Common Body (Crooks)
Common Body (Crooks) (Common)
Click to search ML for trait[This includes all Common Traits for a Crook’s Body. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO]
- Body Type - [Bony, Thin, Athletic, Chubby, Fat, etc are all possible]
- Alternate Forms - [Crooks can canonically shift between a humanoid form, anthro form, sphinx form, centaur form, faun form, etc. These must resemble the official base form of the design, and should not have trait or design changes]
- Human Form - [Crooks can shift into a near-human form. They retain their face patch and eye clusters even in a human form. They must also keep their pointy teeth]
- Horns/Spikes - [Anywhere on body, any amount that does not obscure the Crook. Includes antlers]
- Varying Head Shapes - [Any head shape, however it cannot be humanoid]
- Knuckle Bones - [On the top joint of each hand/foot digit, a horn or bony protrusion is present. This can be shaped in various ways, be pointy, blunt, or flat]

Common Shell
Common Shell (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Shell. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- C Shell - [Standard, rounded and curling shell]
- Bubble Shell - [Rounded shell without a curl]
- Oval Shell - [Rounded, but slightly more oblong in shape]
- Humpback - [Shell is oblong and rounded, flowing into a smooth tip]
- Bean Shell - [Rounded shell with a slight curve]

Common Eyes (Nautipods)
Common Eyes (Nautipods) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Eyes. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Blank Eyes - [Eyes that do not have any pattern ◯]
- Black and White Eyes - [Black outline, white inside◯]
- Round Eyes - [Eyes are circular in shape ◯]
- Dot Eyes - [Small Pupil ⨀⦿]
- Slit Eyes
- Colored Eyes - [Eyes are most commonly black and white, but can be colored as well]
- Heterochromia

Common Helm
Common Helm (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Helm. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Pointed Helm - [Triangular in shape]
- Rounded Helm
- Stubby Helm - [Short in length]
- Beak/Hooked Helm - [Has a beak-like curve]
- Slope Helm - [Helm with a concave slope]
- Sharp Teeth - [Triangular, pointy helm teeth]
- Zipper Teeth - [Square helm teeth]
- Needle Teeth - [Needle-like, thin helm teeth]
- Closable Helm - [Nautipods can close their helms]

Common Tentacles
Common Tentacles (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Tentacles. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- 2-6 Tentacles
- Squid Tentacles - [Pair of tentacles that have a diamond shape and longer length]
- Thick Tentacles
- Stubby Tentacles
- Pointed Tentacles
- Rounded Tentacles
- Different Length Tentacles - [Within the short, medium, and long ranges]

Common Humanoid Body
Common Humanoid Body (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Tentacles. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Hair
- Tentacles on Head
- Tentacles on Back
- Tentacles on Face
- Tentacles as Tail
- Armor Pieces - [Large chunks of natural armor plating]
- Shell as Tail - [Shell shape can occur as tail placement]
- Hoof Feet
- Clawed Feet
- Paw Feet
- Heeled Feet
- Clawed Hands
- Digitigrade Legs
- Tongue - Tongues may use traits from the Nautipod's tentacles [Example: if a nautipod has spiked tentacles, its tongue may also be spiked without the need for additional traits]. 1 Tongue is common.
- Body Type - [Bony, Thin, Athletic, Chubby, Fat, etc are all possible]
- Alternate Forms - [Nautipods can shift into a mer-form, meaning their tentacles or fishy shell can replace the legs]
- Human Form - [Nautipods can shift into a near-human form. Soft skin patches of the body on the wrists/hands, ankles/feet, and neck. Eyes should also remain the same as well as beaky teeth]

Common Fur (Gravents)
Common Fur (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Fur/Coat. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Sphinx Fur - [Hairless, or nearly hairless]
- Furred - [Can be curly, straight, wavy, etc. All hair textures available]
- Scaled - [No feathers or fur]
- Feathered - [No fur or scales]
- Mixed Feather, Fur, or Scaled
- Frankenstein Fur - [Patches of normal fur and furless patches separated by an abrupt change in length, including bald patches on the face]
- Opalescent Markings - [Certain markings may have a bird-like iridescence]
- Feather Crest - [Feathery crest akin to a cockatoo's that can move and emote]
- Eye Patch Marking Effect - [A Graven't eye patch can be glowing, metallic, opalescent, or sparkling without the need for the trait]

Common Ears (Gravents)
Common Ears (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Ears. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Fluffy Ears
- Furless Ears
- Bent Ears - [Ears that are kinked or odd]
- Oddly Shaped Ears - [Ears may have odd shapes, holes, and different lengths]
- Mismatched Ears - [Ears may be asymmetrical]

Common Eyes (Gravents)
Common Eyes (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Eyes. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Shaped Patch - [Eye patches can come in a multitude of shapes and be segmented]
- Any Eye Color
- Sclera, Iris, and Pupil
- Rounded Pupil
- Slit Pupil
- Heterochromia

Common Teeth (Gravents)
Common Teeth (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Teeth. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Flat Teeth
- Fangs - [Fangs that do not protrude from the mouth]
- Pointed Teeth
- Metallic Teeth - [Part or all of the teeth are metallic]
- Opalescent Teeth - [Part of or all of the teeth are opalescent]
- Sparkling Teeth - [Part of or all of the teeth are sparkling]
- Multi-Colored Teeth

Common Tongue (Gravents)
Common Tongue (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Tongue. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Rounded/Thick Tongue
- Pointed Tongue

Common True Wings
Common True Wings (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s True Wings. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Bird Wings - [Feathered wings]
- Bat Wings - [Wings that are featherless and fingered like a bat's]
- Combo Wings - [A combination between bird/bat styles]

Common Vent Wings
Common Vent Wings (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Vent Wings. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Patterned
- Solid Colors
- Gradient Colors
- Bird Wings - [Feathered wings]
- Bat Wings - [Wings that are featherless and fingered like a bat's]
- Combo Wings - [A combination between bird/bat styles]
- Trailing Wings - [Leaves a colored trail in the sky for a short distance while flying]
- Glowing Vent Wings - [Vent wings emit a glow]

Common Tails (Gravents)
Common Tails (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Tail. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Spaded Tail
- Shape Tipped Tail
- Square Tail
- Pointed Tail
- Notched Tail
- Shaped Tails - [Tails have a fairly wide range of shapes available for use]
- Hooked Tail
- Tails may be oriented horizontally or vertically

Common Body (Gravents)
Common Body (Gravents) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Vent Wings. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Body Type - [Bony, Thin, Athletic, Chubby, Fat, etc are all possible]
- Varying Head Shapes - [Any head shape, however it cannot be humanoid and must have a muzzle bump]
- Leg Spurs - [Spur growths located on the Gravent's elbows. Can be on the front and back legs. Only one spike per limb is allowed with this trait]
- Raptor Claw - [One very large hooked claw on both hands, both feet, or both hands and both feet]
- Beaked Face - [Face curls slightly in a beak-like way]
- Basic Socket Vent Shapes - [Oval, triangle, rectangular, rounded]
- Different Bird Feet Shapes - [Three toes facing forward and one back, or two forward two back, or raptorial]
- Alternate Forms - (Gravents can shift into a near-human form. Sockets and wing vents need to remain present, as well as dunkle teeth and eye patches)
- Human Form - [Gravents can shift into a near-human form. Sockets and wing vents need to remain present, as well as dunkle teeth and eye patches]

Uncommon (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Can be used to add 1 Uncommon trait to a any design]
- This can only be used on the design or MYO slot it is attached to, and cannot be transferred to another design
- The Uncommon trait applied must be one designated to the respective species, meaning an Uncommon Nautipod trait cannot be added to a CCCat
- You may receive this trait as compensation if a design has a trait that is downgraded in rarity
- Please submit a Design Approval to use these traits. All traits added must be depicted in the masterlist image

Sphinx Fur
Sphinx Fur (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Hairless, or nearly hairless]
- Includes very light peach fuzz or short hair
- Can have hair on the head
- Cannot have any large fur tufts

Royal Fur
Royal Fur (CCCats) (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Any long strands of fur that are noticeably longer than the rest of the design's fur.]
- Can create ponchos, fur ribbons, long ankle fur
- Can appear as fur linking from one spot to another
- Tail and head hair can be long without needing this trait.
- Can be combined with Short Tail to create a horse-like tail. Tails affected that do not use short should clearly have the tail beneath be readable."
- Cannot look like fabric or be an entirely flat shape. Must still show fur-like quality

Royal Fur
Royal Fur (Gravents) (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for traitThis trait is Common for Crooks
[Any long strands of fur that are noticeably longer than the rest of the design's fur. This includes ribbons, ponchos, long ankle fur, etc. All pieces must still resemble and act like fur/hair]

Particle Markings
Particle Markings (CCCats) (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Particles that trail randomly from a specific marking, similar to particle crowns]
- Must be small
- Must clearly emit from a specific marking
- Can be shaped
- Can be affected by marking traits. Sparkling Markings can change particles themselves into sparkles that trail off the body.
- Can be any color that appears on the body
- Cannot be large or mimic floating body pieces
- Cannot be turned off