Claim (#98) Approved

1 September 2023, 18:39:51 UTC (10 months ago)
1 September 2023, 22:29:41 UTC (10 months ago) by Frog
I am missing all my items!
My old Skire username is Dreadful96
I do have Screenshots of everything. I am unsure if I am missing anything else, but feel free to message me on discord for the Screenshots. My url user is dreadcoy on discord.
The item/tickets I am missing is
1 Myth Ticket
1 Uncommon Ticket
1 Enchanted Headlight
1 Overgrowth Elixir
1 Silky Brush

I did submit my event entries but I am unsure if they have been confirmed/seen yet. I haven't been messaged by a mod about it yet since it has been pretty crazy for ya'll