Has not be coded yet so information is limited! Brief stuff below for the time being ^^

He/Her diva man who cares alot about her self image. He doesn't act nice to others unless she gains something from it. Typical mean girl personality type and has a tendency to look down on others around him. Getting her nails dirty is like, a nightmare to her and will freak out when it happens. Honestly getting dirty in general gives him the ick. Loves vibrant colors and despises nautrals and darker colors. Carries tubes of glitter around to throw at people, for funsies. Shimmer in the wilderness is asking for a hell of a time as the tall cccat will freak over the smallest bug even looking in her direction. 

Clothes and style is her life. Being a fashion designer and beauty influencer will do that to a person. In her house she has a room for just shoes and and room just for clothes. It's honestly a problem at this point.

Gay man spotted RAHHHHHHHH! Always flirtatious around those he likes and takes rejection pretty badly. 

He gets on Solvester's nerves due to the behaviors she displays, the flirting attempts are met with an object being thrown at her face. Kreture doesn't seem to mind Shimmer's company and Shimmer tends to mess with Kreture the most due to the lack of  rejection to her antics.  Cccarpet mdily gets on Shimmers nerves cause the monochrome cat never wants to do anything with her and just generally boring. Hates Reulogy and the rivalry between the 2 is strong.

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