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Saber Teeth(Rare)
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- Can be long sabers or shorter fangs that do not extend from the mouth
- This trait can be stacked to allow for multiple sets of Sabers
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- Can be long tusks or shorter fangs that do not extend from the mouth
- This trait can be stacked to allow for multiple sets of Tusks
Tipsy-Turvy Teeth(Rare)
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- Can be long teeth or shorter fangs that do not extend from the mouth
- Must be opposite from one another to some extent, cannot directly overlap
- This trait can be stacked to allow for multiple sets of Tipsy Turvy Teeth
- Does not require the use of Saber Teeth or Tusks alongisde, but may be combined with them
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- Can be a long tooth or shorter fang that does not extend from the mouth
- Counts for one larger Saber, Tusk, or Fang
- Does not stack, as stacking would turn this trait into Saber, Tusks, or Tipsy-Turvy Teeth
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