Cornelius is a quiet and introverted indivual. He used to be a psedo magic teacher of ice while he was younger, but eventually gave up the teaching so he could explore. Now, he lives in a cabin in the woods where he lives in solace. One day, he hears wailing from outside, leaving to discover a newly formed cccat. He watches as it writhes and whines in the snow, wailing in pain as its arms are distorted. He takes the small, new cat into the cabin, taking care of it as it gets its bearings.

Over the days as it grows, he decides to take the young cat in and raise it. He learns while teaching it to speak that its incapable, instead trying to teach it sign with its altered hands. Its an arduous journey and task, but over the years the cat becomes a silly, playful critter who is curious of the world. He teaches the cat ice magic as a way for them to have some form of protection, giving them many books and letting their creativity grow. Having only traveled to nearby towns on this snowy planet, Cornelius agrees to take them out to see other planets and environments so their active imagination can run far more vivid.

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