
<a href="" class="display-item">Nautipod MYO Slot (Standard)</a>

Nautipod MYO Slot (Standard)

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Frog


MYO Slot Item


This MYO will have the following traits:

⦿ Obtained From

⦿ About

This slot has been obtained from MYO Sales via Voucher or Gift, or a Standard Raffle. It cannot be transferred from user to user until it has received an approved design, after which it will be on cooldown for 14 days. Please note that it is prohibited to have another user design your MYO slot with the intent to trade it to that user after cooldown is up. A slot can be gifted OR sold only with express permission from WellHidden

Please use this item to create a MYO slot on the MYO Slot Masterlist.

Rarity - Purchased MYO Slot Item
Species - Nautipod
Note - Owning this item qualifies you as an Owner

[Non Transferrable]



Raffle, Gift Purchase, Voucher Purchase

<a href="" class="display-item">Quest MYO Slot</a>

Quest MYO Slot

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Frog

Choice Box
This MYO is obtained ONCE from the completion of the Elder's Questline. This slot and the design that comes with it cannot be transferred and are permanently bound to the user, and cannot be sold, traded, gifted, or turned in to the yearly turn in. Please keep this in mind when completing the quests. 
Quest MYO Slot Rules
  • Opening this item will grant you an item of your choice that will automatically create a MYO slot on the masterlist. Please use the individual item chosen to create this slot and submit your MYO Design
  • Once this box is opened and a species has been chosen, you may not switch species. 
  • There is no time limit to choose a species or to design your slot. 
  • You may wait to open the box until you have decided on a species or a design, and may plan your design idea in advance of opening this slot. 
  • The completed design may not be traded, sold, gifted, or turned in. They may be voided with Staff approval.
  • The items recieved from the Elder's Questline may be used on this slot, but are not required to be. 
  • You may use any trait items on your MYO design.
  • They may be redesigned as per usual. 

REMINDER! you may alternatively purchase a Questline Premade from the Crossroads. Please keep in mind you may only purchase one or the other!

⦿ Used For 

Open this item and pick a MYO Item of the following species:

This MYO will have the following traits:

⦿ Obtained From

Rarity - MYO Item Choice Box
Species -
Note -
Owning this item qualifies you as an Owner

[Non-Transferrable -- The design created from this slot cannot be transferred]



Elder's Abode Shop

Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Crook MYO Slot (Quest)</a>

Crook MYO Slot (Quest)

Category: MYO Items

Artist: Frog



⦿ Crook

Open this item to create a MYO Slot on the MYO Masterlist.

This MYO will have the following traits:

⦿ Obtained From

⦿ About
This MYO is obtained ONCE from the completion of the Elder's Questline. This slot and the design that comes with it cannot be transferred and are permanently bound to the user, and cannot be sold, traded, gifted, or turned in to the yearly turn in. Please keep this in mind when completing the quests. 

Please use this item to create a MYO slot on the MYO Slot Masterlist.

Rarity - Quest MYO Slot Item
Species - Crook
Note - Owning this item qualifies you as an Owner

[Non Transferrable]

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