Submission (#3111) Approved
19 February 2024, 15:37:01 UTC (11 months ago)
21 February 2024, 04:00:58 UTC (11 months ago) by Frog
◦ Question: "Who was there for you in a time of great need?"
◦ Payout Details: 2099 words, 1 character, not gift art
◦ Total Payout: 54
◦ Other: Scoop is mentioned briefly, as are other characters, who aren't actually on the masterlist. They aren't actively involved beyond being mentioned and never named, and serve more as plot devices for the overall narrative, with no real dialogue or defining traits present save for the "Dad" mentioned. I'm hoping it's vague enough that I won't have to use an actual character, considering they're all pretty much relegated to his backstory, with no real plans to actually use them beyond mentions.
◦ Payout Details: 2099 words, 1 character, not gift art
◦ Total Payout: 54
◦ Other: Scoop is mentioned briefly, as are other characters, who aren't actually on the masterlist. They aren't actively involved beyond being mentioned and never named, and serve more as plot devices for the overall narrative, with no real dialogue or defining traits present save for the "Dad" mentioned. I'm hoping it's vague enough that I won't have to use an actual character, considering they're all pretty much relegated to his backstory, with no real plans to actually use them beyond mentions.
Criteria Rewards
Standard Prompt Payout (Writing) - 54
Word Count:
2000 Words
Magic Bonus:
Gift/NPC Bonus:
Send Back if Payout is Revised:
MYO-CROOK-002: Roman
No rewards set.