Submission (#8836) Approved

5 October 2024, 21:57:43 UTC (2 months ago)
6 October 2024, 22:56:29 UTC (2 months ago) by Frog
◦ Form:
◦ Payout Details:
shaded fullbody:18
simple background: 10
gift: 6

◦ Total Payout: 34
◦ Other:
The shading is kinda hard to see but if you up ur brightness it should be visible. (The fur is just dark and green is hard to shade)
Reward Amount
Crowns 0
Ichor 3

Loot Tables Rolled [ Show ]

Loot Table Reward Amount
🌌Ichor Ichor 3
Criteria Rewards

Standard Prompt Payout (Drawing) - 34 Crowns

Half Body: Not Applicable
Fullbody: Shaded
Background: Simple Background
Additional Character Bonus: No Additional Character
Magic Bonus: 0
Gift/NPC Bonus: On
Send Back if Payout is Revised: Off