HER!!! HER!!!!!!!!!!! 

I consider her my true-sona!! They're definitely one of the few characters I've formed an instant deep connection too :D I also love squishing her into oblivion

most info/lore is on her toyhouse (doesn't follow the skire world btw!! she belongs to my personal story for the most part but still follows most CCCat stuff!) 




Despite their existence requiring a host, she seems pretty guilty about it. While you'd assume a wormling would have full control of their body after morphing the corpse to their will, it seems in Latimeria's case that she was placed upon a curse the moment she'd accepted the dead god's offer. It's unknown whether or not the 'possession' she experiences is made up by her own mind altered by her own guilt, or an actual case of spiritual possession? Probably the first one but get this girl therapy 💀



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