This page is a WIP! Events will be slowly added over time!
January - What is your greatest accomplishment
February - Who was there for you in a time of great need?
March - How do you spend your day off?
April - What is your comfort food?

Dates: February 01st, 2024 - February 29th, 2024
NPCs: Hart + Strings
Host: Zukuro
Helpers: Frog Sweet-n-treat
As the ice across Meteor Lake thaws, countless shimmering crystalline hearts wash up on its shores. In droves, the creatures of Skire gather these hearts to give as gifts to those they hold dear, representative of good luck, happiness, warmth, and a year ahead together.
In your hand the Sand Hearts are smooth, their texture not unlike warn porcelain. Each shimmers with a different color and a brilliant opalescent glimmer. It is rumored they are the scales of a great serpent that inhabits the deepest reaches of the lake, shedding its plates each winter to begin growing a new.

This year from the waters emerges a duo; two Nautipods with alternating colors and wings on their backs, filled with energy. They've set up around the shores of Meteor Lake, leading the charge in collecting the Heart Shells, distributing their own collection to everyone who makes their way there.
"We're here for all of you!" Hart begins, "In the coming year, it is most important to me that you give time to yourself! While I know we're here to spread the love, you're deserving of it too, and through it all, don't forget to give yourself a little love as well. You deserve to make yourself happy, too!"
"Even the smallest actions can show your love to one another," Strings adds on, "Even if you don't find a shell, love comes in many beautiful forms, and spare a little kindness to everyone you meet in life. A little kindness goes a long way, and even the most simple gestures can make a person's day! We all need a little support, so let the ones you love know that you care."
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character gathering Sand Hearts or sharing a Sand Heart with someone to wish them happiness, warmth, and good luck for the year. They can be given to anyone! Family, friends, pets, partners, strangers, and yes, even your houseplants.
- Does your character search for lots of sand hearts or do they only find one or two?
- Does your character choose to share the Sand Hearts, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
- Is your character gifted a heart by someone they care for, or a stranger?
- Is it too cold to go to the beach? Does your character maybe stay home and eat some fancy comfort chocolates, and perhaps a Heart shows up on their porch?
- Mushy affection holidays not your character’s jam? Show what they’d rather be doing, bah humbug!
Event Completion
Unique Prize Items
This prompt had a 7% chance of dropping Sappy Sweetsticks or crowns. This loot table also appeared on the Spirit of Gifting Prompt.
This prompt granted a Box of Hearts , that could be opened to choose between Bittersweet Truffles or a Candied Heart

Dates: December 01st, 2023 - January 10th, 2024
Host: Sweet-n-treat
Helpers: Frog
Winter Gift Event
Gift prompt -
As the days grow colder, it can be nice to warm someone up you know or don't know with a gift! This prompt, we’ll focus on giving back to each other, and spreading joy to those we care about or to those we want to surprise! There’s never a bad time to give, and maybe you’ll get something good in return!

Gift Prompt
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Someone Else’s, NPCs or personally owned characters cannot be used for this prompt).
Event Completion

Dates: October 01st, 2023 - November 30th, 2023
NPCs: Suteo
Host: WellHidden + Frog
Helpers: Sweet-n-treat spockirkcoy Zukuro

On Skire exists a land often referred to as the Everdark Desert; where the sands are black and glitter like stars both upon the ground one walks, and floating peacefully above like an artificial night sky.
At a certain time of year, the vast night-like clouds that encompass the desert begin to spread across a great majority of the Skire continent. No violent storm, no winds and rains, no thunder or lightning to follow the haze. It is but a gentle advance; the explanation for which is unknown. All Skire’s inhabitants can do is let themselves be tucked in for a long, long night.
It is not uncommon to view this phenomena as a remnant of a Creator’s wish or the work of some looming titan spirit casting its shadow. Whether it’s believed to be protecting the land or attempting far more sinister things is debatable. However, one strange occurrence is always foreseen and prepped for: The mysterious, wisp-like entities that appear to others only during this time…
Many call this occurrence the Long Night, and preparation for it is something everyone tends to do differently! One thing that is always the same: Costumes, Candles, and Creativity!
As the sky fades into its ominous glittering black, lighting becomes a necessary decoration, but it serves multiple purposes The lights are created and known by all denizens of Skire, offering guidance, communication, and illumination for Skireans and the little fire-like entities alike. Many Skireans use the differently colored flames of candles to indicate their intent or desires quickly through the darkness. The ghostly figures and wisps that show up are often devoid of color so not only do the colored candles provide festivity in the night, but are also easily differentiated from the wisps themselves.
Lantern Color Meanings
Blue - Come get food
Green - Come find Shelter/Safety
Orange - Mischief and fun is abound (Party or some form of games)
Purple - Celebration, come on in
Pink - Private / no one home or nothing happening here
Red - Looking for help
Lanterns and Candles
The tradition of using candles, lanterns, and colored flames originates from the Whicks who for ages have aimed to collect and assist the wisp-like entities. They are the most frequently seen species out-and-about during the Long Night, given the high volume of wisps that present themselves while the sky is dark.
It is said by the Whicks that these wisps populate the land constantly, but only become visible to others when the sands have cast their looming shadow. These wisps, while usually taking harmless shape, are known to have remnants of tangible magic that occasionally allow them to take larger, more ghostly humanoid and beastly forms.
Whicks claim the wisps are remnants of collected magic that either formed together, or failed to detach from an enchanted item (or person). It is also theorized they can form from failed attempts at magical spells, or by force of will by a living person. All these methods of creation have caused some to compare them to “ghosts” despite wisps never having living souls to begin with.
Whicks say that these wisps don’t have thoughts or goals, instead wandering with a leftover emotion or function from the magic cast. Rarely, they cause harm or take tangible form, so Whicks make an effort to understand and use the wisps in new ways to safely disperse the magic once more. Usually this is done through glasswork or metalwork, using these wisps as an energy source to craft unique magical items.
The collection of wisps within lanterns originates from Whicks who use lanterns as a symbol of home or body. It is popular to see Whicks with metal, stone, glass, or wooden gargoyles decorating their abodes; often adorned with empty lanterns hanging in their mouths or limbs. They believe a lantern is a home for a soul, and they wish for no soul to be without a safe place to call home. Protection is said to be provided by the gargoyles that watch over these lanterns, and often the tools used by Whicks will reflect the symbolism. Staff-toppers for practiced magic users will often be crafted by Whicks who excel in creating flourishing details and aesthetics that resemble these gargoyles.
PART 1 - Prepare for the long night
Set up decoration for the Long Night!
Your goal is to decorate! You’ll want to set up your home to be the absolute best place to party the night away! The Long Night can be scary for those who dislike the darkness, and many believe that decorating with shining lights helps to ease those fears. Some though may relish in this darkness, electing to embrace it in their décor and celebrations or avoid such festivities completely.
- Decorations often involve candles in some way as they serve to provide quick and simple communication, but traditional string lights, pumpkins and other items with candles in them are just as common. Plenty of other goofy and scary decorations also line homes and abodes, and during this period of darkness Skireans also create plenty of games to partake in! People will often set up decorations and lights along paths in towns or cities to aid travelers, and these decorations don’t always need to be indoors or on homes.
PART 2 - Unexpected Visitors
Obtain your lantern! Craft, purchase, or discover what lantern you plan to use to help Suteo the Whick!
Suteo, a very exhausted and stressed Whick has appeared! She mentions to those around that she’s enlisting help in collecting some of the wisps that seem to be spawning in the area more than usual. She offers to help teach, create, sell, or find a lantern that matches your desires.
- The lanterns must be clearly lanterns, but can be stylized or decorated in ways that are unique and match your character(s)!
PART 3 - Search and Gather
Help gather some stray wisps using a Whick’s lantern!
With a lantern now in hand, get out there and try and gather up as many wisps as you can! Sure it can be scary - but it can also be a lot of fun! Maybe you can challenge Suteo to see who can collect the most wisps…
- Wisps are colorless and white! You’ll want to draw your lantern in some manner here as well. Collecting just needs to be shown tracking a wisp or guiding/capturing a wisp into a lantern in some manner.

PART 4 - Relax and Celebrate
Job well done! Celebrate the Long Night after having spent so much time hunting down those wisps!
Things seem back to normal - so let’s get to the celebration already! Even Suteo seems more relaxed after everything and is willing to join you in some of the celebrations before returning to her mentor if you wanted to have her around for a bit longer. Otherwise, it's time for the REAL Long Night celebrations to unfold!
- Celebration can be a number of things such as enjoying a feast, watching movies, playing games, partaking in antics while costumed, or just enjoying the comfortable events of the Long Night in a quiet place.
Extra - Costume Celebration
The costume celebration could be entered once a week for extra wisp lanterns and wisps.
Wisps are Floating Around Skire
Target 1 - Clicking the wisp on the main news page led to the first wisp target.
Hint - Suteo might know where you can find more...
Target 2 - Visiting Suteo's Shop shows a W in the description has a secret hidden link.
Hint - Someone's been missing for quite a while...
Target 3 - Visiting Blush's Masterlist Entry and clicking on Notes reveals the final target.
The 13th Night
Hunt Description - As we press through the Long Night... The number of wisps has suddenly exploded! There's no space for mistakes now...
The hunt was introduced via Discord on Friday, October 13th, 2023.
Base Hint - The Wisps sparkle quite intensely...
Target 1 - Visiting the Glittering Chalk item (Item 13, and the item to add Sparkling Markings) a piece of a stained glass mosaic can be found and clicked on.
Hint - Does this really align to canon...?
Target 2 - Visiting the Lore Breaking item (Rarity 13) a wisp can be found.
Hint - You might need to borrow some help for this one...
Target 3 - Visiting NPC Borrow's profile (NPC-013) a book can be found, and clicked for the next hunt piece. The Caster Speak reads "Event Entries"
Hint - You're feeling like royalty! But don't get too overconfident...
Target 4 - Visiting the trait entry for Royal Fur (CCCats) (Trait 13) another piece of stained glass mosaic can be found and clicked on.
Hint -Don't get too bold, be careful of undermining...
Target 5 - the Backreading hint on target 6 refers to the book found on Borrow that mentions Event Memories. On the event memories page under the Gala of Ghouls event another Mosaic Piece can be found and clicked on.
Hint - The 13th Characters guide your way
Target 6 - Clue from Target 4 leads here. When on the event page, a series of bold, underlined, and blue lettering can be read from top to bottom to get the code for Target 6
Hint - Perhaps some backreading would be helpful...
Target 7 - On the Masterlist entry to the 13th CCCat under "Description" another Mosaic Piece can be found and clicked on.
Hint - 4+6=? Math..? Seriously... You must be tired of this number...
Target 8 - Using hint 4 (Royalty, includes the first base hint in the counting) and hint 6 (13th Character), it is intended to be deduced that the next hint is on a character with royal fur, and 13 in their masterlist number. Checking through designs that follow this criteria, another mosaic piece can be found in the description of MYO-CCCAT-1113
Hint - Hopefully you can find the bigger picture... It will be your biggest asset...
Target 9 - This hint is misleading, but refers to all of the image links involved in the hunt being EventAssets. Using the theme of 13, it can be found by typing 13 behind the event asset string for the following URL -->
Typing in the letters into the hunt target URL leads to the claim.
Hint - We can't really comment on this much further...
Target 10 - Aligning the Mosaic pieces like a puzzle, a new code can be found. The bigger picture hint can also misleadingly refer to this, but it is actually referred to in the hint of Target 12.
Hint - Colored flames have lit your way... Mischief Starts...!
Target 11 - Going back to the original event post, the colored flames of these candles denote the secondary order that you can put the panes in. Each pane has two letters or numbers in its code/URL. Arranging the panels by the order of color rather than puzzle-like will reveal the order of the code through the URL. Orange starts, referring to the flame's meaning being Mischeif (Mischeif Starts).
Hint - Your last string of info... Surely you can plug it in somewhere
Target 12 - Looking at the series of commments, there are 9 comments starting at comment 122 and leading to comment 130. The numbers and letters of this code are in Reverse Cypher and when decoded lead to another target.
Hint - Maybe you can put this all back together...
Target 13 - By now you have everything you need to get the last code. The biggest hint here is found in the hunt's description "There's no space for mistakes" and the 13th Characters hint. Now, going through every hint, including the first one on the hunt page, the 13th letter in each one (not including spaces between words) will give you a seemingly random series of numbers. the string of info hint refers to the fact that custom lorekeeper pages are always denoted by /info/. putting that string in creates the URL leading to the final page with the final hint claim and base raffle. Clicking on the final wisp on the page leads to the final target.
And with that, you've done it!
Other Prizes -
MYO Slots, Trait Tickets
Event Completion - Items
Unique Prize Items
This prompt had a 5% chance of dropping an Sinister Skeleton
This prompt dropped Wisp Lanterns
Check the original news post linked above for all premades, prizes and collection notes!
Over the duration of the event, wisp lanterns and wisps were collectable from prompts, scavenger hunts, and the Wisp Lantern shop to be used to enter a collection of raffles.

A Wander in the woods
Dates: August 01st, 2023 - September 30th, 2023
NPCs: Osmium
Host: spockirkcoy
Helpers: Sweet-n-treat Frog WellHidden
A Wander In The Woods
The warm weather permits many skireans to bound out into nature; enjoying the sunny days and beautiful sights of the untapped wilderness. You (your skirean) are one such skirean who decided to go out and take a much needed vacation in the woods. It’s the perfect time to do so, and so you pack up the essentials and trudge out to steak a spot for your tent. Maybe you brought some friends, maybe you trekked it alone, either way you are determined to have a good time!

While out and about, or setting up camp, something out of the corner of your eye grabs your attention.
There are strange lights and metallic flashes in the woods. Sometimes they seem like they are beckoning you, like they want to be followed. You decide to take a closer look.
Stepping forward towards the lights, there is an instant silence that envelops you, as if every creature living in the woods noticed your presence, or maybe they fled. Continuing forward the trees grow denser, and though the light of the sun is dimmed here the floating lights guide your way.
As the air around you grows colder, you think you finally begin to hear some kind of noise in the deafening quiet of these woods: music. Music… and singing?
The gentle singing seems sad and happy all at once, and draws you further in. You must find out where it’s coming from.
You make your way into a clearing that seems to be bordering a strange lake. A lake? There was no lake where you were, at least not this close by. The water looks like glass; moving slowly as if thicker than usual. You also think you see eerie metallic statues peeking above the surface.
You can’t look for long, as a friendly whisper grabs your attention. There, by the shore, you find a beautiful metallic beast leaking oil, its leg in a trap. The oil from its body pools on the surface of the still, milky water. It seems weak; eyeing you warily.
The lights seem to swarm around you, physically tugging you closer, and as you near the unfamiliar being you realize the beast is grinning at you. Though its mouth doesn’t move, in a tinny voice it speaks.
“Help me… please… I am hurt…please help me…”
“It is good to see you… good to see a friendly face…”
What do you do?

Prompt 3: The split choice.
You may only choose one option, and it may only be completed once. Draw your Skire doing one of two things:
Choice 1
Go with the lights and help the beast. You stoop down and free its leg from the vice of the trap. Immediately the creature is on its feet, as if the trap didn’t phase it at all. It reaches for you, clasping its burning cold hands over yours.
“Thank you… you’re so brave… I could use another friend like you…”
It tries to tug on you as it steps back towards the water, but you break its hold, backing out of the clearing as it stares you down with that grin. It doesn’t move, but the lights claw at your limbs begging you not to go.
(Item given for completing prompts: Oily Compact (Opalescent Markings)
Choice 2
Break free of the lights and flee. Something is not right here, you are in danger. As you run away you feel what seems like tiny hands tearing at your limbs trying to slow you down, and the sound of something, maybe the beast, laughing.
(Item given for completing prompts: Thorny Flower (Horns/Spikes for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods, and Split Hands for Crooks)
As you run back the way you think you came, you try to make sense of what you saw. You’re not sure at all where you are… everything looks different… Are you sure this is the way you came?
Just as you start to doubt yourself, the woods opens up into… the place you first saw the lights. The sun warms your body as you look back behind you, but the woods look normal… not at all like the eternally dark and cold place you thought you’d just left.
Was it real? The items in your possession definitely makes it seem real. You try to return to your activities, or maybe you’re done camping for a while… Even as you wander back to camp the memories of what you saw start to fade away.
Prompt 1 - Enjoy the outdoors
- Does your character enjoy the outdoors, or are they a bit more reluctant to spend time in the wilderness?
- Do they prepare, bring needed items, or do they seem to be lax about setting up?
- What do they enjoy in the woods? Do they like gathering plants, looking for cool creatures, or exploring interesting areas?
Prompt 2 - Something odd in the woods
- Does your character excitedly investigate, or are they scared of what might be causing the strange lights?
- What is their approach to encountering them? Are they sneaky, or maybe more forthright?
- How do they react to the strange feelings that the lights seem to be causing?
Prompt 3 - The wounded beast
Split choice prompt
- Choice One: Help the Beast – This prompt gives you the Oily Compact (Grants the Opalescent Markings Trait)
- Choice Two: Break Free and Flee – This prompt gives you the Thorny Flower (Grants Horns/Spikes for CCCats/Gravents/Nautipods, and Split Hands for Crooks)
Event Completion
Unique Prize Items
This prompt had a 5% chance of dropping an Alluring Vial

july gift event
Dates: July 01st, 2023 - July 31st, 2023
NPCs: --
Host: Sweet-n-treat
July Gift Event

Artist - Sweet-n-treat
In the spirit of giving, this month’s event is dedicated to giving gifts to those you love, or new friends! This month, we’ll focus on giving back to each other, and spreading joy to those we care about. There’s never a bad time to give, and maybe you’ll get something good in return!
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character that belongs to someone who is not you! NPCs and your own characters are not eligible to be drawn for this.
- This prompt may be done a maximum of 3 times!
- There is no set theme! You may draw the character in an outfit, with a background, or with other characters.
- You may write about a character giving gifts, receiving gifts, or even just an exposition piece of a various scene as long as the focus character belongs to someone else!
- Make sure you ask permission from the character’s owner if you're unsure if they are comfortable with gift art!
Gift Prompt
- Create up to 3 pieces of fullbody gift art for another user!

Event Completion
Unique Raffle Items

Gone Fishin'
Dates: June 01st, 2023 - June 30th, 2023
NPCs: Wyrm
Host: Sweet-n-treat
Gone Fishin'
The sun glints off the water of meteor lake, its shores set up with endless strings of flags, tents and umbrellas stuck in the sand, and crowds making their way to the edge of the water.
“WHO’S READY TO FISH!” the voice calls out, hoisting a rod in the air. It shines in the sun, and cheers erupt from around them, throwing their rods up in response. Today marked the first day of the up-and-coming fishing competition, gathering attention from every corner of Skire. Meteor lake is full of treasures, strange creatures, and tasty fish, leaving every participant itching to fish.
Bait stands, rod makers, and repair stations ringed the shore of the lake, already swimming with people darting to and fro, getting prepared.
“Don’t forget the three rules,” They list, “Keep it kind, Anything you hook counts, and HAVE FUN!”

Artist - Sweet-n-treat
Fishing Prompt
- Are they the talk of the competition? Is fishing something they’re good at, or something they’re new to?
- Do they use a more unconventional method to find their fish? What do they fish up?
- Do they find a rare creature, or is their luck seeming to land on fishing up old boots?
Gift Prompt
- Create a piece of fullbody gift art for another user!

Event Completion
Unique Raffle Items

Glamor amongst ghouls
Part 1
The sounds of bells filled the streets of Stonewing one evening, and behind a familiar pair trailed song and merriment as they turned heads. Jingle grinned, his metallic teeth glinted in the multicolored light of the main street, his sister Chime towering behind him, her own smile wide as her belled tail shook back and forth. Onlookers stared with eyes excitedly wide, breath held as the twins paused their theatrics dramatically. They jumped as the chime of bells echoed once again and confetti exploded from Chime’s hands. Noise filled the air and behind them fell a banner.
“GALA OF GHOULS!” It read, drawn with intricate but hastily worked patterning and the brightest paints that one could find. Jingle pointed, calling out through the crowd.
“Stonewing!” He yelled, “We’ve missed you! But let me waste little time…” He threw his head back. “WE’RE BACK!”
As he called, countless Skireans dressed in all manner of colorful clothing wove from between buildings, and as if magically, the Market of the Ghouls lined the main street. Vendors hawked their wares, selling jewelry, plants, and food just as colorful as the decor surrounding them. The twins danced through the street and the people of stonewing gathered for the spectacle, dancing, singing, and snacking alongside their hosts.
“What is that incessant noise?” Complex gritted its teeth, feathered wings puffing out in sheer annoyance. Above them echoed a party, and Complex inhaled a sharp breath.
“Lovely! It’s just lovely,” Sarcasm dripped from its voice and it turned to its stoic counterpart. “But it should not affect the plan,” it growled. It waved a hand at them, shooing them to begin.
“You know there’s no point to this, underling,” grumbled their voice, emanating deep from their chest. “You know you will never be enough.”
“Oh! Funny coming from the likes of you. Taking orders is the only thing you're good at, Faceless,” Complex chuckled, “Would you rather die?” Faceless returned with embittered silence, the smoke making up their false face crackling.
“So be it then.”

Part 2
The first night of the market drones on and the twins mix, mingle and reunite with old friends. Chime has adorned herself with beautiful jewelry and countless textiles handwoven by the market’s sellers. She watched happily as her brother flitted about, pulling coins from behind the ears of the people he met, giving away the money they'd spent the last years gathering. She chuckled, knowing such a thing is what made him most happy.
A pang of anxiety hit her chest like an arrow and she froze, vision blurring and sound dampening in her ears for just a moment. She shuddered, her fur bristled. In the corner of her eyes crept a familiar signature, a sickening magic that she’d seen before. It permeated from the ground beneath her feet, a bitter blue, shimmering as if it was full of stars. Before she could focus on its origin, Jingle was at her side, a puzzled look about his face.
“Are you doing solid?” He asked, his ears laid flat. Chime nodded in response, putting a smile back on her face as quickly as possible. She wasn’t sure, but surely this was not something that needed to ruin the opening evening. Just a poor memory. Their reverie continued as the sun finally dipped below the planet’s edge, and the creeping feeling only grew worse. Fear bubbled in her chest, continuing to obscure her vision as she failed to focus on the world around her. Murmurs of bickering voices echoed in her ears and she could not discern if it was her imagination or if her visions held some truth.
Faceless’ hands rose, their magic swirling about, each part of them swept up in the growing whirlpool. Complex watched on, tapping a finger impatiently. Displays of magic never impressed them, and they would never admit their own frustrations with having to rely on forceful favors. Despite this, Complex could truly never pass up a chance to borrow a favor from the gods.
Perhaps if they could show Everything that they were truly competent, there would be a place for them besides it, the opportunity so neatly presented to Complex with the fracturing of Nothing’s power. It was ripe for the taking, and clearly Complex was meant to fill it.
They watched as Faceless practically ripped at the fabric of space, the threads unspooling until a warbling portal stood ahead of them. Faceless knew it was a futile effort, the realm of the gods truly inaccessible to the likes of mortals. He dared not call Complex that, knowing that the CCCat would not take kindly to his status being defamed. If it wished to believe itself a god, perhaps Faceless could help it realize the frivolous nature of its impossible request.
Chime’s fear could no longer be contained. The unmistakable visage of that headless CCCat startled her each time she looked upon the crowd, and each time she blinked, it disappeared, sending her further into fear. Their magic had only grown more and more apparent, impossible to ignore.
She let out a weakened cry and suddenly her body twisted as if enveloped in shadow, the clarity of her body melting as anxiety replaced it. Tears fell from her face as the people around her screamed, and as she released another cry, the party plunged into darkness. She held her head, long, twisting spines jutting from her body, and a horrible coldness filling her chest. Her bones warped and twisted as she kicked herself away, unable to escape. At least the partygoers can no longer see me, she thinks.
Part 3
Suddenly she fell, the space around her dark, empty, cold, and utterly painful. Chime hit the ground and suddenly it is alight around her, sparkling with the same lights as her festival. She stood, her muscles sore and her hands unrecognizable beneath her. Suddenly she hears their voices again. The sounds of her guests and her brother called out from beyond, and she could not help but run, scrambling to the center of the maze as the walls jut and twisted up around her.
“What the hell is this?!” Complex barked as the portal sparked and twisted out of Faceless’ grasp.
“I have no idea,” Faceless breathed, attempting to regain control of his creation with great strain. It pulled from his grasp and suddenly the portal blipped away, reopening moments later with a harsh burst of icy cold fear that dropped even Complex’s heart. Faceless peered within to see a spiraling maze, its walls crumbling but alight like Stonewing’s streets, and the same feeling of guttural fear that grasped at Faceless’ chest.
Faceless found no surprise in the failure of Complex’s grand ideas. A pathway to the realm of the gods was impossible, even for Faceless who had once been their welcomed guest.
Chime slunk away, her mind drowning as the same, smokey blue wisps of magic grasped at her thoughts. Jingle followed too, his own terror at his missing sister mingling with the overwhelming anxiety radiating around each corner. As he pushed on, the fear only grew, crushing each spark of courage in him. As the fear crept closer, he recognized it, seeping under his skin like rime ice. Chime must be somewhere out there, and he must find her. Alongside him were the terrified faces of his party guests. A renewed confidence bubbled in his chest. He was their host, and despite their party being crashed, that fact would not change.

They would find Chime, and escape this together, the Gala only just beginning Partygoers wandered the maze, eyes blinking at them from the walls that wrapped endlessly through the mysterious plane. Lights flickered around them, lighting strange new corners glittering with an odd energy. From the corner of their eyes they sensed what scared them most creeping up upon them, pushing them towards the center of the maze where the fear only grew.
At its center Chime sat, her dismay swirling painfully in her chest.
“What can I do..?” She sighed, her breath shuddering. “Surely I’ve ruined this… I can’t go back…” Her tears continued to fall, and the shadows of twisted trees rose around her, their confinement terrifying, reminiscent of a time she had wished to forget.
Something here brought her great fear, the instinctual fear of entrapment, the lingering feeling in her stomach of emptiness, and the taste of pure loneliness of an endless prison. That, in particular, mixed her deepened fear with anger. In her heart her deepest fears had returned, the fear of once more being taken away from what she loved, the people who she brought joy to, and the beauty of Skire that she had missed for so endlessly long. It could not happen again. Not to her, nor anyone, but at this moment, she was weighted by the despair of her perceived failure.
She held her head tight until a hand reached out, resting on her shoulder. She peered a cluster eye outward to see a familiar face, a lovely partygoer, a crook, still holding onto their glittering lollipop from the market in one tendril. Chime shied away for a moment before another peeked around the corner. The stabbing pain in her heart settled for a moment and she stood, towering now above the guests that flocked to her side.
“Where have you all come from?” She sniffled, wiping her tears. She glanced up as a familiar, glinting smile rounded a corner.
“Jingle!” She cried, overjoyed to see her brother once more. “I was so scared.”
“Don’t be silly, sis,” He sighed, wrapping her in as big a hug as he could give her new large form, “We won’t be letting you get away that easily. You don’t need to face your fears alone.”
As she embraced him back, suddenly beneath them the glimmering floor flips, disorienting the guests and their hosts alike. As they blinked their eyes open the familiar streets of Stonewing surrounded them, still decorated, colorful, and comforting.
“The party always goes on!” Chime smiled, throwing her arms up.
“You will not fail again, Faceless.”
Questing Prompt 1
- This prompt must be completed before you complete the other two prompts! They must be done in order.
- Are they purchasing noise-making clothing, multicolored food, or interesting crafts and knick-knacks?
- Do they dance, socialize, or explore the party?
- Did they set up their own booth to hawk their wares?
- This prompt earns one ticket by default to the overgrown trait raffle, and one ticket towards a chosen prize category (Premades, MYO Slots, or Trait Tickets).If you are a non-owner, this will also grant you a ticket automatically into the non-owner’s MYO slot pool.
Questing Prompt 2
- This prompt must be completed second!
- Do they panic and hide, or take charge and look around?
- Are they curious, do they investigate?
- What happens around them when the party goes awry?
- This prompt earns one ticket by default to the overgrown trait raffle, and one ticket towards a chosen prize category (Premades, MYO Slots, or Trait Tickets). If you are a non-owner, this will also grant you a ticket automatically into the non-owner’s MYO slot pool.
Questing prompt 3
- This prompt must be completed last!
- Are they afraid? How do they fight through their fears to help Chime?
- Are they a leader? Do they find and help others?
- What fears might they be encountering and overcoming?
- This prompt earns one ticket by default to the overgrown trait raffle, and one ticket towards a chosen prize category (Premades, MYO Slots, or Trait Tickets). If you are a non-owner, this will also grant you a ticket automatically into the non-owner’s MYO slot pool.
Gift Prompt
Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Someone Else’s, NPCs or personally owned characters cannot be used for this prompt).