
<a href="" class="display-status">Ether</a>



Season: Spring
Abilities: Ether Manipulation, Generation

About Envello

Envello is the definition of a go-lucky, carefree cat. With a joy for laughter and a prankster pastime, they are often seen as the one to spur the laughter of those around them or be the echoing laugh heard from around. It’s hard to know if what Envello says is serious or a clever sly remark told all-too seriously. You can often see it in the way they smirk, waiting for their pun or joke to be picked up on, but even then their tells aren’t always reliable. That all said, Envello is not one to be mistaken for downplaying serious matters or situations. In fact, it’s known they can be rather scary with how much knowledge they have and ability to express the gravity of situations, often detailing specifics to those who dare assume a matter is less serious than Envello believes.
They take their mentor position with a strong sense of duty, ensuring those who learn from them understand fully what they are getting into. While jokes and laughter are part of the commonplace repertoire for Envello while they teach, if they see a mistake they are quick to announce it and correct it. They do not allow the concept of magic to be taken lightly or seen as anything other than a dangerous tool. To them and those they teach, it’s often explained magic must be seen as a power that can harm, and a choice to not do so.

Levels & About

The nature of Ether magic is a precision-based Air mentality. One might often think that the advancement of Air magic into Ether might compound its whimsical and free-thinking aspects. In reality, it’s not quite that clean-cut. Color and music, refraction and vibration, chemical and logical. The unseen atmosphere has a deeper makeup to it that Ether users seek to understand. A burning curiosity and vigor are often traits one might devise of Ether mages, almost to the point of discomfort. It is this keen-ness to observe that often drives them to create and shift the properties of the air around them for the better or the worse. Better or worse or any moral holds little ground when there is progress and discovery to be made. It is this line of thought that tends to make masters of Ether magic great scientists. Often they care little for the consequences and would rather use any ill outcome as a learning experience.

Ether mages can also wield their power for more purely creative pursuits. Many choose the complete opposite of science and become musicians and artists instead, using their discoveries to further advance and redefine their fields.

  • 0 -- Affiliated -- Cannot yet use Ether magic
  • I -- Understanding the chemical properties of the air around you, one can change the makeup of air in subtle ways.
  • II -- By manipulating the chemical particles in the air, one can create vibrations and color-shifts over the expanse of their control.
  • III -- Can seemingly change the properties of the air in an instant; causing large areas to go from easily breathable to suffocating or even deadly to inhale inside. Inversely the positive properties of the air can be enhanced at will.
  • Defect -- You Cannot Train magic any further! You have forced your body to adapt too much to Ether, and now your form knows only that. Parts of your body are constructed purely of reverberating, colorful atmosphere.
  • Nullified -- 

Mentor Banner - Frog  // Defect Item -- Frog // Description -- spockirkcoy / WellHidden

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