NPC-030: Iorel's Profile


Season: Summer
Abilities: Smoke Manipulation, Generation

About Iorel


Levels & About

At the beginning when the first sparks are lit, or in the trail of a raging fire, clouds of many shades billow upwards. What is left after the burn is ash and Smoke, the tangible and intangible. It lingers in the air, as a smell in your clothes, and as a memory of what cannot be undone.

Mages skilled in the use of Smoke know well that destructive power of fire lends second into this vaporous form. A far more insidious killer; one that blankets the sky and conceals your sight, hindering your perception of the world around you. Those who master its uses tend to be mysterious but boisterous individuals. Their presence commands space, often silencing rooms full of people with their large and suffocating auras.

If you hope to document history, approaching a master of Smoke is your best bet. They’re incredibly sharp; able to recall even mundane events that others might forget. With the power to bestow clarity also comes the ability to sow seeds of doubt. Smoke mages are often seen as spiritual guides; their words interpreted as truth more often than not. What reason is there to not trust one who remembers everything?

  • 0 -- Affiliated -- Cannot yet use Smoke magic
  • I -- If there is smoke present, one may alter its flow and density.
  • II -- A smoke cloud’s strength can be both increased and decreased, as well as altering the temperature. This can allow a range of smoke from a nearly undetectable vapor to be harmless if breathed in, or a chokingly intense smog able to nearly suffocate those that need air.
  • III -- Can conjure smoke without need for a burning fire. These smogs can be formed into specific attacks utilizing the previous level’s knowledge to fortify them.
  • Defect -- You have forced your body to adapt too much to Smoke, and now your form knows only that. Parts of your body are constructed purely of dense smog.
  • Nullified -- 

Mentor Banner - WellHidden // Defect Item -- Sweet-n-treat // Description -- spockirkcoy / WellHidden