at most three times for filling out each of the separate prompts. 

  • Prompt 1 - Prepare for the Long Night - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
  • You will also recieve one Lumpy Pumpkin and one  Wisp Lantern and Wisp for completing the first prompt.

Lumpy Pumpkin


Wisp Lantern

Lanterns drop 1-7 wisps at equal drop rates, 10 if you're lucky! These wisps can be used for entries into the different pools detailed below. To use a lantern, open it in your inventory! Your Inventory will then be granted a number of wisps. 

Please note that this event will be the first one submittable directly onsite! Please use the following form to assure your submission is able to be processed quickly!

  • Prompt Number: (1/2/3/4)
  • Ownership Status: (Non Owner/Owner)
  • Prize Pool Choice: (Premade/MYOs/Trait Tickets)
  • Prompt Prize: (List your choice of prize for your final prompt)



Reward Amount
Wisp Lantern 1
Wisps 1
Lumpy Pumpkin 1


[🔥Part 2] Unexpected Visitor

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
[🔥Part 2] Unexpected Visitor

[🔥Part 2] Unexpected Visitor

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 November 2023, 23:59:59 UTC (1 year ago)
This prompt requires you to have completed [🔥Part 1] Prepare for the Long Night 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

[🔥Part 3] Search and Gather

[🔥Part 3] Search and Gather

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 November 2023, 23:59:59 UTC (1 year ago)
This prompt requires you to have completed [🔥Part 2] Unexpected Visitor 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

[🔥Part 4] Relax and Celebrate

[🔥Part 4] Relax and Celebrate

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 November 2023, 23:59:59 UTC (1 year ago)
This prompt requires you to have completed [🔥Part 3] Search and Gather 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

[🪐Extra] Costume Celebration

[🪐Extra] Costume Celebration

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 November 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (2 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[MINI PROMPT ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Its time to dress up!


🪐Costume Celebration🪐

This prompt can be completed once PER WEEK

MINI Prompt - Costumes!

Costumes were introduced into the mix of tradition when many would find wisps attracted to the life of others. It was believed costumes would help deter any wisps from gathering or “targeting” any sole individual and following them. While not really the case, many still believe this and thus use costumes to traverse the dark in peace and pretend to be someone they aren't, setting up candles and many other decorations to help. Sometimes these are used to play pranks or scare others, as many find it an enjoyable time to pretend! This year is different... The long night has not come, and the wisps have yet to pop up... People still dress up, but perhaps now for a distraction more than anything...

Dress up in costume!

The long night seems to be running late this year... But that hasn't stopped anyone from dressing up! The festivities seem to run quite well without it, but the unease feels quite strange... Maybe everyone just needs a distraction...
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours or someone else's) dressing up! NPCs are not available for this prompt.

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!

  • Does your character create their own costume?
  • Do they believe in the superstition around wisps and costumes?
  • Does your character play tricks and celebrate, or prefer the more practical use of costumes?
  • You do not need to have completed the other prompts to participate in this prompt!


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Character in costume or cosplay.
  • Written -- 300 Words or more about a Skire Character in costume or cosplay.
⦿ Specifics
  • You cannot submit to this prompt if the art you make has been or will be submitted for another prompt. 
  • Images must be unique, no base edits allowed or YCCCHs! Art must be fully your own.
  • You may not submit commissions to this prompt.
  • You do not have to submit on the day you created the piece, but only one piece can be submitted per week! All art should be created after the start of the ARPG.
  • This prompt requires that the charater is depicted in clothing, costume, or cosplay. 
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing. Can also be completed with an NPC.
  •  All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
⦿ Submission Form
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)


Reward Amount
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

This prompt has ended.
❄️Winter Gift Event

❄️Winter Gift Event

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 10 January 2024, 00:00:00 UTC (1 year ago)
Current time: UTC

Draw or Write about someone’s Skire Character as a gift!


❄️Winter Gift Event❄️

This prompt can be completed once!

Prompt Outline
Submission Guidelines

Gift Prompt !

As the days grow colder, it can be nice to warm someone up you know or don't know with a gift! This prompt, we’ll focus on giving back to each other, and spreading joy to those we care about or to those we want to surprise! There’s never a bad time to give, and maybe you’ll get something good in return!

Prompt Outline

Draw someone's Skire Character!

There's no specific theme you have to follow, just have fun!

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Someone else's) as a gift! NPCs are not available for this prompt.

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!

  • This is a one time entry prompt!
  • 500 Words are required for this prompt if writing.
  • There are multiple options for the art requirements to the prompt this time! One of the following must be submitted to fulfill the art requirements: 1 full-body piece, 2 half-bodies, or 3 headshots! No background is required, and they must be full color.
  • If you are choosing to draw 2 half-bodies or 3 headshots, you can either draw the same Skire for all of them or make them different!


All prizes will be rolled in order listed below, and from higher to lower rarity.


Click to see its masterlist image!


MYO Slots

  • 4 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 3 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 5 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 20 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 NO MYO slots.

Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 10 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.

Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 30 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket

Trait items

For completing this prompt, you will receive ONE of the three options depending on your choice.

Fluffy Scarf

Applies the following trait to one design.

Colorful cookies

Applies the following trait to one design.

Beached Ornament

Applies the following trait to one design.

You will also receive a completion badge!


  • Writing - 500 Words
  • Drawing -1 Fullbody, 2 Halfbodies, or 3 Headshots (No background Required)

Please make sure to use the form in the submission comments to choose what item you would like and what prize pool you would like to be entered into!

You can submit to this prompt ONCE. If you are choosing an option that features multiple characters/gifts, please submit them all in one image.

  • Gift Prompt - Submittable once for 1 entry into your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners into the NO MYO Pool) as well as one of 3 trait items:

THIS PROMPT ALLOWS YOUR CHOICE OF PRIZE! You may only choose one prize, and it may only be completed once. Whichever outcome you choose, please make sure you add this item to your prompt submission under rewards. 

Please use the following form to assure your submission is able to be processed quickly!

  • Submission Type - (Fullbody/2 Halfbodies/3 Headshots/Writing)
  • Ownership Status - (Owner or Non Owner)
  • Prize Pool Choice - (Premade/MYOs/Trait Tickets)
  • Trait Item - (Fluffy Scarf/Colorful Cookies/Beached Ornament)



Submission Requirements

Art Requirements
  • The image should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included that follows prompt requirements.
  • Fully colored (Shading is not required, but is allowed).
  • A legible background is optional.
  • Art must be done by you. You may not commission others to make your entry for you, nor can you use bases or artwork done by others to create your entry.
  • Collaboration pieces will not earn either person an entry but can still be done for fun.
  • AI Generated images are not permitted for any event entries.
  • Photography used as backgrounds are not allowed, even if it is your photo.
  • Photography is allowed if you are submitting a craft entry, such as sculpted or paper CCCats interacting with the world around them.
  • Entries can be digital or traditional.
  • NAUTIPODS have a separate art rule: If you are using the pod form, it MUST be drawn full body and shaded! It does not have to be painted, but it must have shaded tones. The full humanoid form follows the regular requirements!
Writing Requirements
  • The writing should include a Skire character that you have permission to use for your focus character.
  • Minimum of 500 words per entry.
  • Titles and words that are not part of the main narrative do not count towards word count total.
  • You may include non-Skire characters as long as there is still an official Skire character included prominently in the story
  • You must create the story/literature yourself. You may not commission someone else to write it for you. Plagiarism will be checked.
  • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.

General Rules

    • Your art or writing must be related to the theme of the prompt.
    • No NSFW or sexual material is permitted. Themes MUST be PG-13 to exist onsite. Nudity of any kind is not allowed.
    • No AI is allowed in the creation of event entries.
    • If you are drawing someone else’s character please make sure you have their permission to do so. Please check below for characters available for gift art!
    • AI Generated writing is not permitted for any event entries.
    • Prizes from this event are subject to normal Skire group rules.
    • Make sure you have a Skire.Club account, as one is needed if you end up winning a prize!
    • Do not guilt trip or harass members for entering or winning a prize. Doing so may ban you from entering future events.
    • Do not enter the event if you are blacklisted or greylisted. (We have informed you if you are).



Q: Can we ask for an extension on the prompt?
A: No, extending it could delay other prompts.

Q: If I win, can I give my prize away?
A: For fairness, if you win the prize, you may not gift the prize away. You may return your prize to the admin to re-roll the raffle.

Q: Can I enter to try and help someone else win?
A: No, it is not fair for multiple people to enter on behalf of one person. You will not be able to surrender your prize to a specific person.

Q: When will the event end specifically?
A: This prompt's end date is displayed on the prompt itself! Please refer to this section and the website's clock for this time!

Q: When will prizes be raffled off?
A: Anywhere from the next day to a few days after the event ends. Rolls are automatic onsite but we will still be announcing them in the Discord!

Q: My entry was denied because it didn’t meet the requirements. Can I fix it and resubmit to try and enter?
A: Yes, as long as this is done so before the event ends. We will not count anything submitted after the event has ended.

Q: Are admin allowed to enter the event and win prizes?
A: Yes, admins are allowed to enter events! However if an admin is rolled for winning a prize, they don’t occupy a member’s chance to win! Another roll will be done so that a member can still win a prize.

Q: I became a non-owner/owner over the course of the event! Can I change my entries? 
A: Yes, please contact a mod! If you become an owner over the event, we ask that you inform us that you are no longer a non-owner out of fairness! If you become a non-owner, please inform us as well as we may grant non-owner tickets. If we notice this system is being used to fodder non-owner MYO slots, we will no longer grant ticket changes from owner to non-owner for the event period, but you may be eligible again if you are still a non-owner during the next event.


Reward Amount
Winter’s Present 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.
[🍰Part 01] Gather Ingredients

[🍰Part 01] Gather Ingredients

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 April 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (9 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[PART 1 ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Gotta gather ingredients!


🍛Gather Ingredients🍰

Prompt Outline

Can't make a meal without ingredients!


Prompt 1 - 

This prompt must be completed FIRST

Gather ingredients! Go shopping, forage for your own, harvest, or share your quest for the perfect ingredient!

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) gathering ingredients to cook with.

  • Do they grow or make their own ingredients, or do they purchase them?
  • Do they prefer to stick to their ingredient list,  or will they try just about anything?
  • Do they enjoy unorthodox ingredients? CCCats do not need to eat standard foods, but many find that they enjoy the process or the taste! Due to the fact that their body breaks down whatever object they eat, they may also enjoy odd ingredients, and things that some might not even consider food. Consider the texture, the taste, and the source! Why do they pick those ingredients? 

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

  • Prompt 1 - Gather Ingredients - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
  • This prompt grants STANDARD CROWN PAYOUT
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Prompt Prize Pool:(Berry Breakfast Premade/Plant Protein Premade/MYO Slots/Trait Tickets)
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!


[🍰Part 02] Let's Get Cooking

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.
[🍰Part 02] Let's Get Cooking

[🍰Part 02] Let's Get Cooking

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 April 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (9 months ago)
This prompt requires you to have completed [🍰Part 01] Gather Ingredients 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

[🍰Part 03] Enjoy The Spoils

[🍰Part 03] Enjoy The Spoils

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 April 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (9 months ago)
This prompt requires you to have completed [🍰Part 02] Let's Get Cooking 1 time.

You cannot view any details until you have completed the prerequisite.

[🔮Portals] Jet-Setting Exploration

[🔮Portals] Jet-Setting Exploration

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 June 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (7 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🔮PORTALS ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Travel Through Portals... Where will you end up?


🔮Jet-Setting Exploration🔮

Prompt Outline


Jet-Setting Exploration

Prompt - 

🔮Portals Prompts do not need to be completed in order.

There are countless places you could end up when entering a portal... Where will you go?

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) travelling through a portal.

  • Does your character regularly travel through portals? 
  • Do they stumble upon one on accident, or find something mysterious or broken?
  • Where do they end up? Draw them in a new biome or location.
  • Do they avoid portals for any reason? Explore their thoughts on travel around skire.

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

  • Prompt 1 - Jet-Setting Exploration - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Tattered Package 1
Raffle Ticket 1
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Return Address 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
[🔮Portals] Portal Practicality

[🔮Portals] Portal Practicality

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 June 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (7 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🔮PORTALS ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Portals are key to daily life on Skire...


🔮Portal Practicality🔮

Prompt Outline


Portal Practicality

Prompt - 

🔮Portals Prompts do not need to be completed in order.

Portals are essential to the life and commerce of Skire. They can be found in countless corners, some new, and some ancient. How does your character interact?

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) interacting with a portal.

  • Does your character use portals to send items or gifts to others? Ship their creations across Skire? 
  • Do they use them for a commute or personal travel?
  • Are there specific portals that are important to them? Design a portal they might travel through or interact with often.
  • Have they ever interacted with one on accident, or had a magical portal mishap?
  • Have they created their own?

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

  • Prompt 1 - Jet-Setting Exploration - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Tattered Package 1
Raffle Ticket 1
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Return Address 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
🎁 July Gift Event

🎁 July Gift Event

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 31 July 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (6 months ago)
Current time: UTC




Once again we are back to celebrating the spirit of giving!  Some of you may remember this event from the previous year as a way to keep things light and fun while art fight is in full swing, and since it's that time of year once again we thought it would be a fun time to keep that energy going!

This is a light prompt focused on gifting to others! Whether good friends or someone new, it's always fun to share the fun of making things for each other!

⦿ Prompt

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character that belongs to someone else!

  • This prompt may be completed once !
  • There is no set theme! You may write about a character giving gifts, receiving gifts, or even just an exposition piece of a various scene as long as the focus character belongs to someone else !
  • Make sure you ask permission from the character’s owner if you're unsure if they are comfortable with gift art !
  • You can include your own characters for this prompt, but they should not be the focus character! Focus character means that the gifted character in the piece should be of equal or more prominent standing in the art. The gift art bonus will not count if your own character is included.

Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Flat Colored Fullbody of a Skire Character that does not belong to you as the focus character. 
  • Written -- 600 Words or more about a Skire Character that does not belong to you as the focus character. 
  • You may not use NPCs for this prompt.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, etc.
  • CAN be completed as gift art, and must include at least one character that does not belong to you as the focus character. Please make sure you get permission, or you can look for characters open for gift art and writing. Owned characters may be included, but will not grant the gift bonus.
  • All content MUST be PG-13.
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin. Discord links are not permitted.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt. 
⦿ Rewards


All prizes will be rolled in order listed below, and from higher to lower rarity.


Click to see its masterlist image!



Click to see its masterlist image!


Click to see its masterlist image!


MYO Slots

  • 3 Free-For-All Standard Event MYO (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
  • 2 Non-Owner Standard Event MYOs (1 Rare, 3 Uncommon)
If the Free-For-All Pool reaches 30 entries, we will increase the prizes to 4 FFA MYO slots.
If the Non-Owner Pool reaches 20 entries, we will increase the prizes to 3 NO MYO slots.

Following the original pool goals, every additional 30 entries in FFA and 10 entries in NO will add another MYO slot to its corresponding pool.

Trait Tickets

Enter for a Trait Ticket that can be applied to any official Skire design in your possession. This pool will begin with 3 Uncommon 2 Rare and 1 Myth trait tickets. For each 30 Entries, another x1 of each type will be added to the pool

Uncommon Trait Ticket

Rare Trait Ticket

Myth Trait Ticket


MINIMUM Requirements

Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Drawing - Flatcolor Fullbody
  • Writing - 600 Words

  • Prompt - July Gift Event - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Raffle Entry 1
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.
[🎆MINI PROMPT] Party Time!

[🎆MINI PROMPT] Party Time!

Ends: 16 May 2024, 07:00:00 UTC (8 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[MINI PROMPT ◦ FLAT PAYOUT] Happy 11th Anniversary! Come celebrate with a raffle!


🎆Happy 11th anniversary to skire!🎆


Draw or write your character, someone else's,  or an NPC celebrating anything!


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Bust/Headshot sketch. Refer below! Must have the neck fully visible.
  • Written -- 150 Words or more.

⦿ Specifics
  • You cannot submit to this prompt if the art you make has been or will be submitted for another prompt. 
  • Images must be unique, no base edits allowed or YCCCHs! Art must be fully your own.
  • You may not submit commissions to this prompt.
  • You do not have to submit on the day you created the piece, but only one piece can be submitted per week! All art should be created after the start of the ARPG.
  • This is a ONE TIME ONLY prompt that is open for 11 days. 
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing. Can also be completed with an NPC.
  •  All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
  • 11 Crowns
  • x1 Entry into the 🎟️Anniversary Raffle -- Click to view prizes!
⦿ Submission Form
◦ What is something you are celebrating? (Optional response question for fun! What you are personally celebrating does not need to be Skire related!)


Reward Amount
Crowns 11
🎆Anniversary Raffle (Raffle Ticket) 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

This prompt has ended.
20 results found.