Season: Fall
Abilities: Metal Manipulation, Generation

About Roxwell


Levels & About

Not unlike its predecessor, Metal magic offers a healthy mix of stability and moldability to individuals who wield it. Earth and Metal mages tend to be closely associated; often sharing their crafts together to form intricate collaborations. However, where an Earth mage might be unwilling to change, a Metal magic user is more willing to alter tactics for a more favorable result. They are highly moldable individuals often a product of the environment around them. Those who use Metal are resilient, and unlikely to crumble or crack under pressure. Instead, each trial is used as a stepping stone to adapt; each scratch and dent is a trophy. Do you yield to time’s scar, or change to become stronger? That is usually the mindset Metal mages possess. They’re highly protective people, and might stow away sensitive feelings inside a steely shield rather than express them.

Under all that fancy exterior, the base often stays the same, and some users of Metal might find they have a tendency to fall back into old habits when remembering their roots.

  • 0 -- Affiliated -- Cannot yet use metal magic
  • I -- Using existing metal deposits, basic shapes can be molded, like blocks, balls, or plates.
  • II -- Gathering more materials, stronger, more complex metal forms can be erected. Loose deposits may be extracted or refined from surrounding earth.
  • III -- The manipulation of metal can be used to form complex objects or more delicately meld things together without need for a kiln. Formed metal can also be used as weapons or projectiles.
  • Defect -- You have forced your body to adapt too much to Metal, and now your form knows only that. Parts of your body are constructed purely of metal alloy.
  • Nullified -- 

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