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Heart Eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Pupil is a heart shape]

65-image.pngCan be applied via the Bittersweet Truffles.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)

Slash Eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Pupil is a circle with a straight line dividing it  ]


65-image.pngCan be applied via the Bittersweet Truffles.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)

Square Eyes (Uncommon)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Pupil is a straight line, square, diamond, or horizontal goat shape] 

65-image.pngCan be applied via the Bittersweet Truffles.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)

Target Eyes (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Multiple, target or spiral-like markings in eye]

Shaped Eyeball (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Actual shape of eye is morphed. Unless the eye has another pupil trait, the pupil shape can match the shape of the eye]

Multiple Eyes (3-6) (Myth)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Up to 4 extra eyes on the face]

Multiple Eyes (7-10) (Abyssal)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Up to 8 extra eyes on the face]

Multiple Eyes (3-8)

Multiple Eyes (3-8) (Aetherial)

Category: Eyes
Species: Gravents

[Up to 6 extra eyes on the face]

Common Eyes (Gravents)

Common Eyes (Gravents) (Common)

Category: Eyes
Species: Gravents

This includes all Common Traits for a Gravent’s Eyes. They do NOT need to be listed at all when uploading a design, and are strictly informational. You may use as many as you’d like while designing a MYO

  • Shaped Patch - [Eye patches can come in a multitude of shapes and be segmented]
  • Any Eye Color
  • Sclera, Iris, and Pupil
  • Rounded Pupil
  • Slit Pupil
  • Heterochromia

Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes (Crooks) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Crooks

[Eye that glows and emits light]

  • Glow must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • Can affect part or all of the eye
14-image.pngCan be applied via the Enchanted Headlight.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes (Gravents) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Gravents

[Eye that glows and emits light]

  • Glow must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • Can affect part or all of the eye
14-image.pngCan be applied via the Enchanted Headlight.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Glowing Eyes

Glowing Eyes (Nautipods) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[Eye that glows and emits light]

  • Glow must share hue with the base color of the markings
  • Can affect part or all of the eye
14-image.pngCan be applied via the Enchanted Headlight.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5)

Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5) (Crooks) (Myth)

Category: Eyes
Species: Crooks

[Pattern of eyes can change]

  • Creates 2-5 patterns that the eye can switch between at will
  • Does not require the Patterned Eye trait, as it is automatically included within the trait automatically
  • Can apply to both True and Cluster eyes
  • Each eye may have 5 patterns unique to that eye. All eyes do not have to share the same set of patterns

46-image.pngCan be applied via the Never-Ending Treat.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5)

Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5) (Gravents) (Myth)

Category: Eyes
Species: Gravents

[The pattern of the eye shifts. Patterns should have a similar base to avoid appearing as a completely different eye. This creates up to five patterns total. This trait does not require the use of the Patterned Eye Trait, as it is included within this trait automatically]

  • If applied to a design via the Never-Ending Treat item, this trait cannot be swapped to any other trait.

46-image.pngCan be applied via the Never-Ending Treat.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)
Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5)

Pattern-Shifting Eye (1-5) (Nautipods) (Myth)

Category: Eyes
Species: Nautipods

[The pattern of the eye shifts. Patterns should have a similar base to avoid appearing as a completely different eye. This creates up to five patterns total. This trait does not require the use of the Patterned Eye Trait, as it is included within this trait automatically]

46-image.pngCan be applied via the Never-Ending Treat.
(Can be swapped to any same-species trait the item applies.)

Secondary Eye Colors (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: CCCats

[Eye has a secondary set of colors they can swap between]

  • An eye may have its base and pupil color shift between one other color to another set of colors within the eye's current trait range.
  • Eyes with patterns, dual color, sectoral eye, etc. may have their color change along with the base color of the eye. 
  • Effects on the eye such as sparkle, opalescent, or metallic do not change their effect but may change color with the eye.
  • Cannot stack for multiple colors or multiple variants of eyes. Only applies once to allow one additional set of colors on an eye.

Secondary Eye Colors (Crooks) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Crooks

[Eyes have a secondary set of colors they can swap between]

  • Eyes (cluster and/or true eyes) may have their base and pupil color shift between one other color to another set of colors.
  • Eyes with patterns, dual color, sectoral eye, etc. do not have their shape change but may have their color change along with the base color of the eye. 
  • Effects on the eye such as sparkle, opalescent, or metallic do not change their effect but may change color with the eye.
  • Cannot stack for multiple colors or multiple variants of eyes. Only applies once to allow one additional set of colors on a singular eye set.

Secondary Eye Colors (Gravents) (Rare)

Category: Eyes
Species: Gravents

[Eyes have a secondary set of colors they can swap between]

  • Eyes may have their base and pupil color shift between one other color to another set of colors.
  • Eyes with patterns, dual color, sectoral eye, etc. do not have their shape change but may have their color change along with the base color of the eye. 
  • Effects on the eye such as sparkle, opalescent, or metallic do not change their effect but may change color with the eye.
  • Cannot stack for multiple colors or multiple variants of eyes. Only applies once to allow one additional set of colors on a singular eye set.
81 results found.