Eva26x's Avatar Eva26x

20 September 2023 (11 months ago)

Characters / MYOS


Absinthe Avatar

Hello! ^^ Would they interest you for your cccat? https://skire.club/character/OFFICIAL-CCCAT-684

They have a few art pieces , I can also offer add ons if needed

2024-03-12 19:01:03 (Edited 2024-03-12 19:02:08)

Eva26x Avatar

Thanks for reaching out on DA! They are very cool but a bit too complicated for me sorry

2024-03-14 07:52:14

Absinthe Avatar

Is it ok if I look for something else in a 3way? Do you have a discord? (Or something else where I can message u)

2024-03-14 12:15:49

MaggotBrains Avatar

hello there, i see that your CCCat is up for offers, is there anything in particular you want for it?

2023-09-30 15:08:16

Eva26x Avatar

I’m only looking for swaps/other cccats

2023-10-01 08:23:57

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