[Closed] Grave Mistakes

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by Sweet-n-treat

Halloween Highlighter

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1464

Price: $300

Grinning Ghoul

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1465

Price: $250

A Horse of a Different Color

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1466

Price: $1000

Jekyll and Hi! :3

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1467

Price: $1000

Design: Cheshiretails
Art: DaeAngeli

Join Me

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1468

Price: $1400

Grey's Law

Flatsale: OFFICIAL-CCCAT-1498

Price: $1400

Design: Vyrron
Art: Vyrron

1400 OBO DM Vy for claiming or for payment plans

Hello and I hope everyone is having/will have a happy Halloween! We're bringing you a joint batch from AviatorCid and Cheshiretails! For payment plans, please contact the artist via discord if you would like to discuss. Payments up front are priortized over plans, and an approved plan is not a guranteed claim.

Contact AviatorCid via Discord @Bbeest

Contact Cheshiretails via Discord Cheshiretails 



[[Skire Rules]]



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Death-By-CatBurger Avatar

Could I claim Ghoul please!

2024-10-26 00:12:41

Cheshiretails Avatar

Hey there, I just had a user point out that the posts never mentioned that people could claim on Discord and that slipped past me entirely. In the group I run/own people can claim on Discord if they like so when I got the claim there and saw it was 10+ mins prior to your claim here I didn’t think anything of it. That was a mistake and a complete oversight on my part and I wanted to apologize to you in that regard as I am sure that must have been really frustrating for you. <:/
I appreciate being made aware of my mistake and I plan to be very aware of this moving forward. Again, I am so sorry for any confusion or frustration I have caused you.

2024-10-26 13:36:29 (Edited 2024-10-26 13:37:00)

Death-By-CatBurger Avatar

I appreciate the apology, but it's honestly no big deal, so no worries! I apologize in return for not replying right away, and I hope your holiday has been well.

2024-11-07 20:24:08

Cheshiretails Avatar

Unfortunately Ghoul was claimed a few minutes before your post here via a Discord claim. Thank you so much for the interest <3 ;0;

2024-10-26 01:29:00

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