NPC-041: Howwer's Profile


Name: Howwer
Season: Winter
Abilities: Time dilation, warping



Howwer is a friendly face, someone who doesn't recognize the need for impatience at all and tends to make far too many jokes that some would deem annoying given the circumstances. They have an incredible ease with being friendly with others, keen to create a welcoming environment to teach their magic. They are often quick to get on people's nerves if they're dilly-dallying too long due mostly to their tendency to zone out, lose their train of thought and subject of discussion, and the like. Still, they are quick to calm a situation, their  demeanor quite conducive to it.

They have a lot of small hobbies, hopping usually from one to another, but an incredibly deep interest in their magic. Their process of teaching is a bit hands-off, watching more than anything and just seeing what they can pipe up to mention improvement on. They believe that the power to control most magics are already deep within, and that it is solely up to the user to unlock it. Typically they sit back in the knowledge that one is often more powerful than they believe.

Levels & About

  • 0 -- Affiliated -- Cannot yet use Time magic
  • I --  Can minorly alter the state of small objects to appear like past versions of themselves. A pebble skipped could be reversed back to it's prior resting place.
  • II -- Can pause and rewind the state of mid-sized objects and items to current or past versions of itself. A broken glass can become unbroken, or a flower become un-bloomed
  • III -- Complex spaces and things, like previous levels, can be paused or rewound to past or current versions, or even change the trajectory of an object. A stone that was once tossed could be rewound and then stopped from achieving it's past destination. The length of time is also extended, those with this level of Time magic can rewind or alter up to a week. 
  • IV -- Time mages may begin to know the past of an object just by observing it. Alteration of time can extend up to a few months.
  • V - Mastery of Time allows the user to play with the instances of time up to a number of years to even decades. More than one object or grouping of objects, even complex ones, can be altered to a previous state.
  • Defect -- You Cannot Train magic any further! You have forced your body to adapt too much to Time, and now your form knows only that. Parts of your body are constructed purely of unraveling measurements.
  • Nullified -- 

Mentor Banner - spockirkcoy / Muy // Defect Item -- WellHidden / Frog // Description -- spockirkcoy / WellHidden