
<a href="" class="display-item">Enchanted Conduit</a>

Enchanted Conduit

Category: Crafting Item

Rarity: 10

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 5 Crowns

Carved with Caster Speak, these conduits lead magic through Skire's technology...

⦿ Used For 

Crafting in certain recipes

  • ?????

⦿ Obtained From
  • ?????

Rarity - Tier 1 Crafting Item

NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!

<a href="" class="display-item">Ceramic Tiling</a>

Ceramic Tiling

Category: Crafting Item

Rarity: 10

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 5 Crowns

This ceramic tiling is forged in the large, magical ovens of Stonewing. They are powered by  highly skilled fire magic users...

⦿ Used For 

Crafting in certain recipes

  • ?????

⦿ Obtained From
  • ?????

Rarity - Tier 1 Crafting Item

NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!

<a href="" class="display-item">Engraving Chisels</a>

Engraving Chisels

Category: Crafting Item

Rarity: 10

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 5 Crowns

These chisels are used to carve grooves into surfaces. Magical artisans then fill the grooves with distilled ichor to create more simple magical conduction methods...

⦿ Used For 

Crafting in certain recipes

  • ?????

⦿ Obtained From
  • ?????

Rarity - Tier 1 Crafting Item

NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!

<a href="" class="display-item">Molding Metal Plates</a>

Molding Metal Plates

Category: Crafting Item

Rarity: 10

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 5 Crowns

Molding metal is renowned as one of the most pliable magical materials. It can be molded like clay and hardened magically into whatever form the creator desires. It is very easy to infuse with magics...

⦿ Used For 

Crafting in certain recipes

  • ?????

⦿ Obtained From
  • ?????

Rarity - Tier 1 Crafting Item

NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!

<a href="" class="display-item">Reflective Trim</a>

Reflective Trim

Category: Crafting Item

Rarity: 10

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 5 Crowns

Technology, both magical and not,  often require magical trim to keep wiring  and components organized and prevent sharp edges from snagging...

⦿ Used For 

Crafting in certain recipes

  • ?????

⦿ Obtained From
  • ?????

Rarity - Tier 1 Crafting Item

NOTICE - This item is subject to change over time and will be obtainable by other means in the future!

5 results found.