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Spade Tongue

Spade Tongue (Uncommon)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[A triangular, diamond, or heart shaped end to the tongue]

  • Can be a simple triangle, spade, arrow, or heart shape
  • Affects the tongue tip only
  • Cannot be complex in shape

  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Twin Tongue

Twin Tongue (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[The tongue splits up to halfway down its length]

  • Each tongue tip can be affected by tongue tip traits
  • Cannot split more than halfway down the tongue
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded eye reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Patternless Tongue

Patternless Tongue (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with no pattern or that only has a gradient of color]

  • Tongue is either completely solid in color or is a multicolored gradient with no pattern
  • Cannot be affected by tongue marking traits
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded eye reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Hydra Tongue

Hydra Tongue (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with multiple splits at the tongue tip]

  • Can be split 3-4 times at the tip
  • Counted by number of tongue tips
  • Cannot split more than a quarter up the tongue
  • Should not resemble a hand
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded eye reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Spiked Tongue

Spiked Tongue (CCCats) (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue has small spikes]

  • Spikes may be pointy, soft, leafy, blunt, slightly rounded, wiggly, thin, or thick
  • Spikes may create a branching look, but should not be used to mimic multiple tongue tips elsewhere on the tongue
  • Spikes cannot be overly large
  • Spikes cannot cover the entirety of the tongue
  • Spikes should not appear like thick branching tongues
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded eye reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Flat Tongue

Flat Tongue (CCCats) (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that is flat in shape]

  • Tongue must be flat vertically or horizontally
  • Tongue should still taper or round out at the end
  • May not have holes, cuts, or odd shapes unless using Odd-Shaped Tongue
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Ruffled Tongue

Ruffled Tongue (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue has a thin ruffle that runs down its length]

  • Frill may run horizontally or vertically
  • Frill may be flat or wiggly
  • Tongue is standard in shape unless using other traits in combination, such as flat tongue or split tongue
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
108-image.pngCan be applied via the Ruffled Tulle Veil (Cannot be swapped to any other trait.)
Metallic Tongue Marking

Metallic Tongue Marking (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with one color that has a metallic and shiny sheen]

  • Affects 1 color on the tongue
  • Tongue reflects a metallic sheen which is generally monotone, meaning highlights and shadows share general hue with the base color
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Opalescent Tongue Marking

Opalescent Tongue Marking (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with one color that reflects multiple hues, considered opalescent or multi-chrome]

  • Affects 1 color on the tongue
  • Tongue reflects multiple colors, creating a multi-chrome look
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Glowing Tongue Marking

Glowing Tongue Marking (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with one color that glows and emits light]

  • Affects 1 color on the tongue
  • Can be any living color, but glow must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Sparkling Tongue Marking

Sparkling Tongue Marking (Rare)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue with one color that sparkles and reflects light akin to glitter]

  • Affects 1 color on the tongue
  • Sparkles must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • Sparkles cannot trail off the tongue marking
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Odd-Shaped Tongue

Odd-Shaped Tongue (CCCats) (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue is strangely shaped]

  • Includes unnatural tapers, non-spike protrusions, natural holes, intricate shapes, and notches.
  • Any tongue shape changing traits (Hydra Tongue, Spiked Tongue) can be applied to this tongue type
  • Tongue cannot resemble an object, hand, or creature with this trait
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Overgrown Tongue

Overgrown Tongue (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that is very clearly larger than are proportional to the character]

  • Tongue length, width, and/or general size is affected
  • All traits applied to the tongue may be affected by this trait
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
10-image.pngCan be applied via the Overgrowth Elixir.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Metallic Tongue

Metallic Tongue (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that has a metallic and shiny sheen]

  • Entire tongue or multiple colors on the tongue reflect a metallic sheen. This is generally monotone, meaning highlights and shadows share general hue with the base color
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Opalescent Tongue

Opalescent Tongue (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that reflects light in multiple hues, considered opalescent or multi-chrome]

  • Entire tongue or multiple colors on the tongue reflect multiple colors, creating a multi-chrome look
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Glowing Tongue

Glowing Tongue (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that glows and emits light]

  • Entire tongue or multiple colors on the tongue glows
  • Can be any living color, but glow must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Sparkling Tongue

Sparkling Tongue (Myth)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Tongue that sparkles and reflects light akin to glitter]

  • Entire tongue or multiple colors on the tongue sparkle
  • Sparkles must share hue with the base color
  • Sparkles cannot fall off of the tongue
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
Dead Tongue

Dead Tongue (Touched)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Implies reanimation of a CCCat, and is shown through black, white, greyscale, or dull colors in the tongue]

  • Dead tongue implies the reanimation of a CCCat for whatever reason
  • Any tongue with any color below Saturation and Value of 43% is considered dead, even if some colors are living
  • Effects the entirety of the tongue or part of the tongue
  • Can be effected by traits that control tongue sheen and pattern
99-image.pngCan be applied via the Death Ledger (Cannot be swapped to any other trait.)
Multiple Tongues (2-3)

Multiple Tongues (2-3) (CCCats) (Touched)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[Adds up to 2 additional tongues apart from their standard tongue for a total of 3]

  • Tongues do not need to look visually similar, and are three separate tongues that exist simultaneously
  • All three can be affected by one tongue trait [Example: All three can be patterned with x1 use of Patternless tongue, and do not need to match at all]
  • If a design has Multiple Mouths, this trait is needed to make the tongues appear visually different from one another.
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue. Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
92-image.pngCan be applied via the Pickled Prize Worms (Cannot be swapped to any other trait.)
Multiple Tongues (4-10)

Multiple Tongues (4-10) (CCCats) (Unseen Affliction)

Category: Tongue
Species: CCCats

[CCCat has up to 9 additional eyes apart from their standard eye (10 total eyes)]

  • Tongues do not need to look visually similar, and are separate tongues that exist simultaneously.
  • ALL tongues may be effected by a single trait [Example: Patternless Tongue is only needed once to effect all tongues]
  • CCCATS - A CCCat’s tongue must be above 43% saturation and value to be considered a living tongue . Please provide a flat and unshaded tongue reference when submitting a MYO or Redesign (MYO and Redesign Guide)
197 results found.