Required (Nautipods)
Required (Nautipods) (Required)
Click to search ML for traitRequired Nautipod Traits
- A Shell
- 2 Eyes Minimum - [Eyes blinded due to injury are not traited, but must still show evidence an eye was once present]
- Small Eye Marking - [Eye marking on helm. Does not have to exactly be an eye shape in nature, but has to have a similar placement]
- Tooth Spike - [At least one small spike on each side of the upper helm resembling a tooth]
- Lower and Upper helm
- 2 Tentacles Minimum - [Injury does not count as a trait, but it must still be visible that a tentacle was once there]
- Soft Body - [Soft, fleshy areas, usually the facial area in pod form and have a general fleshy placement in humanoid form]
- Pattern - [The Nautipod must have one pattern, which generally consists of a repetitive pattern, such as dots, stripes, etc. Patterns can be anything as long as they adhere to onsite content guidelines. Markings may not contain words that mimic any real life language, but Caster Speak may be used. Gradients do not count for patterns]
Humanoid Body
- 4 Fingers, 1 Thumb - [Nautipod hands should have five digits total, four fingers and one thumb. They can be clawed or blunt like standard human hands. There is no minimum amount for toes, but they can have up to 5]
- Nautipod Humanoid Form - [A humanoid form based on the existing traits and appearance of the Nautipod's pod form]
- Mimicking Traits - [The traits of the Shell, Eye, Helm, Tentacles, and Body carry over and are mimicked somehow on the human form]
- Hand and Foot Armor - [Hands and feet are segmented in an armored way]
- Joint Patches - [Required on wrists, ankle, and front upper neck. Optional on arms, legs, and other jointed areas, and can be shaped]
- Limbs - [Two arms and two legs. Limbs lost due to injury are not traited, but must still show evidence that the limb was once present]

Common Shell
Common Shell (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Shell. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- C Shell - [Standard, rounded and curling shell]
- Bubble Shell - [Rounded shell without a curl]
- Oval Shell - [Rounded, but slightly more oblong in shape]
- Humpback - [Shell is oblong and rounded, flowing into a smooth tip]
- Bean Shell - [Rounded shell with a slight curve]

Common Eyes (Nautipods)
Common Eyes (Nautipods) (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Eyes. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Blank Eyes - [Eyes that do not have any pattern ◯]
- Black and White Eyes - [Black outline, white inside◯]
- Round Eyes - [Eyes are circular in shape ◯]
- Dot Eyes - [Small Pupil ⨀⦿]
- Slit Eyes
- Colored Eyes - [Eyes are most commonly black and white, but can be colored as well]
- Heterochromia

Common Helm
Common Helm (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Helm. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Pointed Helm - [Triangular in shape]
- Rounded Helm
- Stubby Helm - [Short in length]
- Beak/Hooked Helm - [Has a beak-like curve]
- Slope Helm - [Helm with a concave slope]
- Sharp Teeth - [Triangular, pointy helm teeth]
- Zipper Teeth - [Square helm teeth]
- Needle Teeth - [Needle-like, thin helm teeth]
- Closable Helm - [Nautipods can close their helms]

Common Tentacles
Common Tentacles (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Tentacles. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- 2-6 Tentacles
- Squid Tentacles - [Pair of tentacles that have a diamond shape and longer length]
- Thick Tentacles
- Stubby Tentacles
- Pointed Tentacles
- Rounded Tentacles
- Different Length Tentacles - [Within the short, medium, and long ranges]

Common Humanoid Body
Common Humanoid Body (Common)
Click to search ML for traitThis includes all Common Traits for a Nautipod’s Tentacles. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO
- Hair
- Tentacles on Head
- Tentacles on Back
- Tentacles on Face
- Tentacles as Tail
- Armor Pieces - [Large chunks of natural armor plating]
- Shell as Tail - [Shell shape can occur as tail placement]
- Hoof Feet
- Clawed Feet
- Paw Feet
- Heeled Feet
- Clawed Hands
- Digitigrade Legs
- Tongue - Tongues may use traits from the Nautipod's tentacles [Example: if a nautipod has spiked tentacles, its tongue may also be spiked without the need for additional traits]. 1 Tongue is common.
- Body Type - [Bony, Thin, Athletic, Chubby, Fat, etc are all possible]
- Alternate Forms - [Nautipods can shift into a mer-form, meaning their tentacles or fishy shell can replace the legs]
- Human Form - [Nautipods can shift into a near-human form. Soft skin patches of the body on the wrists/hands, ankles/feet, and neck. Eyes should also remain the same as well as beaky teeth]

Opalescent Markings
Opalescent Markings (Nautipods) (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Markings that reflect multiple hues, considered opalescent or multi-chrome]
- Can be any color, and reflections are multi-hue, meaning highlights and shadows may reflect hues different to the base. Base color should still be somewhat clear
- Can be opalescent or multi-chrome
- Affects any color/marking on the body, as long as it does not effect the entire body
- Can affect the blood, bones, and organs

Horns/Spikes (Nautipods) (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Horns or spikes located anywhere on the body]
- Can be pointed, antlers, be branched, spiked, blunt, square, or rounded and cylindrical. Can also be textured with swirls, overlapping scale-like effects, and carvings.
- Can be broken, notched, or cut
- Can be placed anywhere on the body
- Counts for all horns and spikes on the body. Can have multiple types at once
- Can be engraved and affected by marking traits
- Horns should not resemble objects
- Cannot obscure the body or replace a body part

Scale Growth

Diamond Shell
Diamond Shell (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[The shell is a polygonal diamond or square shape]

Star Shell

Arrow Shell
Arrow Shell (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[The shell is a triangular or pointed arrowhead shape]

Stinger Shell
Stinger Shell (Uncommon)
Click to search ML for trait[Resembles scorpion stinger, with a dramatic sharp curve and humped back]

Fireburst Shell

Point Shell

Heart Shell

Twisted Ornament Shell

Half Moon Eyes

X Eyes

Star Eyes