<a href="https://skire.club/world/items/117" class="display-item">Crook MYO Slot (Quest)</a>

Crook MYO Slot (Quest)

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Frog



⦿ Crook

Open this item to create a MYO Slot on the MYO Masterlist.

This MYO will have the following traits:

⦿ Obtained From

⦿ About
This MYO is obtained ONCE from the completion of the Elder's Questline. This slot and the design that comes with it cannot be transferred and are permanently bound to the user, and cannot be sold, traded, gifted, or turned in to the yearly turn in. Please keep this in mind when completing the quests. 

Please use this item to create a MYO slot on the MYO Slot Masterlist.

Rarity - Quest MYO Slot Item
Species - Crook
Note - Owning this item qualifies you as an Owner

[Non Transferrable]