Submission (#2604) Approved

3 February 2024, 07:54:28 UTC (10 months ago)
3 February 2024, 08:11:30 UTC (10 months ago) by Frog
◦ Payout Details:
- Shaded Fullbody - 18
- Complex Background - 20
- Additional Fullbody - 16

◦ Total Payout: 54

◦ Ownership Status: Already-Owner

◦ Prompt Prize Pool: MYO

◦ Other: I am not sure if the background counts as complex or not, Ill put complex, cause it has background, foreground and middle and is shaded, but am sorry in advance if you need to change that !
Reward Amount
Box of Hearts 1
Crowns 5
💗[Skirentines] FFA MYO Slot Pool (Raffle Ticket) 1
Sand Heart 1

Loot Tables Rolled [ Show ]

Loot Table Reward Amount
💗Sifting Sands Crowns 5
Criteria Rewards

Standard Prompt Payout (Drawing) - 54 Crowns

Half Body: Not Selected
Fullbody: Shaded
Background: Complex Background
Additional Character Bonus: Additional Fullbody
Magic Bonus: 0
Gift/NPC Bonus: Off
Send Back if Payout is Revised: Off