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Common Crowns

Common Crowns (Common)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[This includes all Common Traits for CCCat Crowns. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO]

  • Crowns on Back of Head - [Crowns are situated behind the ears and on the back of the head. Crowns must be clearly connected to the head]
  • 3-4 Crownspikes
  • Mid-Length Crown
  • Differing Crowns - [Crowns with different styles, shapes, or colors per spike]
  • Emotive Crowns - [Crowns can emote and move to convey a CCCat's emotions]


Crowns on Forehead

Crowns on Forehead (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crowns are situated on the forehead, in front of the ears]

  • Crown sits in front of the ears
  • Can have crowns on both the forehead and in common placements such as trailing behind the ears, on the back of the head, etc.

5-7 Crownspikes

5-7 Crownspikes (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[5-7 crownspikes total]

  • Counts for the total crowns across all parts of the body
8-9 Crownspikes

8-9 Crownspikes (Rare)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[8-9 crownspikes total]

  • Counts for the total crowns across all parts of the body
10-20 Crownspikes

10-20 Crownspikes (Myth)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[10-20 crownspikes total]

  • Counts for the total crowns across all parts of the body
1-2 Crownspikes

1-2 Crownspikes (Myth)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[1-2 crownspikes total]

  • Counts for the total crowns across all parts of the body
21-30 Crownspikes

21-30 Crownspikes (Touched)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[21-30 crownspikes total]

  • Counts for the total crowns across all parts of the body
Thick Crown

Thick Crown (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crown is thick at the base]

  • Crown is thick at the base where it connects to the body
  • This trait is not needed if the base remains thin
  • Crowns should not resemble spikes or objects too heavily, and must still be readable as a crown

Minimum Thickness

Short Crown

Short Crown (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crown is shorter than usual]

  • Crown is usually shorter than the length of the head
  • Can have both long and short crowns simultaneously
maximum length
Particle Crown

Particle Crown (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Non-elemental and glitter-like effects fall or hover around the crown]

  • Can be shaped
  • Should remain focused around the crowns and not float too far away.
  • Particles can spawn and dissipate with time or float in a cloud around the crowns
  • Can be affected by marking types. With Sparkling Markings the particles themselves may be sparkles.
  • Effects cannot be elemental
  • Cannot be turned off
15-image.pngCan be applied via the Feather Duster.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Dangling Crownspikes

Dangling Crownspikes (Uncommon)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crowns that act like string and hang rather than stand upright]

  • Can affect the entire crown or part of a crownspike
  • Crowns may still be wiggly or point down without the use of this trait
Crowns on Face/Cheeks

Crowns on Face/Cheeks (Rare)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crowns on the front of the face and cheeks]

  • Crowns sit on the face or cheeks
  • Can have crowns on both the face, forehead and in common placements such as the back of the head or trailing down the neck without needing extra traits

Linked Crown

Linked Crown (Rare)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crownspikes that connect above the base]

  • Crownspikes must connect above the base
  • May create halo shapes as long as they clearly connect to the CCCat's head
  • Crowns that split at the very base are considered linked crowns
  • May be combined with Aquatic Host traits to connect crowns with fins
  • Cannot connect along the entire length unless affected by the above Aquatic Host trait
Floating Crown Piece

Floating Crown Piece (Rare)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crown base is connected, but part of the crown floats]

  • Crown base must be connected to the head
  • Must float near the crowns or appear as a floating but extended piece of them
  • Can be combined with Particle Crown for larger particles
Crowns on Lower Body

Crowns on Lower Body (Myth)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crowns are located somewhere other than the head]

  • Crowns are located anywhere below where the head meets the neck
  • Can be placed on the ears, Horns/Spikes, wings, limbs, etc
  • Crowns can be asymmetric, placed in multiple spots, or dispersed across the body
  • If crowns are located on the wings, when the wings are hidden, the crowns are automatically placed on the closest part of the back
  • This trait also allows for crowns to be placed on the face, forehead, and standard head placements without the need for additional traits
  • Cannot be used to put the crowns in the mouth, on the eye, or on the tongue
Overgrown Crown

Overgrown Crown (Myth)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crowns that are very clearly larger than are proportional to the character]

  • Can be applied to the entire crown, certain crownspikes, or certain crown traits [Such as Floating Crown Piece].
  • If applied to a design via the Overgrowth Elixir item, this trait cannot be swapped to any other trait.
Floating Crown

Floating Crown (Touched)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Base of the crown is not connected, but rather floats over the CCCat]

  • Must have crownspikes that point towards the head or body to indicate that they are crowns
  • Should be centralized around the head unless using Crowns Elsewhere on Body
  • Can be effected by linked crowns, but there must still be clear crownspikes
  • Base of the crown cannot attatch to the head at all
Elemental Crown

Elemental Crown (Touched)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[Crown has elemental features or is made up entirely of elemental substances]

  • Elements that can affect the crowns: Water, Air, Fire, Earth, Ice, Ether, Smoke, Steam, Storm, Magma, Sludge, Electricity, Nature, Light, Space, Blood
  • Should follow and show a clear crown shape, but can have trails of the element coming from them
  • Effected by crown number traits, and must be connected to the body unless using Floating Crown
  • Particles such as sparks, small flames, drips, ice shards/snow, and smoke trails can be used on this trait without the corresponding traits
No Crown

No Crown (Lore Breaking)

Category: Crowns
Species: CCCats

[The CCCat has no crown]

  • This trait cannot be used and must be updated if redesigned
Common Tails (CCCats)

Common Tails (CCCats) (Common)

Category: Tails
Species: CCCats

[This includes all Common Traits for CCCat Tails. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO]

  • Long Tail
  • Fur-Tipped Tail
  • Kinked Tail - [An odd bend in the tail]
  • Thick Tail - [Includes gecko tails]
  • Fluffy Tail

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