All Prompts


[WEEKLY ◦ FLAT PAYOUT] Submit drabbles and sketches!




Submit a sketch or drabble for a Skire character once per week [This prompt will transition into a daily submission prompt after some time has passed for admin to get settled, and may see changes in payout].  This can be any sketch, roleplay, or general piece of art you make! 


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Halfbody Sketch of a Skire Character, no color needed, must be a discernable character.
  • Written -- 150 Words or more about a Skire character. Can be small drabbles, poetry, or other written medium as long as it totals 150 words.
⦿ Specifics
  • You cannot submit to this prompt if the art you make has been or will be submitted for another prompt. 
  • Images must be unique, no base edits allowed or YCCCHs! Art must be fully your own.
  • You may submit unique art you created as a commission for another user.  This does not apply to any other prompt.
  • You do not have to submit on the day you created the piece, but only one piece can be submitted per week, and art should be created after ARPG start!
  • This prompt resets weekly at midnight site time.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art, but does NOT grant the gift art bonus. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing.
  • All content MUST be PG-13.
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
  • FLAT PAYOUT -- 4 crowns
⦿ Submission Form
◦ --


Reward Amount
Crowns 4

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

Motley Manifestations

[WEEKLY ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Depict your character's different forms!


Motley Manifestations


Submit drawing  or piece of writing of a Skire character in a CANON form of the forms listed below. Do they prefer this form, or hide it? Is the form taken for practical purposes, or to blend in or disguise? Be creative! Standard quad form and Anthro forms are not allowed for this prompt.

This prompt can include the character doing anything! It can be a special moment in their life, a time where they were scared, or any other personal story beat. It just needs to include one of the alternate forms somehow!

CCCat Canon Forms

Crook Canon Forms
Gravent Canon Forms
Nautipod Canon Forms

Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody Sketch of a Skire Character in a canon form listed above. (more may be required for certain forms, such as CCCentaur and Mer-Form, that effect the lower half of the body.)
  • Written -- 300 Words or more describing the form, what your character does in that form, etc.
⦿ Specifics
  • Anthro and Quad forms are not allowed for this prompt.
  • This prompt resets Sunday at midnight site time, and can be completed once per week.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing. Gift pieces must not include a character you own.
  • All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
⦿ Submission Form

◦ Form: (Specify if using human, faun, etc)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)


Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

Spirit of Gifting

[WEEKLY ◦ FLAT PAYOUT] Submit gift art or writing for another user!


Spirit of GIFTING

⦿ Prompt

In the spirit of giving, create for someone else!


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Character that does not belong to you. 
  • Written -- 300 Words or more about a Skire Characterthat does not belong to you. 
⦿ Specifics
  • You may not draw or write your own character in this prompt, even if it is interacting with someone else's.  
  • You may not use NPCs for this prompt.
  • This prompt resets Sunday at midnight site time, and can be completed once per week.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, etc.
  • MUST be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or you can look for characters open for gift art and writing. Gift pieces must not include a character you own.
  • All content MUST be PG-13.
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
  • FLAT PAYOUT -- 8 crowns
  • EVENT - SIFTING SANDS (starting February 3rd)

⦿ Submission Form

◦ --


Reward Amount
Crowns 8
💗Sifting Sands 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

The Skire Scoop

[MONTHLY ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Answer scoop's monthly question for the newspaper!


A paper falls from the sky, fluttering into your hands. You watch as a Gravent darts off, the papers trailing behind them. Scanning the paper, you find yourself intrigued. A columnist's work takes up the first page, one with a familiar name pasted beneath a wide-smiled portrait.

 "The Skire Scoop" It reads, written by the titular Scoop, a Gravent that had found herself in many of Skire's headlines.  beneath the small bolded headline is a question. 

"Send in your photos blurbs, and you'll see it published in our Skire Scoop! Keep an eye out for next month's question too! We can't wait to get to know you!"

How do you show others what they mean to you?

⦿ Prompt

Submit a drawing or piece of writing answering the monthly question from the Skire Scoop, a newspaper column written by Scoop! It can answer the question in many ways, you may depict an event detailing the question's answer, a recounting of it, describe it from the perspective of your character, etc!

The character does not need to be directly responding to the question in their prompt. It may also be depicted as them experiencing that event in the moment it occurred, recalling it, or physically writing in to the newspaper. Feel free to get creative! 


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Character following the monthly prompt.
  • Written -- 300 Words or more about a Skire Character following the monthly prompt.
⦿ Specifics
  • This prompt must be relevant to the month's question
  • This prompt resets at midnight site time on the last day of each month, and can be completed once per month. The question will change monthly.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing. Gift pieces must not include a character you own.
  • All content MUST be PG-13.
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
⦿ Submission Form

◦ Question: (The question for the month you are entering)
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)


Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .


[WEEKLY ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Submit art you create that might not adhere to other prompts!




Explore your charcter! Where do they live, what do they enjoy, or who do they spend their time with? Explore their lives, backstories, personalities, or just their day to day! There are many people, places, and things to see in Skire, or you may just want a little bonus for drawing your characters, or a gift! Any and all is welcome here.

You do not have to follow an explicit theme for this prompt. Any art is welcome! You may use this prompt to submit any Skire works that are personal, or not used for other prompts. 


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Charcter.
  • Written -- 300 Words or more about a Skire character.
⦿ Specifics
  • You cannot submit to this prompt if the art you make has been or will be submitted for another prompt. 
  • Images must be unique, no base edits allowed or YCCCHs! Art must be fully your own.
  • NEW masterlist art may be submitted to this prompt. It may only be of the current official design. It must be masterlist art created by you, and not for commissions/trades/crown payment. Submit to chips instead!
  • You may not submit commissions to this prompt.
  • You do not have to submit on the day you created the piece, but only one piece can be submitted per week! All art should be created after the start of the ARPG.
  • This prompt resets weekly at midnight site time.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing.
  • All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
⦿ Submission Form
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)

◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)

Prompt Name Suggestion - XerxesTexasToast


Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

Finding Home

[MONTHLY ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Homes are unique across Skire... Where might one call home?


Finding Home


Where does your character call home? Are they a wanderer with no solid place to return to? Did they build their dwelling from the ground up, or did they stumble upon a place where they settled? Do they live in a high end abode, or something more humble? Home can be so many things, and everyone on Skire might consider it something a little different. Home is also a place to relax, have fun, host, or complete hobbies. Explore what home means to your character, or activities they enjoy doing at home. 


Minimum Requirements -

  • Drawn -- Colored Halfbody of a Skire Character, at home, completing an activity that makes them feel at home, etc.
  • Written -- 300 Words or more about a Skire Character, at home, completing an activity that makes them feel at home, etc.
⦿ Specifics
  • This prompt requires the character to be completing an activity of some kind, relating in some way to home or the feeling of home. You can get creative with it, but it cannot simply be a piece without something going on or included to signify a feeling of home.
  • You cannot submit to this prompt if the art you make has been or will be submitted for another prompt. 
  • Images must be unique, no base edits allowed or YCCCHs! Art must be fully your own.
  • You do not have to submit on the day you created the piece, but only one piece can be submitted per month! All art should be created after the start of the ARPG.
  • This prompt resets monthly.
  • Submissions must be your own work -- No AI, collaboration, bases, etc.
  • Can be completed as gift art. Please make sure you get permission, or look for characters open for gift art and writing.
  • All content MUST be PG-13. Content Guidelines
  • Submissions must be submitted via link, and be viewable to admin.
  • Art may only be submitted to one prompt.
⦿ Rewards
⦿ Submission Form
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)


Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

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