🌿[SPRING UPDATE] MYO Questline Launch

Posted 3 days ago :: Last edited 1 day ago by Sweet-n-treat


Across Skire, a new journey begins every single day. Every species navigates these days differently, as individuals and together, and lead rich lives. In an effort to bring the species of Skire closer together, the Elder has gathered four Skireans, each special in their own way, with unique experiences that shape their existences. He gave each one a seedlet, a representation of endless possibilities, sending them out to cultivate each one, in hopes that one day these seedlets would become as grand as his own home tree. 

Thank you to all the hard work put in by the team to create this questline! This questline is able to be completed once by all users, and comes alongside a guidebook to getting started on the site. Meet each of the four species and explore the land of Skire by completing each questing prompt, exploring by creating visual art or writing. This quest consists of four prompts that can be completed with NPCs or as gift art. Each will earn a series of unique currencies called4-icon.pngSeedlets, culminating in aSaplingSapling that you can use to purchase one of two options, all detailed below.

The Elder's MYO Questline is completable once per user. The slot, premade, and tickets that come from these prompts cannot be transferred and are permanently bound to the user, and cannot be sold, traded, gifted, or turned in to the yearly turn in. Please keep this in mind when completing the quests. 

There is no time limit to complete this questline, so please take your time to read over and understand the details. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the disclaimers, as by participating you agree to the terms of these prompts. ❗❗❗Everything earned from this prompt is account bound! Please keep this in mind when deciding to participate❗❗❗ Please allow patience with the approval processs as well!




Explore the four species of Skire. These prompts can each be completed ONCE and in ANY ORDER. They each grant 1 SeedletSeedlet Currency that can be spent at the Elder's Abode. You will recieve a total of FOUR SeedletSeedlets  from the quest that you may spend at your discretion. 

Each prompt grants full crown payout as well as 1 SeedletSeedlet Currency.

CCCat - The Self

  • Discover what makes each being unique! The path one takes often leads identity to emerge.
Crook - To Adapt

  • Overcome difficulty and adversity, and how that forms who one is.
Gravent - Connection

  • The connections formed in life will lead us to countless new places. 
Nautipod - Beginnings

  • A fresh start or a new beginning happens countless times in one's life. 


This prompt may only be completed once the previous four species prompts are completed! This prompt grants full crown payout as well as 1 SaplingSapling Currency. The Sapling may be spent at one of two places, detailed further below. Please note that you must choose from either a MYO Slot or a Premade from the Crossroads.


  • The world around us influences us every day. Consider a place that your character witnessed that shaped a key memory or moment in their life or formation.


SeedletSeedets - Can be spent at the Elder's Abode on account bound trait tickets.
SaplingSapling -
You receive 1 SaplingSapling for completing the entire questline. It can be spent on a MYO Slot at the Elder's Abode OR a Premade Design at the Crossroads. You do not have any time limit to make this choice, but once the Sapling is spent it cannot be refunded or returned. Please carefully consider your choice before making it!

  • ❗Please note❗ - The Crossroads shop is currently not stocked due to the team wanting to avoid a rush to claim designs. Designs will be released with a preview window, and will be first come, first serve, purchased with your Sapling. 
Elder's Abode

  • Spend your SeedletSeedlets here in exchange for account-bound trait tickets! These trait tickets do not have to be used on the MYO or designs received from this quest, but cannot be traded.
  • Turn in your SaplingSapling here for a MYO Slot. Remember you only get one Sapling!
  • All items purchased from this shop are ACCOUNT BOUND

  • Turn in your SaplingSapling here for a premade design made by the team! Remember you only get one Sapling!
  • Intended for those who may desire a premade design over designing something themselves.
  • Traits will be ALL COMMON and on base to allow for users to explore their designs. 
  • These designs are ACCOUNT BOUND
  • These designs will be dropped in small batches with a preview window.

Starting Skire PROMPT

In conjunction with with Elder's quest, Chirp has been tasked with guiding you around the Skire website! This consists of two parts, a scavenger hunt and a prompt. We highly encourage you to follow the Scavenger Hunt first as it grants a ward that can be used only on the prompt! The prompt experiments with a new payout value type and requirements. 

Starting Skire Scavenger Hunt

  • Meet Chirp at the Starter Guide to continue this hunt! This guide is a great place to begin if you're brand new to Skire, as it will prompt you to visit different places of the site, and give you a few small prizes!
  • This prompt will earn you a ward that can be used exclusively on the Starter Prompt! Be sure to complete it before submitting the starter prompt.
Starting Skire Prompt

  • The Starting Skire prompt brings with it the re-release of the starter pack! 
  • This prompt is a ONE TIME ONLY prompt. You may still complete it if you claimed the original Starter Pack. Thanks for staying with us!
  • This prompt features a unique payout type for both writing and drawing, and focuses on creating gift art.
  • Complete the scavenger hunt to recieve a ward that is EXCLUSIVE to this prompt! Be sure to complete the hunt before submitting this prompt.


Spring has sprung on Skire! Spring is a time of new growth, leaning heavily into the cycle of life on Skire. Spring prompts can focus on springtime food, weather, activities, and more! Create any art themed around springtime for this prompt for STANDARD PAYOUT and a random chance at some new gift boxes that center our more spring themed items.

  • This prompt has a chance to drop one of two gifts, each with different themes to their drop possibilities. 
  • This prompt is STANDARD PAYOUT
  • You will also see the release of two new spring themed Wards to go alongside this event!
  • This prompt will cycle in on March 03rd @00:00:00 and cycle out May 31st @23:59:59 site time!


CROOKS - 03/02/2025

  • Pattern Shifting Eye for Crooks allows EACH eye affected by the trait to have 5 unique patterns. Each individual eye can have unique patterns, and do not need to match
  • Added Living Tongue as an Unseen Affliction
  • Added Floating Cluster Eye as an Oddity trait
  • Split Tendrils and Shaped Tendril Tip have been clarified:
    • Split Tenrils - Allows for a twin tendril split as well as shorter, forked splits
    • Shaped Tendril Tip - Shaped tendril tip can effect the split tips of a tendril, and allowing both tips to display a shape
  • Added Odd Shaped Tendrils as a Myth trait.
  • Linked Tendrils has been downgraded from Myth to Rare, and all instances have been granted x1 Myth trait
  • Floating Tendril Piece has been downgraded from Myth to Rare, and all past instances have been granted x1 Myth trait
  • Metallic, Opalescent, and Glowing Tendril have been downgraded from Rare to Uncommon, and all instances have been granted x1 Rare trait
  • Metallic, Opalescent, and Glowing Eyes have been downgraded from Rare to Uncommon, and all instances have been granted x1 Rare trait
  • Tendrils on Head + Elsewhere on Body have been dissolved and grants +1 Oddity to applicable designs
  • Any designs that were updated to include any upgraded traits will only receive that respective trait only if the original design also has it. The design can keep the trait as it currently appears as long as it is not redesigned or reverted. Upgraded traits do not grant unused traits.

🌸Other Updates🌸

  • STARTER GUIDENew to Skire? This starter guide will give you insight on how to get started with earning crowns and working towards your first Skire Character! We're glad to have you!
  • ACCOUNT TOS - Please keep in mind our site rules. Funneling of any kind is not allowed! You may of course send gifts to friends, but excessive funneling of free or reduced gifts from one account to another is against the rules. 
  • MAGIC - Concepts for a change to magic training have begun! These concepts will likely come in a future update, and are in development thanks to Pasta!
  • CRAFTING -  Crafting will begin its next steps soon!
  • OTHER UPDATES/FEATURES - We have a lot of pieces to put into place for future large projects! They intermingle quite a bit, but we are working when we can to develop these!
  • ITEM SORTING - A few new item sorting customizations have been added thanks to Pasta! This includes rarities, trait tags, and a species tag!
  • NEW ITEMS - Three new wards and two new boxes have been released!
  • POD TRAIT IMAGES - Pod trait images have been uploaded thanks to Pasta! Some are still missing but will be added slowly over time.
  • MENTORS - Spring  Mentors have arrived! Ether Mentor Envello has returned and will remain for the rest of the season!
  • MAGIC BONUSES - Magic Bonuses will apply for the following Magics this season: Air, Ether, Storm, Nature, Life, Mind
  • MARCH  SKIRE SCOOP QUESTION - "What is your ideal rainy day?"
  • SHOP UPDATES - The General Store has updated with new stock!


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