Klaus Choir | 34 | he/him

A big goofball (from his perspective at least, other people tend to see him as more sinister than silly). Has like 1000 ugly xmas sweaters, hes always wearing one in his human/anthro form. Has even made a few for his full monster-sized form. A lot of his collection (but not all) was created by himself, the rest he got through trading/payment. His sweaters are are actually kinda popular amongst an incredibly niche market, hes rumored to prioritize orders paid for with cccat eyes above all others (spoiler: its true).

Also a big collector of dead cccat eyes, is known to fixate on cccats with particularly unique eyes and keep tabs on their whereabouts so he can quickly snag their eye should they pass away. May or may not work out deals with cannibalistic cccats where he'll use his hive connections to find vulnerable cccats that might make good prey and in return the cannibal will give him the leftover eye. Klaus and his sister*, Winter, both have intense drives to gather and hoard particular objects. For Klaus its cccat eyes (due to a subconscious association between them and ornaments) and holiday memorabilia, for Winter its antlers. This behavior is one subconsciously leftover from their shared host that had been a creature with a propensity for hoarding food. 

*Klaus and Winter share a unique connection due to forming at the same time from the same host and with the same inspiration source, they later adopted the familial terms 'brother/sister/sibling/twin' as they both felt they described this connection rather accurately.


Montauk - Romantic Partner

Winter - Sister

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