Coveted Coin Pouch
Take a little gift for your generosity... Happy gifting!
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
- Loot Table Below
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Randomized Item
92% - 5-15 Crowns
trait item
5% - Random Uncommon trait item2.5% - Random Rare trait item
.5% - Random Myth trait item
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Starter Pack
Here's a little something to get you started...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to recieve EACH of the following
- 30 Crowns - Click to see where to spend crowns!
- 1 Uncommon Trait Ticket
⦿ Obtained From
- Free Gifts - One time purchase
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Free Gifts Shop
Purchaseable At:
Box of Hearts
A nice box... Full of hearts just for you!
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE of the following
⦿ Obtained From
- Skirentines Event (February 2023)
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Delectable Leftovers
Category: Boxes
A chance to relive a delicious meal...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE of the following
⦿ Obtained From
- Savory Sweets Event (March/April 2024)
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Killian's Toolbox
This toolbox seems to have been around a long while, its exterior covered in dents and scratches. It seems well loved, and you notice a lot of stickers and keychains hanging from it...
⦿ Used For
- ???
⦿ Obtained From
- ???
Rarity - Hunt Item Box
NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!
Portal Module
These small magical passageways often drift around larger portals as a quicker means of transporting goods. You reach your hand through one of them. What will you find...?
⦿ Used For
Open this box to recieve EACH of the following
- 1 Coveted Coin Pouch
- 25 Crowns
- 1 Treasured Toolbox Badge
- 1 Randomized NEW Trait Item
⦿ Obtained From
- ?????
⦿ Contains
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items obtained from this box can be transferred.
NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!
Tattered Package
Category: Boxes
Looks a little beat up... At least it got here...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
- Loot Table Below
⦿ Obtained From
- ???
⦿ Contains
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Item art by Frog and AviatorCid
Treasured Trove
Category: Boxes
Its contents sparkle and shine...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Coin Pile
Category: Boxes
Ooh! Free money...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
⦿ Obtained From
- ???
⦿ Contains
Randomized Crowns
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Item art by Frog and AviatorCid
Stargazer's Trunk
Prepare to map a whole new world..!
⦿ Used For
Open this box to recieve a random prize AND the following:
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Randomized Item
- Augment Ward - 50%
- Magic Item - 15%
- Uncommon Event Trait Item Tier - 18.5%
- Rare Event Trait Item Tier - 11%
- Myth Event Trait Item Tier - 5%
- Touched Event Item Tier - .5%
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items from this box may be transferred.
Uncommon Case
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE uncommon trait item from any onsite.
- Please see the Choice Box List for the items available from this box.
- Items will be manually added when they come out onsite.
⦿ Obtained From
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Rare Kit
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE rare trait item from any onsite.
- Please see the Choice Box List for the items available from this box.
- Rare Items will be manually added when they come out onsite.
⦿ Obtained From
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Mythic Crate
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE myth trait item from any onsite.
- Please see the Choice Box List for the items available from this box.
- Myth Items will be manually added when they come out onsite.
⦿ Obtained From
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Cursed Coin Purse
You are rewarded for your generosity! But why does this one feel a little... weirder..?
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
- Loot Table Below
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Randomized Item
90% - 5-15 Crowns
trait item
8.75% - Random Event Uncommon trait item1.25% - Random Event Rare trait item
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Ward Collectible
These collectibles are coveted by superfans...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to choose ONE one-time use Augment Ward from the list.
- Please see the Choice Box List for the items available from this box.
- Items will be manually added when they come out onsite.
⦿ Obtained From
Rarity - Item Choice Box
[Non Transferrable] - The contents of this box may be transferred.
Coal-Filled Gift
It seems to be made by hand, with utmost care...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Randomized CROWNS (5-10)
22%MYSTERY item
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
This item's loot tables may be adjusted alongside future features!
Shining Gift
Its contents sparkle and shine...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive a randomized prize.
⦿ Obtained From
⦿ Contains
Randomized CROWNS (5-10)
25%MYSTERY item
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
This item's loot tables may be adjusted alongside future features!
Golden Hart's Gift
A Gift of Thanks, for none of this would be possible without you!
⦿ Used For
Open this box to receive:
⦿ Obtained From
- Grant's Gift Shop - Winter 2024
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable] - The items within this box can be transferred.
Mysterious Postman
Purchaseable At:
Timeless Capsule
Cherished memories, each one lovingly wrapped in dirt and rust by time itself...
⦿ Used For
Open this box to recieve the following
- 1 Randomized Item
⦿ Obtained From
- New Year, New Me (January 2025)
⦿ Contains
Rarity - Random Item Box
[Non Transferrable]
Charred Incarnation
You feel something new burning from within...
⦿ Used For
Applies the of the following trait to the design that holds this item.
- Fire Magic Defect
- This item may be exchanged via claim with the charcter attached for 2 levels in Fire Magic if a defect on the rolled character is not desired.
- A Defect must be applied to a design in order to gain the Prompt Bonus
Can be applied to the existing design via Design Approval. Once applied, it can only be removed via Untangling Shears.
⦿ Obtained From
Rarity - Defect Item
[Non Transferrable, Character Held]
Uses: Apply one Fire Magic Defect to the character that holds this item.
Fire Magic Mentor