[🍰Part 01] Gather Ingredients

[🍰Part 01] Gather Ingredients

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 30 April 2024, 23:59:59 UTC (5 months ago)
Current time: UTC

[PART 1 ◦ STANDARD PAYOUT] Gotta gather ingredients!


🍛Gather Ingredients🍰

Prompt Outline

Can't make a meal without ingredients!


Prompt 1 - 

This prompt must be completed FIRST

Gather ingredients! Go shopping, forage for your own, harvest, or share your quest for the perfect ingredient!

Draw or write about an Official Skire Character (Yours, someone else's, or an NPC) gathering ingredients to cook with.

  • Do they grow or make their own ingredients, or do they purchase them?
  • Do they prefer to stick to their ingredient list,  or will they try just about anything?
  • Do they enjoy unorthodox ingredients? CCCats do not need to eat standard foods, but many find that they enjoy the process or the taste! Due to the fact that their body breaks down whatever object they eat, they may also enjoy odd ingredients, and things that some might not even consider food. Consider the texture, the taste, and the source! Why do they pick those ingredients? 

Please check if the character is AVAILABLE or ASK FIRST. Please always make sure to ask if it is not clear!



Refer to the Prompt Guide for more detailed information.

  • Writing - 600 Words
  • Drawing - Halfbody with a Simple Background

  • Prompt 1 - Gather Ingredients - Submittable once for 1 entry to your chosen pool (+1 entry for Non-Owners to the N/O MYO Slot Pool)
  • This prompt grants STANDARD CROWN PAYOUT
◦ Payout Details: (Detail what payouts you expect to receive as well as using the calculator attached to the prompt)
◦ Total Payout:
(Amount of Crowns you expect to receive)
◦ Ownership Status:
Owner/Non Owner
◦ Prompt Prize Pool:(Berry Breakfast Premade/Plant Protein Premade/MYO Slots/Trait Tickets)
◦ Other:
(Any other notes we should know!)



Reward Amount
Crowns See Payout Guide!


[🍰Part 02] Let's Get Cooking

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per year .

This prompt has ended.