[EVENT]⛵ Sail the Seas of Skire
Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Frog
- Embark on a grand adventure alongside our intrepid Captain!
- This prompt is [STANDARD PAYOUT]
- Please review the prompt itself for information on the prizes!
- The Spirit of Gifting prompt will grant a Coin Pile starting on August 5th, ending on September 1st!
- Me tale begins on a dark night... Sailin' the seas in search o' incredible treasure, me an' me crew was attacked by a multi-headed sea beast. A truly odd beastie, its sharp teeth an' many jaws made me almost lose me stomach...
- This hunt will end August 31st @ 23:59:59 site time
- The General Store has updated!
- The Skire Scoop has been updated: Where did you find your greatest treasure?
- Finalizing the last pieces of the MYO questline!
- Crafting will be the next large focus of ARPG development! We've had LOTS of discussion going on in the backend! We appreciate your patience as we work towards these for you!
- Please keep an eye out for Mod Applications specififcally focusing on prompt approval!
And finally, congrats Muy on your first event!!
Anyone else having trouble eith the third coin pile or just me? 💀
2024-08-01 18:56:48
Feature Comment