Skire.Club Traits
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20-30 Tentacles (Abyssal)
Living Tentacles (Abyssal)
Inanimate Soft Body (Abyssal)
Dual Body (Abyssal)
Click to search ML for trait [Dual body. The nautipod is split into two beings. Shows as a split bodied or two headed humanoid]
Tentacles in Multiple Places (5) (Abyssal)
Click to search ML for trait [Tentacles can be located in multiple places (5) on the humanoid body, ie: head and tail at once. The total number of tentacles in all spots must equate to the total number of tentacles on the pod form]
Tentacles for Arms (Abyssal)
Nautipod Sizes (Abyssal) (Abyssal)
Click to search ML for trait Available to Nautipods that possess a touched trait or higher. Does not count as an extra trait.
Extra Tiny - [The Nautipod is smaller than Chibi. It cannot be so miniscule that it is invisible. Min 0'3" Pod/4’0” Humanoid]
Extremely Large - [The Nautipod is larger than Monster size. It cannot be impossibly large. Max 3'6" Pod/8’6” Humanoid]
27 results found.