Elder's Abode

Elder's Abode

🌱Elder's Abode🌱

"So glad you've finally made it..."

The Elder's MYO Questline is completable once per user. The slot, premade, and tickets that come from these prompts cannot be transferred and are permanently bound to the user, and cannot be sold, traded, gifted, or turned in to the yearly turn in. Please keep this in mind when completing the quests. 
  • Your SaplingSapling [Recieved for completing all five prompts] can be spent ONCE on a Quest MYO Slot Purchased Below OR a Premade Design Purchased from the Crossroads. These are all common and non-transferrable. ❗❗❗Please note that you must choose from either a MYO Slot or a Premade from the Crossroads. You do not have any time limit to make this choice, but once the Sapling is spent it cannot be refunded or returned. Please carefully consider your choice before making it!❗❗❗
  • You can recieve a total of 4 4-icon.pngSeedlets over the completion of the prompt. Anything purchased with this currency cannot be transferred.

[Please be sure to read over the Quesline overview here]


MYO Items
Quest MYO Slot
Quest MYO Slot
Cost: 1 Sapling
Max 1