Submission (#3875) Approved

16 March 2024, 21:24:07 UTC (9 months ago)
20 March 2024, 03:14:25 UTC (9 months ago) by Frog
◦ Payout Details: 746 words. I believe I get 15 crowns. Unless +5?
◦ Total Payout: 15 crowns I believe
◦ Ownership Status: owner
◦ Prompt Prize Pool: FFA myo
◦ Other:

No idea why Trello would do that this month lol so weird but I sent it to Google docs! So that should fix it completely now. So sorry about that.
Reward Amount
Crowns 0
🍰[Savory Sweet Spectacular] FFA MYO Slot Pool (Raffle Ticket) 1

Loot Tables Rolled [ Show ]

Loot Table Reward Amount
Criteria Rewards

Standard Prompt Payout (Writing) - 15 Crowns

Word Count: 600 Words
Magic Bonus: 0
Gift/NPC Bonus: Off
Send Back if Payout is Revised: Off
Thumbnail for MYO-CCCAT-761: Pentious

MYO-CCCAT-761: Pentious

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for MYO-CCCAT-1117: Kitkat

MYO-CCCAT-1117: Kitkat

No rewards set.