Submission (#853) Approved

27 October 2023, 20:44:32 UTC (10 months ago)
27 October 2023, 21:34:32 UTC (10 months ago) by Frog
⦿Prompt Number: (2)

⦿Ownership Status: (Owner)

⦿Prize Pool Choice: (MYOs)

⦿Prompt Prize: ("STINGER SOURPOP" for Prompt 4)

Here's the writing for Prompt 2 "Unexpected Visitor". Let me know if I need to revise it!:


Bana hops in glee towards the dense village furnished with vibrant costumes and glistening decor, ecstatic to enjoy the festive season. Though as the CCCat bounced joyfully on the sidewalk, constantly amazed by the candles and pumpkins laid about, their eye glimpse towards a mysterious alleyway oddly decorated with an array of lanterns dangling gently from the makeshift roof. Bana looked intently at the soft lights that luminate far into the abyss. Intrigued by the ornamentation, the CCCat wandered in the darkness, venturing deeper into the unknown passageway. As Bana admires the dazzling luminance leading their way, a voice calls out to them. “H-Hello..? Is someone here? Are you.. Lost perhaps?” The unfamiliar entity spoke in a frantic tone while investigating the sound, cautiously walking to the CCCat. Afraid by the sudden whisper, Bana gradually steps back, trembling in fear as the sound gets louder. “It’s okay.. I’m not going to hurt you as I bring no harm..” The figure called out once more becoming more visible under the lantern’s glow. Her purple flame on their body softly luminate in the dark, allowing Bana to see the unfamiliar Whick more clearly.

“Oh dear! I’m so sorry for scaring you like that! I haven’t even introduced myself properly” She says in a hurried tone, holding her staff above the CCCat so she could see them more clearly. “I’m Sueto and I’m.. I’m quite in a rush at the moment. These wisps have been roaming around everywhere and they seem to be more abundant now..” She mutters weary “I’ve.. Been searching for help but I can’t find anyone to do it. I know this might be a bad time to ask but.. Could you.. Possibly help me collect some wisps for me?” Sueto asks tiredly, awaiting a response from Bana. The CCCat hesitates for a moment before replying with a happy nod. “Thank you so much!! W-wait! AH I completely forgot! You don’t have a lantern on you and you’ll need one to gather wisps… There should be some glass pieces and other stuff lying around somewhere within the woods. If you bring them over, I’ll be able to craft one for you!” Sueto grins at Bana and sends them on their way to retrieve the supplies.

Bana treads carefully into the eerie abyss within the forest, shivering in fear. As they traverse the unfamiliar terrain with uneasiness, the CCCat is drawn to several peculiar glass shards lined up in a path, colorfully illuminating in the murk. Concealed in curiosity, Bana decides to follow the shards, picking them up and stuffing them in their back while the wisps float around the area. At the end of the trail was an empty lantern frame, carved with several banana symbols and glossed with shiny black paint. As Bana cautiously lifts the decorated frame in their paws, the wisps frantically disperse away into the darkness, afraid that something sinister would happen. In their grasp, Bana paces back to the festive village and deep into the alleyway once more, holding the frame and supplies needed carefully.

“Ah you’ve found the fragments I see!” Sueto's facial expression remains exhausted but she still replies in a joyful tone. “Bring them here and let's take a look. We should be able to piece them back together.” Sueto wipes off the trinkets scattered about her desk, allowing Bana to lay their backpack along with the old lantern frame on the table. The two worked diligently on reconstructing the lantern, figuring out where each piece went and attached them together with strong adhesive. As the last fragment was glued together, they carefully placed the vibrant glass panels onto the frame, securing them together. “Annnnddd there! This shou-” before she could muster anything and let go of the last glass panel, a strong boom before a bright flash radiated from the crafted lantern, levitating in the air and sparking with light.
Reward Amount
Wisp Lantern 1
Wisps 1
🎨[Wisps and Whispers Art Prompt 2023] FFA MYO Slot Pool (Raffle Ticket) 1

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Loot Table Reward Amount
Thumbnail for OFFICIAL-CCCAT-909


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