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Required (CCCats)

Required (CCCats) (Required)

Species: CCCats

Required CCCat Traits

All Traits must fall into COMMON range if not using other traits

  • Pattern - [The CCCat must have one pattern, which generally consists of a repetitive pattern, such as dots, stripes, etc. Patterns can be anything as long as they adhere to onsite content guidelines. Markings may not contain words that mimic any real life language, but Caster Speak may be used. Gradients and color blocks on fur cutoffs do not count for patterns]
  • 2 Ears Minimum - [Loss due to injury is not traited but must still show evidence an ear was once present]
  • 1 Eye Orb Minimum - [A solid eye that contains the CCCat’s essence. This eye is glossy and hard. By default, eyes must be within a color range that implies a living CCCat. Standard Eye cannot dip below 43% Saturation and Value on an HSV/B. Darker/duller colors imply that the CCCat died or was close to death]
  • 1 Row of Teeth
  • 1 Mouth - [Located in standard positioning on the face]
  • 1 Tongue - [The tongue of a CCCat is its "Wormling", one of the main connections between a CCCat and its host. By default, tongues must be within a color range that implies a living CCCat. Standard Tongue cannot dip below 43% Saturation and Value on an HSV/B. Darker/duller colors imply that the CCCat died or was close to death]
  • 1 Crownspike Minimum - [A CCCat's crowns are most commonly situated on its head, and are semi-hard stems that help bind the wormling to the host, as well as connect it to the CCCat hivemind]
  • Tail - [There are no tail requirements, but please refer to Common Tail Traits for information on what is possible for a CCCat's tail]
  • 4 Limbs - [Any lost due to injury are not traited. Prosthetics should not appear fused with the body, but can be used on limbs as desired]
  • 1 Head Minimum
  • 3 Fingers and 1 Thumb - [Counts for front and back feet, though feet have slightly different anatomy than CCCat hands.]
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