Submission (#4147) Approved

27 March 2024, 20:17:52 UTC (8 months ago)
30 March 2024, 22:58:18 UTC (8 months ago) by Frog
◦ Payout Details: ok it’s a fullbody, attempted to shade properly and is hopefully a complex background
◦ Total Payout:44 crowns
◦ Ownership Status: non owner
◦ Prompt Prize Pool: non owner myo raffle
◦ Other: if there is something not up to standard you can deduct the crowns but they’re eating the fish they cooked 🥰
Criteria Rewards

Standard Prompt Payout (Drawing) - 34 Crowns

Half Body: Not Selected
Fullbody: Shaded
Background: Simple Background
Additional Character Bonus: Not Selected
Magic Bonus: 0
Gift/NPC Bonus: On
Send Back if Payout is Revised: On
Thumbnail for NPC-020: Wyrm

NPC-020: Wyrm

No rewards set.