- This reality has been titled “Vol” by the Creators.
- This reality has existed before the Creators occupied it for this story.
- This reality was devoid of any clear life before the Creators began to utilize it.
- Creators exist to create “stories”, realities or sometimes even just planetary locales that detail a certain timeline. Creators cannot foresee or know the outcome of their creations but collaborate together to put works into existence and see an end result.
- Creators work chronologically, meaning they do not alter time to place a creation at a specific point. Creators consider most large events as “chapters” within a story. This means not every Creator applies themselves to the story in the very beginning, and some wait out their chance to contribute.
- There are different hierarchies of Creators, some have larger positions in creation of the story and some are small or even just observers after the fact. Major Creators get first choice on “plot” of the story, forming core laws of the reality or vast locations to have things exist on, or to operate as a canvas for other Creators to add to.
- A Creator focuses on having its creation play a certain role and ideally persist through the end of the story, essentially until all life has died in the reality being utilized. Once a creation dies, it can and often does become its own Creator once the story ends.
- It is believed all creations have a form of Creator privilege thanks to Tilmin, meaning they too possess a form of adaptive and creative power in their own individualized stories, often in the form of will, choice, and self.
- Creators who have larger power or previously made successful works and stories often set the laws or places, and smaller Creators, for whom this may be their first collaboration, often create the life that exists within the tale. There is often a specific set of Creators or a “team” determined to be within the work. It is rare that they allow other Creators to participate once this decision has been made.
- Largest Creators for Vol who wrote the foundational laws are:
- Kov - Dimension (Considered now as the Law of Usage) - The foundational Creator that allows things to be placed within a space, and laws to be written into being by others, as well as allow change to occur within this reality. Kov dictates the realm be adaptable, expandable, and malleable to the wills of Creator, guardian, or created alike. This was a unique creation compared to the other foundation Creators, as the creation is both a tangible and a written creation, behaving both as a built place and law of behavior.
- Espinth - Time (Considered now as the Law of Flow) - Allows life and death to be in states of constant fact, allows creation and destruction without necessity of other factors to be involved. This rule states time flows until all life within the story ceases entirely, writing an end as well as a beginning breath.
- Lu’pa - Cycle (Considered now as the Law of Structure) - Dictated the means and manner that creates the structure of all materials and entities. Simplified as ‘magic’, the blood of a Creator takes shape into intangible writing that weaves each creation into place. Lu’pa allowed it to be utilized in multitudes of shapes or flow. This rule dictates magic cannot be destroyed, only reshaped or rewritten. New magic may be created but not from nothing, nor nothing that alters the laws created as foundation.
- Tilmin - Self (Considered now as the Law of Difference) - Dictates that everything may be considered its own individualized entity and have rules, stories, or change apply independently to them. A tree may have such laws or rules that differ from a rock, two different people may be impacted by the same law differently, and thus in turn influence the world uniquely. This law states that no one is devoid from the foundational laws, however that they can be impacted by them at greater or lesser strengths.
Once the foundations have been set, the reality enters its Chapter of Beginning.
CHApter of beginning/CHAPTER OF TITANS
- This reality of Vol was not created, but rather founded and altered by the Creators who wished to utilize it. It is believed that this method allows for safer structure for newer Creators, as this was a rather small “team” of large Creators who wished to allow newer Creators their chance at creation of a tale.
- While there are multiple celestial bodies both used and created in this story, the core planet utilized was simply titled the Core.
- Titans were created as the first living creatures in an attempt to try and be ‘biggest and the best’ by newer Creators with little experience. The goal quickly becomes to outlive others or set groundwork for legends to be told for centuries.
- Titans are considered playthings for Creators that manifest in Creator vs Creator conflicts, so that they can solidify themselves in the mythos of what comes next and out compete one another. “Great tales will surely follow the beasts that move the mountains in their wake, flood continents when breaching, and stir hurricanes from an breath of their voice”
- The Chapter of Titans persists for echoes of eons, altering the massive planet they were placed upon simply by their existence and quarrels amongst one another. Some Creators make efforts to write smaller laws, such as seasons or new flora upon the planet as this goes on, allowing their works to be altered with the passage of time and ideally putting their name in history nonetheless.
- It becomes apparent that the Core planet has its own mechanical workings that begin to behave unexpectedly as more Creator laws alter the environment around it. Most notable of these is that some titans upon the surface of the Core planet begin to absorb and change magic fluctuations, altering the titan’s abilities and appearances.
- Adaptations and evolution are an expected part of creation's lifecycle for Creators, causing many to not worry over such changes or behavior. To most, this was seen as an expected outcome and potentially helpful way to increase their chance of success or survival. Struggles, issues, or general difficulties are often expected within the process of creating the story and if it’s not the reality causing these changes, but often other Creators.
- It takes years upon years before this peculiar reaction is seen as potentially harmful, as alteration of some titans becomes visibly more apparent and dangerous to not only the titan but the surrounding areas in ways not foreseen. Titans of varying types begin to show symptoms of what appears to be alteration of their magical structure. Their bodies soften into void-colored liquid skin, shimmering with an opalescent sheen that drips from their body to the earth below like heated magma. From within, their body hardens and turns into a strange metallic bone, veins running atop and through with this strange substance. Eventually these pieces protrude into a mass of barnacle-like growths, turning white akin to dead coral.
- This process was found to adhere to the foundational laws of the Creator’s, but operate as an unclear loophole. Magic could become stagnant and thus tangled into itself, merging with forces that seemed to be core to the essence of the reality and planet, not created by the Creators themselves. This created a dead-end for magic, and an ever-tangling force that seemed to grow the more magic it roped in, fusing with a force that it was never meant to work with.
- When it becomes clear this is no longer just a potential hurdle to overcome and rather a potentially devastating hard-cut to the story as a whole, focus on how Creators progress forward shifts into ways to undo and fix what has been happening.
- Some Creators believed this event necessary as the story remained unchanged for many years within the chapter of titans, however some felt it too severe a risk to take and refused to partake further in the story at all after this point.
- An agreement is made among the partaking Creators to alter the way they do things within the story. Larger Creators come into the story to help guide the newer ones, specifically for this change.
This is noted as the Chapter of Conflict.
- Creators make a rule that in order to prevent the potential of corruption via the quickly-overtaken Core planet from the titan “ichor”, a new planet layer would be created as means of containing the ichor from spreading outside of the planet.
- This rule dictates that Creators should place themselves upon the Halo surface as landmasses in order to provide their magic to the entities living upon it. This is a preventative attempt to stop further ichor development within the life atop.
- This decision led a larger Creator named Eeridi to create a casing around the entirety of the core planet. This casing has been titled the Halo by the Creators. From this point on, all creations must be created atop this new surface of Eeridi.
- Much later, Inhabitants mistakenly heard of the legend of the halo as time passed and believed it to be the dual rings around the planet in their sky.
- Sub-powerful Creators [Creators who had taken part in a handful of stories that came to their end previously] joined in to supervise, guide, and spectate the younger Creators via creating some alternate celestial bodies.
- Most notable are Calyx and Gamil, these two being twin satellites for the planet, known for their temperaments as troublemakers who enjoy creating conflict for their stories. Often as a means to create success tales for those who overcome their challenges. While unknown to the planet’s inhabitants, they are responsible for the dual rings around Eeridi.
- With Eeridi came the moon Ofae, known for its affinity to the Creator Eeridi and their previously collaborative works, known often as a Creator who enjoys bolstering the works of others. Ofae is noted as the Creator of Nautipods who exist upon itself as a moon of liquid core.
- The new focus of Vol gives way for Creators to create smaller species with vast numbers in population and wider potential to create ways within the reality to fix the ongoing issue.
- With guidance from larger Creators, smaller and ‘weaker’ creations were shown their importance within the world. Some other species with less intelligence are created as means to create healthy ecosystems.
- With this change, a subsequent act took place upon the start of the smaller species. Because Creators would focus on providing stable magic to the planet, they would require their creations to have guidance and focus that they could not provide. As a result, appointing guardians to their species became a normalized effort. Usually one guardian per type of species would be appointed from within the mortal creations, causing the chosen mortal to ascend as a god-like entity.
- Once enough sentient species were made through the years, it was determined by these guardians to meet, converse, and agree on how they would need to soundly guide and work with their species further. By rules of Creators, the Guardians were not allowed to end the life of their own guarded creation or another’s.
- This became a great point in time known as the Guardian’s Council, and dictates the start of recorded time. (BGC being Before Guardian Council and AGC for After Guardian Council)
This became noted as the Chapter of Agreement, and starts year 0.
- The Guardians met and agreed they would not interact with the species they were not appointed to, focus their species on evolving and progressing, and ensure ways to try and prevent ichor from corrupting this new layer of the planet once time came to try and fight back against it.
- The Halo, now simply being titled the planet of Eeridi, continued for thousands of years without disturbance or issue. This allowed the creatures and individuals on Eeridi to grow, evolve, and adapt their civilizations and tendencies across multiple continents, islands, and floating lands.
- By utilizing the guardian’s council as date, Eeridi is presently around 8500 years old
- Life on Eeridi grows abundant with great advancements in forms of technology and magical devices without disturbance or issue of ichor. Species form bonds and disputes, evolve and grow into new things, and create legend with the passage of time as originally intended by the Creators.
- Of note, Gravents were some of the earliest known Eeridi species who made great effort to keep record of most of the history through verbal legends. They traveled far and fast with their affinity for gravitational magic, allowing them many experiences from around the planet.
- Humans were also founded by Gostiel quite early with a unique affinity to all magics as a potential attempt to prevent ichor from bothering them. They are considered masters of none, unlike Gravents who are masters of gravitational magic innately for example.
- It isn’t until thousands of years pass that the first sign of ichor shows itself upon Eeridi, and with this, there is chaos. It is clear the ichor causes great conflict for all upon Eeridi as well as the guardian’s attempting their roles.
- Ichor proves to be difficult for everyone to deal with - despite their advancements and efforts, the ichor seems to corrode away at most any living entity and even some non-living substances. The threat of ichor proves to become an unsettling new norm for people on Eeridi, with efforts being quickly shifted towards ways to get rid of it or prevent its spread.
- Time goes on with little success at preventing the spread of ichor, the substance a great issue for the Creators, especially as their presence upon Eeridi is touched and consumed by it ever so slowly. The ichor shows its power in weakening and outright killing Creators as it consumes their presence into its own piece by piece.
- It is at this point the moon Ofae decides to shatter itself, fearful for its kin and the grim outcomes that grows more and more real. Ofae shattering leads to an onslaught of asteroids of variable sizes to collide with Eeridi’s surface and, with one particular piece, through Eeridi entirely. Countless pieces lodged themselves upon Skire, with many more throughout the entirety of the planet’s surface.
- The reason was unknown to the inhabitants of Eeridi. Many believed it to create the new continent of Skire as a temporary safe haven from ichor beasts. While Skire was not free from ichor beasts, it had far fewer after its separation.
- Ofae, after its shattering, had █████ █ █████ ████, █ ███ ████ ████ ██ █████ ██ ███ Nautipods ████ ███████ ██. █████ ███ █ ███ █ ███ ███ █, It appeared broken, barren, and devoid of interest.

More than just the creation of Skire had been the result of Ofae’s shattering. The planet had been massively changed as a whole from impacts, thus with this, a new chapter was formed, known as the Chapter of Falling.
- With the massive piece of Ofae having pierced through Eeridi came the unintentional separation of a landmass upon the planet, giving way to a new Creator’s existence titled Skire.
- The creation of a new Creator in such a manner was unheard of, but is believed now to be due to land being part of a Creator’s semi-physical self, segmented with another Creator’s will and intention for an action.
- Skire is formed with great parallel to Ofae’s desire to stop the spread of ichor through the planet, and with its newly formed power shared from Ofae, it writes in a powerful new law. This law is deemed “The Law of Return”
- This law dictates that the essence of the existing reality, its world, and force untouched by Creators may be returned to its original state according to Lu’pa’s law by their creation as if it was the very life blood of Creators (Magic). Meaning if the essence of the core planet tangled with magic and created ichor, the two could be separated from each other or reshaped into a new form without altering what each one structurally is.
- Skire suffers greatly in its creation and immense usage of power creating such a powerful law, dissipating itself into a near-intangible force that occupies the land only due to the assistance from Ofae’s magic and will being present enough to allow it further life.
Within the Chapter of Falling, it takes a number of years to rebuild what was lost from the breaking of Ofae and the rain of asteroids it hurled onto the planet. What happens next is still within the recovery period, as this is still a part of the Chapter of Falling
- An unintentional entity comes from Skire’s law as a byproduct, specifically from willed magic left stagnant long enough that it would reform into an existence of being rather than the ichor it would have turned into previously. This entity and form of species was later titled “wormlings” from other sentient species as they became more abundant.
- Wormlings are noted to spawn from magic that was once touched by “will” (magic that once flowed through something that directed it, usually an entity but can come from magical items or enchanted items). For most of the early wormlings their will was shared in similarity to Ofae and Skire’s: Prevent the spread of ichor.
- Wormlings and their later kind possessed unique abilities unheard of prior: The ability to visualize the written magical “code” of the Creator’s and essence of the planet. This sight allowed them easy understanding of magics and the world around them to which they shared amongst a hivemind.
- For a time, wormlings were drawn almost exclusively to humans due to the clear affiliation humans had with all magics, allowing wormlings’ unified goal to be clear: Affiliate with all magics and thus recycle all magics. This caused wormlings to take human hosts almost exclusively for a time.
- It was concerning at first; wormlings almost exclusively sought humans who had either lost themselves to ichor entirely or were nearly at the end of their line from it. Many believed that wormlings infesting such hosts would create some far more dangerous beast of ichor, aware and intelligent. Instead, what formed was just a new entity all-together. What was later titled ”Seers”.
- These Seers appeared near-human, often without much color variation from that of a human corpse once formed. They had lengthened necks and digits, with the minimal makings of a tail. Their faces were the most concerning aspect, human in appearance with almost no hair, slightly pointed ears, and cavernous indents where eyes would otherwise have been in a human skull. Nostrils and nose bridges were left barren on the face, as a mouth lengthened in size to allow passage of the now-wormling tongue within.
- Seer’s eyes were the peculiar part, they often would resemble that of the host before them despite the wormling having an eye appearance of different types before. They appeared far more human, but glassy in their texture.
- This process of wormling taking such a human host removed the ichor from the bodies, but did not grant back the life the humans once had. Remnant ichor pooled to the floor as they formed, being the first known instance of distilled ichor.
- In the earliest phase, some thought this would be a cure. If you gave it to someone who had yet to be overtaken by ichor maybe you would have a chance to heal them all together. It was shortly discovered this was not the case, but it did not stop many from believing it could be provided as a workable solution with more testing or efforts.
- To those who found themselves host to wormlings without ichor infections affecting them, they would see themselves equally turned Seer without discretion or difference beyond no distilled ichor left behind.
- Distilled ichor seems to have potentials not yet fully discovered, but primarily behaves as attunement and channeling force for magics. Some believe that intaking distilled ichor may boost one's magical power or physical capabilities, but it hasn't been fully proven or shown to be certain in its outcome between individuals.
- For the other Seers that formed they lived as a collective. They took in knowledge from their hosts and around them, learning and spreading this knowledge rapidly. The remnant ichor was quickly discovered to be useful in its distilled ink form.
- These Seers shared their wormling hivemind and strong connection to the magic around them, and thus strong understanding of that magic. Despite these strengths and the benefits of a hivemind allowing information transit and accumulation with ease, they had a finite lifetime (under 5 to 8 years at most if incredibly lucky), the shortest lifespan of any sentient creature known thus far in history by an incredible sum.
- They originally formed for the first few years with little knowledge and little success at surviving. In a short time, however, they began to absorb knowledge both from their hosts and from around them. It did not take long for the hivemind to grow into an incredibly intelligent mass of beings, even as many quickly perished.
- Wormlings began to recognize that taking living hosts would cause mass panic or hysteria, leading to quick demise of their host and own life. Because of this, it became paramount that in order to cause less of a rift to continue their goal, they would need to claim hosts from deceased bodies to lessen such panic. This still wasn’t ideal for many, but it caused less strife between the two species
- With this change of trend, they found success in sustaining a slow growth to their kind, though their population remained incredibly small through the history of their presence.
- It became clear, however, that Seer bodies would quickly fail them, turning into raw magic if not dust. Seers began to identify this fault as the combination of their affiliation to non-specific magics, and their innate ability to recycle magic.
- Seers did not originally find issue with their short lifespans given the nature of their hivemind continually building upon the knowledge they would learn. They instead put great effort into figuring out ways to help deal with ichor, resulting in the practice of distillation and magical writing using the product created by it. These practices began to quickly spread, as it allowed new efforts of magical growth in understanding to everyone.
- The way Seers could “read” magic allowed them a bridge in language barriers and develop what became Caster Speak. Gravents had helped formulate a sign language prior to Skire’s development and for Skire specifically. Through these two efforts, translation was made. Seers would write a word with clear indication on what they would be referring to, and Gravents could speak and visualize how to say it back to them.
- While Seers were not exactly friends to humans or other species at this time, their population being so small and their expanding knowledge of magic allowed curious beings a form of interest in them, with some even making efforts to help them with their cause. The few who wished to help saw a new species to be a good omen to the world - naturally, some felt the opposite though.
- Due to their bonds growing with others while working through their effort to figure out their lifespan, Seers began to recognize the species around them as individuals and began to learn what it meant to be unique, as well as its importance.
- In about a decade, Seers helped formulate the beginnings of distillation and a written language that could be used to will magic into the writing, which would later be developed even further by their predecessor species and those who worked with them.
- Within that decade, Seers also began to recognize that in order to provide assistance and properly form a larger population capable of recycling magic as they believed their intention, they felt it necessary to obtain a greater variety of hosts.
- Learning of this plan, the few people who had aimed to help Seers explained that this goal would need to be conducted carefully, lest they risk angering others when it was clear enough they did wish to help. A compromise was made between Seers and other species, specifying wormlings would focus on taking hosts from magical remnants, and ideally cease taking living hosts of sentient creatures all together.
- There remained unease between some humans and the thought of wormlings. Some felt they were a gift, a potential cure to the ichor as a whole. Others would not relinquish their dreams of having the wormlings bring back their loved ones. Then there were those who felt their entire existence was an ill-omen.
- To the hopeful, the thought of wormlings acquiring different hosts allowed more focus into what could happen in the future. To the concerned, they were unsure on the spellings of the future of any other species if the wormlings expanded in any way that granted them too much power. Paranoia wasn’t unheard of, after all, who knew if they could later decide they didn’t want to play nice anymore once strong enough?
- Nonetheless, the wormlings desired longer lives and the aspect of individual self others had. They sought their goal with the intention of peace, but with individuality naturally came individual goals. Humans found great importance in their individuality, the idea conveyed to wormlings as being a crucial aspect for further development. Many humans feared that as the population of wormlings grew, their own would dwindle, the species needing balance in order to survive together.
- This spawns the era of CCCats as they exist now. Seers rapidly become extinct as forms diversify and a new “stable” form is found. CCCats deviate from the hivemind singularity once taking a host, and adapt to a much more individual lifestyle and sense of self. Some level of the original hivemind connection remains, but is incredibly small, even nonexistent, save for the core memories instilled into it compared to their wormling phase. CCCats still posess a similar connection, but this is less core to their being as it was for Seers.
- Skire, even while weakened after its written law, works rapidly to contain ownership of its unintentional species, granting a mortal wormling named Vristle its role as guardian. This guardian self-titles itself as The One Who Saw Everything, also known as Ev.
- This title comes with the ability Ev gained upon its appointment to a guardian; able to see the beginning and potential ends for the species it was set to guide. One such sight causes foresight into wormlings deviating into a secondary species. One Ev would not have control over and feared the end of CCCats and Skire entirely, causing Ev to quickly grow paranoid of losing its position and power as well as its ability to manage the outcome of Skire’s wellbeing. Ev begins to work immediately on how it plans to deal with such a possibility and formulates a plan of action.
- The secondary mortal wormling appointed was named Olyn and after being given its role as guardian, Skire went back into its disappearance, assuming to have spent its energy for the time being. This additional wormling became known as The One Who Saw Nothing, also known as No - titled by what was seen as their older sibling, Ev.
With guardians now appointed, Vol enters its Chapter of Discovery
- Ev works to steal No’s eye upon its arrival, intending to ensure No believes itself a secondary aid to Ev as a guardian to CCCats. Ev intentionally misleads No into assuming the form of a CCCat like itself, and No acts like a shadow to Ev. No and Ev squabble a number of years as the two make an effort to watch their species and prove their power to one another. Ev intentionally making sure No never becomes as powerful as it is, constantly causing pointless conflicts with its sibling guardian.
- Unknown to No, Ev makes great effort in suppressing No’s power and doing its best to prevent the outcome of the wormlings deviating into a secondary form.
- After many decades of this appointment, wormlings begin to deviate once more from their original form. Crooks are formed from the idea that there are yet more ways to help deal with ichor and the beasts created by it with greater recycling capability. They deviate further from CCCats, growing even further from the hivemind, and lose connection to it in its entirety.
- Ev, however, had readied for this moment as it made great effort to seek and look for Crooks with the eyes of other CCCats unknown to them, and upon finding their first crook, Ev enacted their banishment.
- Ev granted power to a mortal CCCat titled Faceless Guide, who was revived upon his death and given the power of unfathomable spatial control. With this power, Ev incurred that Faceless would be indebted to Ev, and thus was made to lead the banishment of crooks into a pocket dimension he created.
- The banishment continued for a little over 200 years, many Crooks getting caught in the pocket dimension titled the Alter World. Some managed to escape the views of Ev and Faceless, but it came at the cost of living their entire life in hiding with great effort to stay hidden.
- The alter world was devoid of normal life and substance - it was a bleak forest lodged in eternal night. The trees that made up the forest were hardly trees, feeling like a mixture of stone and wood bark with ghastly space-sparkling leaves clouding the view from any sky that may have been above. Trying to climb through the canopy was futile, as branches warped and wove into one another until they created an impenetrable stone wall.
- The ground felt hard like rock with minimal navy blue grass peaking through, and the entirety of the space seemed unreal. It was a never-ending maze of turns and loops, seemingly unending with no clear landmarks. Those within it would rarely spot another soul, and when they did it was often a fight for survival.
- It wasn’t until two crooks - Myir and Halik - recognized the potential flaws in what held the Alter World together. Myir had kept a keen eye out for ways to break free, and was the one to uncover the method to get out of the alter world. Halik aimed to help Myir in any way they could, but for untold reasons the two came to a disagreement between one another. They split ways within the alter world, but both spent countless days seeking out others to help them with their cause. Eventually, not only did they break free, but they shattered the alter world all together.
- Crooks who helped Myir and Halik say that the method of destroying it was by fault in Faceless’ capabilities. He was a master of space and nothing more. He was only able to keep the alter world together by keeping the crooks separate through confusion of location. Once enough crooks managed to stay together, they only needed to utilize their magic and create cracks in what held things together. Time, light, death - all of it and more was necessary to house living things together. The more of it you had in one spot, the larger the cracks would be to let those rules exist in this fake place.
- Everything’s lie comes crashing down with the unforeseen abundance of Crooks making themselves clearly known.
- No assumes position as the crook guardian, and Ev is powerless to stop the fate it once foresaw. Myir however is not done with his plan, and No makes effort to assist by quietly granting him power as thanks for helping it finally see.
- Myir takes little time making his way through the city of Uto, climbing to the Spire and hijacking a ship with course to Ofae, and Halik seemingly goes into hiding away from the public.
- This trip comes with little effort or reason known to others, but Myir comes back with a piece of Ofae and clear intention on planting it within the peak of Uto, ensuring it roots itself into the core of the layered city and coursing through until hitting the planetary crust. The system of roots seems to delve even deeper below the lowest level of Fever.
- This causes a crystalline-like grove to form in and through the center of Uto, slightly spreading outwards as time has gone on. It doesn’t seem as though it will encompass Uto entirely, but has clear root systems traveling through the metal and stone that makes up the large city workings.
- The piece brings a new life of magical strength into the hub of the city, and technology from the planet seems to fuse with the magical workings of the chunk and its energy.
- After this, Myir seems to vanish from the spotlight for some time. It was reported that upon his return, his appearance seemed vastly different than when he had left, but that was about all that was noted before he became impossible to find again.
- Many years later due to Myir’s placement of the piece of Ofae, Nautipods - the species created by Ofae - begin emerging from the large ocean-like lake that formed when Ofae shattered itself and separated Skire into its own continent. It makes headlines as these beings from the deepest abyss claim that the power of Ofae called to them and their interest in surface happenings begins.
- Nautipods were unheard of before this point by people on Skire, as no one had been able to successfully travel to the depths Nautipods apparently found refuge in. Nautipods explained most of their cities were located in incredible depths and caverns as many attempted to make efforts to reach the piece of Ofae they felt calling to them below.
- They claim that Ofae’s magic lies in depths no one has been able to successfully travel to, but they feel it constant and have aimed to find it one day. The piece that now called to them upon the surface left them curious, wondering what Myir’s intentions were with usage of their Creator’s power.
- Entering closer to current day it has been some decades since Crooks have broken free from their banishment and almost just as long since Nautipods have emerged from the depths.
- There comes an unclear disturbance. Nautipods feel it before any others, and it comes like a brief forewarning until larger happenings occur. Quakes are felt across the entirety of not only Skire, but Eeridi as a whole.
- It starts with cracks and expands to fissures, some expanding even beyond the horizon. Ichor beasts begin to emerge in droves through them; the scarcity of ichor beasts changing in a matter of short days.
- Nautipods continue to be on the highest alert, claiming that Ofae’s magic is growing and that it seems to be in clear distress.
- In the little time since the cracks began to form, the cause of the fissures is observed breaching from the planetary crust beneath Skire’s inhabitants. A titan, a legendary beast believed to be mythos, coated entirely in ichor with its only visible skin turned carved metallic bone. It practically bleeds its ichor onto the earth below, plaguing any entity that is near with a similar ichor affliction, flooding the land around it.
- Ofae’s distress rises to its peak with the appearance of the ichor titan, and within the panic comes the unimaginable sounds of the planet seeming to break.
- Cracks of the deepest depths carve their way through and around Skire. They shake and rumble the inhabitants of the planet with little signs of stopping as they expand in size and depth. It’s not until the world shifts beneath the feet of people upon the surface that it’s realized what is happening.
- Pieces of Eeridi break apart, thrown into outward directions from the center of the planet they once had. With this, however, comes sight of the ichor titan falling… into a planet below these chunks. With it, countless ichor beasts fall back down as well.
- A planet previously unobserved or known to those on Eeridi becomes clearly visible beneath them, coated in ichor-abundant paths carved by what is believed to be the ichor titan - or multiple of them.
- The chunks of Eeridi - the Halo - travel outwards and apart, creating large distances from one another. The atmosphere of the planet seems to travel with the pieces, allowing inhabitants to survive despite the odds. Gravity is in flux, causing the pieces to float in a new form of orbit around this ichor-covered core planet.
- Embedded throughout the planet is a singular, supermassive crystalline object located within an even larger crater - believed to be the piece of Ofae that created Skire. It resembles a massive tree, appearing to have led up to the underside of Skire at one point, now severed and cut.
- Crystalline roots and large pieces of crystal rock are visible beneath the continental satellite pieces now floating above this core planet, radiating a gravitational pulse of magic. Oceans that once surrounded the continents have broken largely apart, but seem to allow some water to remain within the once-shores of the continents from gravity keeping them close. Outwards are strange bubble-like pieces of ocean floating among the gaps.
- Skire and many other continents become their own miniature planetary satellites around this core planet, with some pieces of Skire and other continents even breaking off from their own main mass and floating near them as small islands. Skire, however, remains almost intact with a few new floating island masses similar to, but larger than Stonewing.
- Nautipods sense that the power that separated the pieces seems to have been Ofae, the chunk below presumably the piece that once called to them in the depths below. It has now calmed and quieted.
- Efforts to adjust to the new norm are gradual, focusing on pushing back the ichor beasts that flooded the lands now that they have been slowed in their abundance. The rebuilding of locales damaged by the fissures and the making of new hubs of transportation for the separated pieces quickly becomes pressing. The gap between the landmasses is seemingly strong in gravitational pull, causing the need for specific ships and teleportation devices to be crafted.
- Another effort is made to try and explore the core planet below, larger desire to fight ichor beasts back after such a sudden invasion of them came. New scouting and removal jobs become abundant, but so does the larger issue of ichor afflictions and research into distilling ichor from the body.
Timelines are left intentionally vague in order for users to interpret as they see fit for story purposes.
This timeline may be expanded in the future as lore progresses!
You may set your stories in older versions of the lore, however old lore will not be published onsite.
Lore is completely optional and you may bend it as you see fit, or use a different setting entirely. Please keep in mind that most events will occur within the timeline of Skire as written.