🪐[Fractured] The Aftermath

🪐[Fractured] The Aftermath

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 2 December 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (3 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[🪐FRACTURED ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Things finally feel as though they've settled...



Part 4

All that's left is to pick up the pieces.

When you think back about everything that happened, you’re not sure how much time has passed. Everything feels like a blur, yet crystal clear in your mind at the same time.

Yes, Eeridi had shattered. You recall the emotions you felt when that information dawned on you. The world you once knew no longer existed, at least not in the same way you remembered.

Eventually you mustered the courage along with the others to approach the edge of the world as you know it. It made your stomach turn to look down and see a vast expanse of nothing but air, clouds, and Ichor below. Down there, under the mist and mire, you could still see the looming Titan moving like a leviathan across the surface of some inner alien world. You feel dizzy just looking at it.

When you look up you can see other fragments of Eeridi suspended far in the distance. They remind you of the floating islands near Meteor Lake, or Stonewing, though you know these fragments of the planet are much larger than they appear. Whole continents suspended in air… it’s still hard for you to wrap your head around even now.

In the weeks that followed the Shattering, people tried hard to adapt as quickly as possible. You think that if Skire had been less keen on advancement before all this, the change would have been harder for you all. Somehow everyone has found a way to band together and push towards solutions.

The Ichor Beasts still spawn here sometimes. With time you learn that you can predict where they appear if you follow the trail of the Titan below. Guilds have been popping up all over the place with this exact knowledge in mind. They’re training people on how to fight the Ichor Beasts. These guilds go by many names, but they are all sworn to fight back and keep us safe.

The air feels heavier around the edges of Skire, and authorities warn you all, especially those with abilities to fly, not to try and traverse the openings at all. The gravity is too great; able to suck down any craft that attempts to bridge the gaps at land level. The only way to travel from one island to another is from space. Over time you see an explosion of new types of space-faring shuttles and crafts built to ferry people from one island to the next.

It seems daily that you hear new stories of adventuring parties and researchers attempting to go down to the surface below; the “Core Planet” as they’ve been calling it. It seems to you like it’s a death wish to want to go down there, but they keep insisting that the information they gather is priceless. Half of them don’t come back.

Despite the enormous change to your physical world, you find that things are starting to move on like normal. Yes the air is a bit thinner, and the Ichor Beasts can be a tad annoying to deal with, but life goes on. Skireans are resilient beings. You all work hard to repair what has been broken.

Of course, researchers are still trying to figure out why all of this happened. You yourself wonder what the greater meaning of all this is, if there even is one. Everyone everywhere has their own theories. All you can really do is go on with your life, adapt, and hope that nothing worse happens to your precious planet.

Prompt Writing - spockirkcoy / Prompt Image - Frog


Prompt 4 - 

Things have finally settled, you feel as though you can finally breathe.

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) rebuilding after the fracturing.

  • How do you rebuild? Do you build new relationships, new shelters, new knowledge?
  • Do you participate in the trips to the Core Planet? Does anything draw you to the ichor-ridden planet below?
  • How did you walk away? Do you have injuries, losses, or newfound ideas?

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

⦿ Submission Form

◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout: (Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Consumable: (List any items here as a consumable! Please specify and attach it to the prompt to assure you are granted the correct reward)
◦ Other: (Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!
Stargazer's Trunk 1
Challenge Coin 1
🌌Ichor 1
🌌 1

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) .

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