A cocky self centered prick who would do anything for money, even sell his own kind. Due to this not alot of skires like him especially DonNika after some of Swindle's men accidentally kidnapped Hobi. Beaten and with a shattered pride Swindle swam off and has gone into hiding till things calm down for him to return to his buisness. Cocky demeaner lost as he tends to live in constant paranoia, on edge and feeling as though he is being watched at all times. In the mean time he runs a sushi restuarant on a pier called the fishbowl, said pier being an hour or so away from Reulogy much to his dismay.

He is tired of that family and can't seem to get away from them no matter how much he tries. 

DonNika (Trauma Causer) - They don't get along at all due to past events, Swindle is always paranoid about this guy.
Hobi (Hates) - Blames this thing for everything going wrong.
Ciaron (Staff member/friend?) -  Talks with her alot throughout the day, he trusts her but doesn't know if its a friendship or not.
Lyle (Staff member/friend?) -  He doesn't openly interact with the server as much as he does with the others but if someone disrespects the shark humanoid Swindle takes care of them personally.
Sela (Staff member/friend?) - Thinks the tough guy persona is silly and likes to mess with him, wishes he would wear the uniform.

Full code can be found on his toyhouse

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