Skire.Club Traits
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Floating Body Piece (1-5) (Uncommon)
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Must be an extension from an existing part, such as an ear, horn, tail tip, fur, etc.
Must match a color that appears on the body, but may have patterning and be affected by marking traits
May be shaped as long as they appear to be a continuation of a body part
May be symmetrical or asymmetrical
Cannot resemble objects
Cannot be shapes that float around the body purely independantly
Raptor Claw (Uncommon)
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Affects one claw per limb. Can affect one, multiple, or all limbs. Can affect a digit of your choice
Can affect hand tails
Can be long, thick, and curled
May be symmetrical or asymmetrical in limb placement, and does not have to be the same finger per limb.
Spade Claws (Uncommon)
Pad Claws (Uncommon)
Snail Nails (Uncommon)
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Can apply to all claws or just specific claws
Claws must still be sharp and long to some degree
Internal swirl may show as the claw curling in on itsef somehow
Cannot appear flat or like fingernails
Squiggle Lips (Uncommon)
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Pattern can be jagged, zipper-like asymmetrical, wiggly, and form shapes like faux fangs. Also includes natural knicks in the lips that expose the teeth
Teeth must still be present beneath the lips
Cannot be hard or replace teeth
Lip Tags (Uncommon)
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Lips have protruding shapes that can be pointed, blunt, drippy, zipper-like, or akin to eyelashes
Can be droopy or more rigid
Can be any color
Can be linked or have holes
Cannot appear to come from inside the mouth
Cannot extend the entire lip
Cannot resemble Crowns
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